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January 5, 2008

NOTE: This article is backdated.

What a depressing day. I didn't pass Ateneo... I'm happy for those who passed. It breaks my heart like... ughh... it's just so horrible. This gives me less confidence for UP... :C

Saiunkoku Monogatari I

January 4, 2008

NOTE: This article is backdated.

I have just finished watching Saiunkoku Monogatari. :) This show is just wonderful. I can't wait to see the next series.

Although the plot of this anime series tends to be corny, it never fails to amaze me with its power to teach good morals. The story often leans to obvious plot lines that could be predicted from the start. The other thing which I love most about this anime is their wonderful characters. This series have a variety of characters to love, each with their own pros and cons. They weren't created according to the stereotype of a hero/heroine who's either comical or perfect in almost every aspect. The character who I love most is Seiran Shi. I love his mysterious yet kind aura. Everybody likes him yet no one really knows who he is. Other than that, he has this nasty selfish and greedy attitude towards things. His character is a bit scary... haha.

The thing about this series which I don't like is its incapability to produce believable plots. In the part when Shuurei was cleaning the toilets, the gossip thing was just unbelievable.

God ♥ me

November 29, 2007

Today, we had quizzes on almost all subjects. Other than that, we had a lot of projects that are due next week. Then our bus was hit by a jeepney and then I receive news that their was a coup ed' tat in Manila Peninsula, Makati City.

Actually, God blessed me today. He gave me good company (Char, my friends and Klara) and a peaceful life. I'm thankful for this day because I was able to get through. I hope that tomorrow will be a good day too.

    Good Things That happened Today:
  1.  I was able to get good sleep, eat breakfast and brush my teeth.

    Lately, I wasn't able to accomplish simple tasks like these. Today, I was able to do it and somehow I feel good about it.

  2.  I was able to get mama sign our guitar permit.

    It was also unusual for mama to not question us whenever we feel like bringing the guitar to school. It was different today. She didn't ridicule our hobby today.

  3.  We were able to make a song for Amberly (our favorite bus mate :])

    Amberly -- She is always banging her head sideways. I've never seen a kid who bangs her head without feeling hurt.

    I borrowed Char's guitar for a while and felt like practicing the Jenny song. While I was playing the chords, the thought of her name popped in Gia's mind. Me and my bus mates had fun with the song. During afternoon, we found it amusing to make verses with Amberly's most known traits.

  4.  I was able to comply with all the requirements for today (ie. hw's, quizzes, sw's)
  5.  I was able to get my sister's transcript. I forgot to get it from the Registrar's office yesterday.
  6.  We were able to consult Mrs. Benitez for our SARP Project.
  7.  I was able to bring our Physics Project (investi) home.
  8.  Today was really fun.
  9.  Papa returned from Davao
  10.  He bought us a lot of good food to eat.
  11.  We have Internet today.
  12.  We have no classes tomorrow.

God gave me presence of mind today. I feel very blessed. I hope he blesses other people too.

Today + Tokio Hotel

November 26, 2007 - 9:16 pm

Today, I'm not in school. I spent my whole day (technically half because I spent the other 10 hours sleeping & and my next three hours are yet to be consumed). Let me share the things which I did for today. :]

    Things I did for today:
  1. 6:00+ am - Decided to be absent for today; slept again
  2. 10:00+ am - woke up
  3. 10:30 - Ate. It took me a while to realize that I'm not in school
  4. 10:30+ - Laze. Lie on bed and daydream about many many things
  5. 11:00+ - Read the whole Purgatorio + First two Parts of Paradiso
  6. 11:30+ - I ate Lucky Me! Chicken Noodles
  7. 12:00++ - continued to read Purgatorio + First two Parts of Paradiso
  8. 1:00+ - I attempted to video the powerpoint presentation but unfortunately didn't make it. (This took me a long long while)
  9. 2:30+ - Decided to study Physics. (I'm so frustrated with my recent quizzes)
  10. 3:30+ - Practiced my Jenny Song by Click FIve (I know Char hates this song but I find these types of songs as essential things especially when our friedns ask for more performance)
  11. 4:00+ - Resumed to study
  12. 4:00+ - A little later, I felt that the book wasn't helping me. I was like a retard trying to read things which doesn't mean anything. I decided to study my recent favorite Running Up that Hill by The Muse & Kate Bush. My kapa was fine but I had problems playing it because of the beat. My version of it is full of bars. I really don't know how to simplify it into tabs. I'm just a beginner. Anyway, at least I did something productie this day.
  13. 4:30+ - I finished making and playing my version of Running Up that Hill; proceeded to The Muse's Plug-in Baby. Sadly, I was only able to make the first part of the intro.
  14. 4:30++ - Char is back from home :] We hugged and cuddled each other :] She brought home my books and notebooks. I was very touched with what Mon did for me. The notes and stuff. It was really sweet :] :]
  15. 5:00+ onwards - Started doing assignments. Physics > AP > Math > English > ? Anal Geom > ? El Fili

