Bed bugs are insects that feed on human beings blood. Yes, you read that right. They can also feed on other warm blooded animals. To complicate matters firther, their bites can not be immediately felt. They are nocturnal insects that can live in both tropical and temperate climates and are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide.

There is a close association of bed bugs with human beings. This means that they can cause a substantial nuisance through their blood feeding habits. They feed during the night on human hosts as they are sleeping. The bite often causes a hard, whitish swelling which distinguishes it from the flea bite. It leaves a dark red spot surrounded by a red area. A nuisance and itching is caused by the bites. The possibility of secondary infection is more common.

Bed bugs are not regarded as disease carriers, but their blood feeding can cause severe irritation in some people. This in turn causes loss of sleep, lack of energy and listlessness, particularly in children. Different individuals react differently to bites, some even gaining an immunity.

In the modern world, many factors are helping to sustain existing bed bug populations. Modern building techniques and the increase use of central heating, wall to wall carpets, loft and cavity wall insulation allows continued feeding and proliferation during winter.

What attracts these bugs? An unclean room may be the most common cause. There are also other causes. For example, bed bugs are often found in areas where birds have nests. This means there are many places in the world that can be homes for the bugs. The bed bugs can easily be transferred from animals to human homes. Seeing pictures of people who have been bitten can be a real eye opener to the reality of this problem.

If you think you have bed bugs, you need the Bed Bugs Bible. This book has everything related to bed bugs. Find out what they look like, where they can be found, and how to properly sanitize against them.

What Are Bedbugs Are They Real


preventing bedbugs

what are bedbugs

preventing bedbugs

what are bedbugs


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For more information on bed bugs, go to Treat For Bedbugs. This site has everything about bed bugs including the Bed Bugs Bible.
Courtesy of: Articles Publisher

what are bedbugs: what are bedbugs

what are bedbugs: preventing bedbugs

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