Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Don Kanonji
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Don Kanonji
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: June 2005
Picture Date: July 3-4, 2005
Appearances: Anime Expo 2005
Components: Top Hat, Super Spirit Stick, Super Spirit Javelin, Cape, Shoulder Pads, Blue Top, Black Pants, Golden Cuffs, Golden Kanonball.
Powers Gained: 1. Kanonball
2. Producer
3. Charismatic Spiritual Medium for the New Century
4. Hell's Messenger
Drawbacks: 1. Smear
2. It's Don. AUGH.
3. It's Don. AUGH
4. It's Don. AUGH.
Story: We all decided that for AGSMA's 10th anniversary, we need some serious Limiter Removal. Pulling out all the stops. Since Genjitsu's such a sucker for open chest cosplay, we figured he'd be a shoe in for Don. So in the meantime, I was working on the devious Ichimaru Gin which fits my personality much more accurately. In fact my Ichimaru Gin was completed way before this. But Lance was going to be a captain and the script was running into problems. So Kon came into the script. With the advent of Kon however, Genjitsu got cold feet and his temptation to grab little girl's behinds while in a big plushy suit overcame open chest action. So we had a bet, and I lost. So now I'm Don and I need to make it in a week. No problem! Sure I can't get a tan in a week but with some stage magic it was possible! And don't forget the cute fuzzy bunnies on this costume! That was some of the softest fur ever. Bunnies are so useful for cosplay.


Don Kanonji Don Kanonji Don Kanonji Don Kanonji Don Kanonji

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Anime Expo 2005

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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