I did so many stuff. That includes listening to Tokio Hotel. This teenage band of Germans are superb. They are the youngest hot punk pop rock band I have ever seen. Their songs are so cool (but immature), clean and consistent. Tokio Hotel members are Bill Kaulitz (vocals), Tom Kaulitz (guitar) Georg Listing (bass guitar), Gustav Sch�fer (drums). Aside from topping the German charts for almost five years, Bill and Tom are twins. These guys are amazing (incendiary!). Upon knowing that these teens rocketed into the music industry in the age of 13, Char and I were inspired. They're a great band for the age of 13. Currently (as of 2007), they are seventeen years old.

Know more about these people through their Wikipedia entry.

My two favorite songs from their collection are Scream and Ready, Set, Go!. Check them out.

  1. Scream
  2. Ready, Set, Go!

I wish that someday I'll be as good as they are (considering the fact that I'm only a year younger and also have a twin) :]

Mission Accomplished

November 24, 2007

Today is Saturday and we have classes. Mrs. Sulit is back from Batangas (or Bulacan?) and is again ready to torment us, her students, by giving numerous cryptic math problems. We checked the SW we did yesterday and luckily, she was sympathetic to give us a LOT of bonus points for the SW :D. After that, we had our English and we (Mariella, Diana & Camille) were assigned to report on that day. All our work paid off. We got a hundred (wooohoooo!). Yay, I'm so happy. We accomplished our Purgatorio mission!

Anyway, yesterday night, I studied "Jenny" by Click 5 with a little help from Char. She actually didn't know that she was already helping. I was doing kapa then ask her the chord which sounds like my kapa. Hehehe >:) I was able to complete the song (but I'm unable to sing it) Anyway, I played it at school and from all the people, Erika loved it the most. Lol. I was trying to sing the song while playing the chords. Too bad I don't know the lyrics. I was like:

Jenny! Tarararara. Jenny, it's killing me.

I didn't even know if the lyrics were right. Ugay was teasing me by making me spell the lyrics which I sang. lol. I was like:



By the way, the class had already started making the large barge. It's a raft made from tin cans collected by members of each patrol. Each patrol were assigned to make a barge which could carry at least three people. Dom was facilitating our team. She was able to device a design that would indeed carry three people. It was one of the few instances that she stepped-up and led the group. Usually, she doesn't participate. I'm happy for her, today.

Char and I are finally home. Mom was at her lab (refers to the second house at our backyard) and was busy doing some blends. I told her that the powerpoint I've been working for was worth it. She told me to make that my card grade should also be worth it. lol. We ate our lunch then mom asked me to look for a good movie on clickthecity.com

The Amazing Race Asia 2 + Heroes

November 23, 2007

I really can't get over the Amazing Race Asia 2 Episode Yesterday. It's just so amazing to see Filipinos onscreen. Both of the following pinoy teams are just wacky people who love to laugh a lot.

"We live and die by the taxi driver"

-- Rovilson & Marc

I just can't get over Rovilson's Spartan-like body. He's like a taurus ready to crush anything before him. He's just amazing. Too bad I can't find a picture fitting for that description but if you watched the first episode of TARA 2, you will definitely understand why i described him as such.

