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Copyright 2007 Pompous Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Welcome back to Pompous Nation! The only place on the web where you can express yourself and show the world who you really are. Alright its about time for me to update this site, so I did so. I updated the Media & Talk pages aswell as started scouting out Affiliates. If you have a site or know someone who would like to link to us please do so. Once we get so many we will add a web ring to our site which will make it a lot easier for you guys to surf between sites. Another thing I'd like to comment on is the ad situation. I have been warning you that ads should be coming soon and as of right now I don't see that happening, however I am currently looking for a good ad service. Right now on April 1st, 2008 I do plan on trying to sign up for the new eBay Affiliate program.
     This months Pompous Movie of the Month is:
Saw IV you should take a peak as it is truely scary. And I thank you for your patience and please spread the word as we are only getting started. A little spoiler.... we hope to have a full running social networking site by the end of 2008! Thank you for being you and remember to stay Pompous!
March 23rd, 2008
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