A Happy Midsummer to you!
Welcome to Weavre's
Little Homeweb in Cyberspace!
This page is my personal space, intended simply as a quick reference point for folks I might meet who'd like to find out a little bit more about who's holding up the other end of the conversation.
If that's my goal, perhaps I should try to tell you who I am?� Briefly, of course, since this is only an introduction . . . let's see . . .

I'm Wiccan, lesbian, mother to two children, and partner to Michelle--The Grrl In The Moon.� My interests are diverse:� camping, writing, homeschooling,� anthropology, parenting and communication skills, teaching, and more. I've taught at the University of Memphis, and then put in some time doing computer support in Dilbertland.� Now, with two of us to share the work, Michelle and I have launched our own business, teaching children and adults in a variety of areas.� We both work actively for human rights for women, and for pleasant coexistence in general--particularly in the areas of sexual orientation and religious diversity.� But if that's beginning to give you too much of an activist-academic kind of picture, blend it somehow with the happy smiles we wear lying on the floor with our children, surrounded by action figures, coloring books, and a toy castle . . . or,� recently, lying in bed while Michelle reads Harry Potter!
November, 1998
Did you know . . . ? (Just a few bits of gossip from this spaceship we share)
Still here?� Great!!!� If you want to know more, click on any of the links below and keep reading!
Tommy and Danica are just starting a site to journal their adventures in homeschool; click here to take a look at the "Cooper Academy!"

And there's someone special sharing this space with me, now . . . take a look at the wonderful things the
Grrl in the Moon has to say!!

Bumper stickers and favorite quotes
--exactly what it sounds like . . .

There are a blue million pages about Wicca on the web, so the doors that open from my "
Wicca Hallway" are limited to my own writings, outlines and descriptions of my Circle's recent rituals (posted with permission), questions to consider, tips for planning effective rituals, tips for successful large group events, and so forth.

What does an anthropologist do, anyway?
OK, fine, but what does anthropology have to do with this new job in Dilbertland?� Read a little about my dream . . .

Want to read some of my
writing?� You're only a click away from my Library, full of fiction, poetry, social commentary, research, and things that aren't quite so easy to classify!� (If you really want to know who I am, this is a good place to find out.)

If you're a visual kind of person with a fast connection, would you like to see a few pictures from my
photo album?� (Photo credits to my friend Ellen, not to me!)

Or if you've heard enough of me but think we share some interests, read some
things I like that other people wrote, or take a look at a list of links to sites I enjoy, sites of friends, and sites of folk who make a difference.

Yet another alternative--read about women's health, parenting, and top mass-media news stories in my�
news room.� (Yes, it's commercial news, but occasionally worth a read anyway.)
A note:� This page has been horribly neglected for quite some time.� I'm now hoping to have it revamped by Samhain, so check back regularly and see what's new!
I love contact; e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be sure to respond as promptly as I can!
visitors since� 9:00 am on April 19, 1999
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