Then there's Marc Nelson. Isn't he lovely. He looks so cute and cuddly. Aside from that, he and his buddy, Rovilson, are just super funny. Hihihihi... I love the way they joke around and tease each other. So adorable!

"Mellow... Mellow..."

-- Henry to his wife, Terri

I like Henry. He's so patient with his wife Terri. I find them funny. Somehow, I felt a little disturbed with Terri's conduct. She's a little scary, especially when mad but maybe I'll get used to it. :D

Aside from Amazing Race Asia 2, I just recently watched Heroes' Episode 6. As usual, the superb suspense is there but i fee that my thrill, love and fervor for the show is slowly fading away. Maybe the recent twists weren't really amazing or maybe they are just too many twist that would somehow make the story predictable.

Cycle of HEROES' plot

twist + new character = new episode

Every time they have a new episode, they have a new character to introduce. After that, they'll do something unimaginable with an existing character until all existing characters are in an entirely different situation. After that, I find myself watching a show which is entirely different from the one I'm expecting. Not that I don't appreciate the art and effort they put on making the plot. I just find it misleading.

Another thing, I feel that the show is reiterating values and morals. Claire's conflict with herself has been prolonged for long time. Didn't she accept herself when she & Peter Petrelli met in the first season. whatever... I just felt that HEROES is changing too much.


October 29, 2007

NOTE: This article is backdated.

Last Saturday, i was able to reuse the VHS player and was also able to watch Elijah Wood's Oliver Twist film.

It's quite cool to use a VHS player to watch my favorite films especially because nowadays, nobody uses it anymore. It's still functional and executes my favortie video tapes excellently. I'm really fond of it that I thought of watching my brothers 'Pokemon' series. Probably, the only bad thing about video tapes is the tedious job of rewinding the tape before finally enjoying the film itself. It takes quite a lot of time for you to fully rewind an unwinded tape. I suggest that you rewind all the tapes you intend to watch before viewing them. Plug the VHS player first even without the TV to conserve electricity. Just press the rewind button and leave it for a about half an hour (depends on you player's rewind speed) and do something else. This way you don't have to mind waiting and pouting before the player.

Monday, i rewinded the 'Fashion Victims' and 'Pokemon Friends' tapes. I only watched the Pokemon Friends because I didn't want to spoil my eagerness to wait for the next day to watch the next episode (like the feeling I had when it was still aired on TV). That episode was absolutely cute (Pika?) especially because its about Ash capturing Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

Reckoning and reenacting childhood memories are fun things to do especially on breaks. I watched the Original Opening song for Pokemon and was completely overwhelmed by the power and the magic it brings. Call me weird or immature, I don't care because I think that this is absolutely cOOl. (Try it!)

Teusday, I watched Fashion Victims and again, I was completely awed by the timeless theme song (sung by Filipino Billie Joe Crawford). Aside from that, I was also awestricken by the infamous Team Rocket entry dialogue.

" Prepare for trouble
And make it Double
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all people within our nation
To denounce the evil of Truth & Love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Jessie; James;
Team Rocket blasting off on the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight
Meeeeeeowth! That's right! "

-- Team Rocket

Fabulous! isn't it? James is so-so hot. I remember Tanaki (from the anime, 'Ouran High Host Club'). Infact, I made a little tribute to James and I will only unveil it on the succeeding entries.

Today, Thursday (unfortunately I didn't have time yesterday) I was able to watch the 'Totally Togepi' set which includes the 'So Near Yet So FarFetch'd'. Ohhhh! farfetch'd is so adorable. It marches and flings its leaf like a baton. awwww! I'd love to have a farfetch'd of my own (although it's impossible). Hehe... I reserved the last videotape ('Charizard!') for tomorrow. :] I have to keep the excitement alive!

Dante's Inferno Test

October 28, 2007

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to...

the Seventh Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Iwo Jima

October 27, 2007

NOTE: This article is backdated.

I finally had the chance to watch Letters from Iwo Jima this friday. Sister bought it for me last week and I decided to watch it during this short vacation.

