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As far as is currently known, there is but one reality. If each individual reports the nature of their "reality" as being slightly different from that of another individual�s "reality". Whatever they are both referring to, cannot be actual reality in two separate states. The belief that a unique personalised internal rendition is reality, when it is merely a facsimile, is a likely root cause of our cumulative confused condition.

How accurate is the rendition datacloud from which our evaluations, and consequently our actions, are derived?
Suppose two individuals perform a sum, by adding up the same column of numbers.

They may arrive at the same result. That does not preclude the possibility that they have both made the same error. (A single indistinct digit might be sufficient to cause this).
However, if their answers differ, a discrepancy definitely exists, which must be identified. Say the first individual arrives at 100. While the second seems confident with 105. The first may ask the second to recheck their workings. Which although the second considers this an affront, they accede to. Yet still subsequently arrive at a figure of 105. They are now certain that they are correct, and are confident that the first individual is mistaken. But the first asks that a different approach be tried. That starting with 105, each number in the column is subtracted to achieve a zero result. The second individual reluctantly obliges, but finishes with a result that is not nought. Sensing that they have now made an error, they repeat the calculation. Yet the outcome is identical. They now do not need the first individual to tell them, that something is desperately awry. But that agent provocateur suggests splitting the column in two, before applying both tests to each. After performing this process one half checks out, but the other half does not. The problematical part only is then halved again, and the procedure repeated. Again and again, until the delinquency is finally determined. It seems that the second person has been adding 7 and 9 and arriving at 17. But have been doing this all their life, and never before noticed. Until, that is, they have looked at the matter from an entirely different perspective.

There is far far more to this than I have assembled here. Daily debate with each new acquaintance, takes this matter further in ever new directions. As their rendition opens up to mine, a new and unexplored whimseyworld ripe for re-evaluation.

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