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My Family

Introduction to my family

We are seven in the family. We are indeed lucky because, nowadays, a lot of families are either broken or incomplete.

My father, Elmo, and my mother, Rosalinda, have been together for over 30 years. They are the persons who fed us, clothed us and sheltered us. We truly owe our lives to these two wonderful people.

Through love and compassion for one another, they were able to bring us to life. Mama bore five children namely, Carlo, Cristina, Luis, Liselle and Charina. Just to inform you, Char and I were born 10 years after our brother, Luis, was born. Although we have large age gaps, we are still close as a family.



Elmo L. Custodio

"You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together."

-- Erika Cosby

I got this quote from the internet and thought that this fits my father.

My father had been gone for many years during our older siblings' childhood. He was out in Africa as one of UN's associate. He went away to work for the poor and work for his family. He lost the chance to become a daddy to our older siblings because his presence was only felt during his abrupt stays here in the Philippines. It was somewhat inevitable because he and mom were a young couple. Once, I heared him say to his friends, "God gave me another chance to become a dad. I should not squander this oppurtunity..."

He was always with us during our childhood days. He seldom left for business in the province. We were one of the lucky ones who experience our father's warmth in almost everyday of our lives.

Even today, I am still amazed with his capacity to withold others' temper. He has also has a way of making things possible. It is often shown whenever he fetches any of the family members. I am proud of my father. I am proud that my father is unlike other fathers who are often away and are only present in material things. :]



Rosalinda M. Custodio

"Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together."

-- Pearl S. Buck

The quote before this is a very concise and precise phraseology of how my mother is. She scold and kiss together at almost the same time. Her sayings and pieces of advice are often irritating but are infact really helpful.

Mama had truly shown love in many different ways. She works hard for us and gives us abundant amount of care and thought. She taught us almost anything we would want to know to survive life. She trains us how to cook and feed ourselves. She taught us how to clean our things and organize our possessions. She taught us manners and gave us tips on how to deal with almost any kind of person we see. She brought us to different places and told us stories about how the poor and rich live their lives. She gave us a perspective in life.

Other than being the best mentor and adviser, she is the person who is never selfish of love. She gives them whenever we need it. Even if it were midnight, early dawn or during the hot noon, she would never cease to accomodate us to her warm arms, especially when we feel bad about something.

"Mama" is a word, uniquely different to all the other words. As what the book of Mitch Albom says, "Mom is a word that can be forever stolen when our mothers die...". I am proud to have mama as my mom. I would never wish it any other way.


Kuya Bung Bung

Carlo Noel M. Custodio


Ate Nini

Cristina Elisa Custodio-Salvo


Kuya Buno

Luis Miguel M. Custodio


Nana :][:

Ma. Charina M. Custodio

arranged by age -> Summary Papa Mama 1st Kuya Ate 2nd Kuya Nana
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