Letters from Iwo Jima stars Ninomiya (member of Arashi) playing the character Saigo, a Japanese foot soldier assigned to the Iwo jima camp around the end of World War II. His major role is to depict a weak and determined Japanese soldier who sees war as a futile resolution to problems. He is very much like Filipinos, especially on the way he lazes and complains about military routines. For me, he represents the 'misconstrued truth' that War is pointless.

Another major character is General Whatshisnameagain (K? something) played by the great Ken Watanabe. His role represents the wise & open-minded men from the Japanese Imperial Army. The two continously meet in serendipity and by the latter part of the movie, they develop a genial relationship.

The Imperial Army strives to fight till death but unlike other heroic movies, it fails to win its stand and accepts defeat either by bushidos or suicide attacks (although few surrender, blinded by the consequences of the 'white flag' ). Later, after the last stand on Iwo Jima, Saigo and the General meet again. This time, the dying General asks him for a favor, to bury him under Japanese ground. Saigo was fortunate enough to bury him completely before the nasty Americans arrive. This favor somehow saves him from being killed. Watch the movie for you to know how the General's favor saves him

The movie is so amazing (or maybe I just respect the Japanese so much that I can't have enough of them and their culture.) that it made me want to write this article even though our internet is currently down. I invite you, my visitors (if there are any) to watch this wonderful film from the point of view and language of the Japanese.


October 19, 2007

Test days are finally over but I'm still going to spend my weekend doing work.

Around 12 noon I got a call from Carmina. She suddeenly asked me what my address is and told me that she's coming. hehehe... I was so surprised she called.

Ms. Aring asked her to give me the News articles (d@mn! so l8!) for the September issue. Some of the articles weren't typed. (wtf) Now I can't enjoy my weekend. Aside from the teenstar project and the stressful song composition due on monday another gruesome job of reediting, typing and layout-ing was laid upon me. (d@mn)

Enough of my rants. (d@mn)

While viewing the should be contents of the fly page, an idea popped from my brain. I suddenly thought of inserting Optical Illusions in the fly page.

l☻☺k closely...

l☻☺k closely...

can y☻u s€€ what I s€€?

now, my turn... I dare you to find the hidden link on this page :P

clue: it will lead you directly to my ninja website...

Sorry for the profanity...

Unattainable Prowess

October 18, 2007

We just had our Physics Test earlier this morning and I feel horrible, as if everything I have prepared for yesterday were worthless. Aww... Anyway just like Klara said:

"Nangyari na yan... May dalawa ka pa namang chances eh..."

Oh dear... thanks Kai.

Today is a bit depressing although there are always ways to make a good day out of a daylight's nightmare. Some of the things which made me happy today are:

I should still celebrate because at least I had a good sleep last night, I got my family by my side and I got friends who love and comfort me. I think all of these misfortunes were meant because our Moments of Silence is temporarily postponed due to test schedule plus rosary. *sighs* I think I'll buy a bible diary. God probably wants me to gain some initiative to act on my own.

Let me proceed to the primary topic of this entry.

Lately, I've been searching for 'free anime drawing tutorials' online. Most of my finds were articles which I've already read before. So I changed my search to drawing people. I found several new and useful sources to satisfy my needs and wants.

  1. Drawing Basics <- These are Limited Tutorials
  2. Drawing People <- These are Limited Tutorials
  3. Free On line Anatomy For Artist
  4. Furiae's Coloring Tutorials

You can visit them if you want to. I recommend this site for people who prefer artoonic drawing.

  1. Manga Revolution

Japan: I ♥ u!

October 14, 2007

Our brother, Carlo, just came back from Thailand but before that he went to Japan for vacation. :] I am so happy to see the pictures he took. This just proves that my brother is good in photography.

Here are my favorites:

I♥Japan! I♥Japan!

Bambi and another beautiful deer :]


Where the Journal/ninjas hide during the night. lol. :]

I♥Japan! I♥Japan!

Traditional Japan lives up to this day.


mukang Anime! lol


Cart ng Hapon

Worn Out.

(period. that's it) October 12, 2007

I don't know how to put this day all together. There are so many things that happend that I don't know where to start. Today wasn't all bad and it wasn't all good either. All I can say is that it's a hectic day.

