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    While climbing upon that plateau you need to have confidence in yourself. Merely saying that you will do it one of

these days means absolutely nothing. You have to commit to it. You need something you are both good at and willing

to make a few sacrifices for. Nothing in this world comes cheap. Everything requires some deal of work. In order to

capture your dream you need to be both confident and suave about it. No one will get something they want by being a

pushover. You must be aggressive and seize the opportunities that present themselves to you. Life is much more

than just relaxing and living in the ?norm.?

     Friends are people who push you, have your back when life gets rough, and people who will do anything to help

you get to where you want to be in life by any way they possible can help. Friends help make up who you are, and by

having some real friends then you are half way to your goal in life. Friends can help you through your troubled times

or when you fall down on the way up to the plateau. Friends will help you grow as a person and help you become the

person you are destined to be in life.

     Life is without a doubt much more than just living life in the way that you are ?supposed? to or by the ?norm.? Life

is living in fast forward and grabbing it by the balls and getting what you want most out of life. No one wants a dead

end job, no one wants a dead beat friend, and no one wants someone who doesn't even try to get what they want out

of life. By simply living the Pompous Philosophy you can help your life to grow and expand. You can find friends that

will push you in the right direction and you can finally climb up to the top of that plateau and realize your dream. The

Pompous Philosophy is simply living life for you and for everyone else on this planet.
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