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Please test this basic introduction to self, to destruction. Should it falter, no matter. It will simply have shown itself as flawed. But in the process hopefully initiated the process of error detection, that may instead achieve the desired objective. Our efforts to overcome this impediment have long been exacerbated. By an unavoidable requirement to negate this age-old problem, through use of the problematical process itself.
As a bonus applying this procedure to other enduring quandaries, causes interesting outcomes to occur. For example: What is the most important function humans perform?
Whatever an individual may subjectively identify as pre-eminent. Any activity dependant on the presence of humanity cannot occur, unless the existence of humanity is maintained.

Therefore: the meaning of life is life itself, ensuring the continuity of the species.
If this assessment is incorrect, and there is indeed some greater meaning to uncover. Would our continued existence increase or decrease our chances of finding it?
Is it inconceivable that religion and science are simply different techniques? Deployed by humanity in pursuit of that indispensable survival requirement outlined above. Despite the fact that either of those two can be, and too often are, misappropriated and misused. To conduct war in ever more wanton ways.
If a religious outlook serves a useful purpose, then its correctness is immaterial. In addition to which it can be conjured up out of nothing. Which cannot be claimed for the provisions provided by science. It may be no more than faith, but so too is science. Faith that the available experimental evidence is comprehensively complete, and evaluation of that information is entirely accurate. Yet neither can prove their own infallibility, otherwise they would. We are as yet not dealing with an unerring appreciation of the entire situation. But rather, with a working hypothesis concerning our current circumstances.
As Socrates in his time possibly discovered and demonstrated, all human beliefs are open to challenge. When those who preferred to maintain an erroneous belief, that they were experiencing reality, realised something. That they were in fact only encountering their own unique personal rendition of reality. His fate was sealed.

Since remaining a primitive leader, demands primitive followers not be made aware of that delusion.
My part in this deal is planting seed. By the time that crop is ready for harvest, I shall be long gone. But by then a million million other minds may be working, on ways to turn a new and exotic fruit into a feast fit for our family�Fare well. 80.

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