So what happend?

  1. I got up to continue my Itachi artwork.
  2. I tried to study Accounting.
  3. I took a bath (it's not really a hard thing to do)
  4. I uploaded Mel's web page. (good! 1 more to go)
  5. We went to Sto. Domingo Church to retrive some document :] Anyway, we saw karosas like those which Rizal described to us. They're all so pretty and majestic.
  6. We ate lunch in a cute restaurant (geez, I immediately forgot the name... :])
  7. We went to NAIA to fetch our brother (yay!)
  8. We went to Fort and ate at Conti's (the place is wonderful. There's a three-story Fully Booked building there. I ♥ it!
  9. Went to Eastwood to check out our condo unit. (The place is great. The place was just recently finished. You'll like it.
  10. Went home. Brother gave us a very wonderful sketchbook, a key chain and 2 shirts :] Oh dear, I feel so happy. Hands Select - 105gsm - size B4 - 70 sheets. So so wonderful. Aside from that :D our brother is home :] weeee! :]

Too bad, I still don't know how to reach Klara and collaborate on the website project. *sighs... Good luck to us.


October 10, 2007

Today, we have had two long excruciating long tests. One from Sir Penafiel, our Physics teacher, and another from Sir Flores, our Music teacher. It's also our club day today and we were suppose to finish the movie, Almost Famous. Too bad we had scarce time to finish it. :[ Anyway, today is still a day of luck because nothing really bad happened. Hmmm... although there's one thing that makes me worry. Mon was present today but eventually, she had to go home because her seat mates were quite paranoid. lol :]

Tedium (teedeeeum)means dullness owing to length or slowness. That can perfectly describe my day, today.

By the way, I'm trying to read my brother's Javascript book. I'm thinking of trying it and hopefully, make it work. lol. cant wait to get a glimpse of creating and coding Javascript.

Busy Day Today...

October 09, 2007

Today is a really tiring day. We spent most of our time practicing and presenting our English version of Odyssey. Well, it is always fun work something out with our classmates. I mean, we really do great especially when all of us cooperate. Not just that, Nicola De Vera is our director and mind you, she's no ordinary girl. She's really good with things she loves doing. For example, directing and playing softball. I've seen her do it both (I know she can always be the best she can be!). Anyway, Mrs. Benitez gave us a plus 3 on our quizzes. :]

Another reason why I am tired today is because of Physics outdoor. Our team, A (no offense to other teams :P) won thrice in a row. The first game was tug of war and we had no chance on winning on that category. The next game was Trip to Jerusalem. I, Bianca and Bea were able to win it. Thank goodness, we thought we won't make it. lol. :] The next game required only required two teams to merge. So that means we have to merge with B to be able to play. Team B, by the way, Nic belongs to team B (great! swerte!). Anywhoo, the game was hard. Nicola was front and Wilma was back vs Beloi (front) and yuka (back). At first, both teams had a hard time running from left and right but then, our team got a hang of it and made it through. The other team protested so Sir gave both teams +1. lol. it was great :] I spent the rest of the Physics time with Klara. She's so go0o0o0d with hula hoops. It's so awesome. Her hoop kept on circling around her and appeared as if it would never stop. :] She kept on doing her hoops and I kept on watching her. lol.

The last and most excruciating part of this day is our Ap long test. I'm so pressured, especially because I got low in the previous LT. :[ nah... never mind.

By the way, we had a total of 3 brownouts and the last was the longest.

After class, I found myself in the computer lab, chatting with Ms. Sabordo. :] I don't know why but I love talking with people older than me. They have a different perspective. It feels good talking with teachers. (now I remember Ms. Platon :] I miss her soo sooo much)

Ms. Sabordo, along with Char, chatted with us about computers and stuff. She gave us a glimpse of how the compet will go. I kind of liked being in a compet probably because I have something to write on the extra curricular paper and at the same time, do what I like doing with proper excuses. :]

Currently, I and Char are checking out Ivory Drive's account. His games are so amazing. We also invited Mia (we love you) to play the game. :]

  1. 5 Differences - Try to match the differences of the two pictures. :]
  2. City - Oh it's just so darn awesome.


