For many people who thought bed bugs were not real, this may come as quite a shock. Believe it or not, bed bugs are insects that feed on human beings blood. They also feed on other warm blooded animals. Their bites can not be immediately felt. They are nocturnal insects that can live in both tropical and temperate climates. Bed bugs are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide.

The reality of the existence of bed bugs gets worse. Bed bugs are equipped with two hollow tubes which are for the extraction of blood. One tube injects saliva and the other one sucks the blood from the human body. The bites cause itching sensations which can linger and cause skin infections. Insomnia and stress are common reactions to the bites. These bites can cause sleeping disturbances due to the intense itching that is felt. These little creatures can burrow into the skin and leave some very discomforting red marks.

What attracts these pesky little bugs? An unclean room may be the number one cause, but there are other causes as well. For example, bed bugs are often found in areas where birds or mammals have nests. This means there are numerous places around the world that can be homes for the bugs. The bed bugs can easily be transferred from animals to human homes. Seeing pictures of people who have been bitten can be an eye opener to the reality of this problem.

One recent story about bed bugs is a friend of mine who moved into a new apartment. He signed a one year lease and shortly thereafter discovered the apartment was infested with bed bugs. He was mortified and did not know what to do. Not surprisingly, his girlfriend refused to visit him at the apartment. Forunately for him, the story has a happy ending. He was able to eliminate the problem with a little help from a bed bug book.

If you or someone you know has bed bugs, you need to know the facts. Do not let these pesky little bugs cause problems for you or your family.

What Are Bedbugs Are They Real


How to get rid of bedbugs

what are bedbugs

kill bedbugs



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If you think you have bed bugs, you need to read the the Bed Bug Bible. This book has everything related to bed bugs. Find out what they look like, where they can be found, and how to properly sanitize against them. For more information on bed bugs, go to Treat Bed Bugs. This site has everything about bed bugs including a link to the Bed Bug Bible.
I highly recommend visiting here for more info about kill bedbugs

what are bedbugs: preventing bedbugs

what are bedbugs: can you see bed bugs

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