Copyright 2007 Pompous Inc. All Rights Reserved.
You have one of two choices.
The Most Kick Ass Band Ever!
The best band ever.
The way of life.
Slow Updates?
I would like to explain myself for the lake of updates as of late, first off Pompous Inc.'s website isn't doing very well and to be honest needs time to be rethought, redone, and completely overhauled. This will happen in due time, however as of right now I only plan on updating the Pompous Nation site. The Pompous Asses (due to recent developments) site and band won't be together, so we are taking a hiatas for the time being so we can find ourselves and find what we want to do with ourselves. I would like to take this time to give a special shout out to John Hunt, ourl lead singer, and fellow guitarist for joining the Air Force and completing boot camp on July 3rd, 2008. Congrats Man!
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