October 06, 2007

I have finally uploaded the page to a host. *sighs.

I hope that you enjoy your stay here at my site.

The Mozilla-Internet explorer problem is still a big deal. Please don't use Mozilla to view this site. Please! I beg you...

If any other problem occur, then email me using the link in the A~10~tion box. (hint: scroll down to the bottom part of A~10~tion box)

I recommend you to check my 'Liselle's Page' to view some pictures, especially if you're interested with young hot men (bishies).

I'm still thinking about putting a bg sound... *ponders* Is it worth it?

Please, I need to know if it is. email me

A Moment of Inspiration

October 06, 2007

"The good artists are the crappy artists who never gave up"

-- frzdragon

Inspired by what frzdragon from deviantart said, I now want to fulfill myself. Heck, It's so easy to say but so hard to do. I don't have the will power to practice continuously without feeling incompetent or futile. Sometimes I wish that I can just trace my imaginations. *sighs :[

Anyhow, I am planning to add bgmusic on this site. I have a list of the songs which I've been choosing from. Here they are:

  1. Chrono Cross - Radical Dreamers
  2. Patrick Wolf - Enchanted
  3. Tori Amos - Landslide (her version)
  4. L'arc~en~ciel - My Heart Draws A Dream

I'm favoring Chrono Cross but I'm afraid that some visitors won't favor it. Maybe that's it for now. Oh, by the way, I've added an email to me function today. It's in the A~10~tion box on the left.


October 05, 2007

We just came from school and I am in a great mood to refurnish this site. I probably felt that Ms. Sabordo gave me an inspiration to over achieve. :] hehe...

Though poor in experience, funds and formal training, I believe that I can somehow fulfill the goal of mastering css and html. Even without proper knowledge about all these things, I feel that somehow, there's an existing way to subdue my incompetence. I wish God will help me on these. lol. Of course he will :]

Another thing. I just met a new friend from CIW and she's also an artist. She said this phrase about art. it was something like :

"practice, practice, practice, that is what art and talent is all about"

I found myself wondering and dreaming. ~ I wish I could achieve a superior mastery of art. Html and Css are just a part of it. The ability to express and cross the uncharted places of imagery and visualization are the most vital things to consider. Having a boundless imagination and obtaining equally impressive skills are the things which I have to earn to get to master art. heck! I'm too ambitious. Should I stop? gee. I don't know if I should stay on conformity's limits.

Permission Granted

October 04, 2007

I have just gained permission from Ms. Sabordo to create this website using CSS. I think that its a good thing to hear because I have obviously began my web page project.

So far, I've only done few write-ups. I think I'll stop writing serious and complicated profiles for my family members. Instead, I'll just list down information such as age, school, favorite things, hobbies and etc. So probably, my page would appear like a slum book.

Navigating through

October 02, 2007

This site was done for school, namely our Computer subject. However, I think I will be using this as my layout for my personal use in the future. :]

This primarily contains the following:

  1. Personal Information
  2. Family's Information
  3. Friend's Information

These information are what the subject, Computer, requires us to create. It looks fun! hehe... I wish it is.

I made this site even before our class was assigned to. How did I come to know? Of course through my o-so-wonderful twin :]. Call me "madaya", I don't care. It's just the way it is. lol. It's getting late now, I better go and sleep.


October 01, 2007

I just started to relearn and practice my coding skills. As usual, it takes a lot of time to regain enough knowledge about coding to be able to create a decent page such as this. It is good that I feel lucky today and was able to create a page. Anyway, I still had to get some extra information from the Internet.

I would like to acknowledge Tizag for helping me acquire my lost knowledge about site coding.

Honestly, I don't feel good with my current skills. Not just with my coding skills but also with my skills as an artist. It had diminished so much that it made me so frustrated during the past few days. Talents are temporary too. Sometimes, I can draw well, sometimes I can't. Practice may improve my skill little by little but it can also push me too hard that I can't truly accept the way things progress (especially when the outcome isn't as nice as how I imagined it to be).

Anyway, I wish you like the layout. :] Good Day!

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