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    The people of the world today stress over everything, but imagine if everyone was able to calm down, realize how

lucky they are, and just live life one day at a time. I realize this has probably been said before, however the world

could be a much better place if the Pompous Philosophy was implemented. The Pompous Philosophy is more than

living life to the fullest, it is living life knowing your limits while having fun, being suave or confident, knowing who your

friends are and using that to make yourself a better person throughout life.

     Imagine your walking down the sidewalk on the way to your dead end office job that you loath. You come up to an

intersection and wait to cross. The sign says walk and you start walking, but suddenly you hear a horn blasting loudly

and you are struck down and killed by a truck. Your life was lived in vain. You worried to much about the ?norm? in

society and you were doing things you felt you had to.  Without a doubt it is impossible for the average Joe to live life

without a job, however it is possible to find a career or job that you would love to per sou. Life is much more than

societies ?norm.? It consists of both luck, which you make yourself, and how bold you are willing to be. If you are

mearly someone who is to shy to reach out for your dream because you are scared you will fail, then you are mearly

someone living in societies ?norm? and are afraid to jump up and follow up with what you stand for. You have to reach

up and grab life by its balls and seize it.

     While seizing life by getting what you want out of it, you should without a doubt be hit hard by some limitations,

some things just can not be overcame. That's life, but that doesn't mean you should just lay back and take it. Try to

find a way around the problem or try a completely different way to get the the plateau of your dream. Limitations are

merely a way for life to test you and see  if you've truly got what it takes to do what you want to do with life. Some

limitations however cannot be overcome. For instance if you can't walk and your dream is to be an Olympic sprinter,

then probably thats not realistic. When picking what you truly want you also have to ask yourself if it is truly possible.

You can not do things that are physically impossible, you need to be able, however, to find something at the very

least, similar to your dream or beliefs and grab it. Living life in the shadows is not, at all, why we were put here on this

green earth.

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