July, 2002.
What has been happening for me? Not much quite frankly. I still have four children who are a little older than they were last time I updated this site.

Aimee went through a bit of a rough time at school the last term. There was a classmate who was bullying her. She had hurt my girl 3 or 4 times, Aimee had scabs on her knees and elbows from these altercations. I had never expected to deal with a situation like this. I can't recall a time when I was ever pushed around at school. If anyone did the pushing, it was me. I expected my daughters to be the same. I wanted to tell her to go to school and kick this kids ass but that wouldn't have been the best parenting move I could have made. Instead Nathan spoke with her teacher on a couple of occasions, which proved to be unsuccessful. He then spoke to the Deputy Principal and told her to sort the problem out or Aimee would not be coming to school. To spin my mind out even more, Aimee then promptly turned around and decided this child was her best friend! Me, if someone gets on my wrong side, well, they stay there, no matter what. This enemy to best friend scenario really blew me away.

Jake is doing much better at school than he has in the past. The tears and drama's which occur most mornings are virtually over now. He's gone to a few birthday parties which I think has made a big difference. His reading is fantastic. He talks a lot of rubbish which is more than a little frustrating but there really isn't much we can do about it except tell him to be quiet, which more often than not doesn't work!

Victoria is still my Princess. She is the most daintiest little girl I have ever seen and she lightens everyday for me. She has made firm friends with the lady up the road and the children she is fostering. Victoria adores them all and if allowed, would spend every minute of her day there! Which doesn't make me feel to special, but, I'm not always going to be her #1 person in the world so I had better get used to it I guess.

Phillip is just amazing! He astounds me with the things he learns everyday. He can talk so well that understanding him is no problem at all. He knows what he want's and believe me, he knows how to ask for it! He goes 24/7 at full speed. Even as I type he and Victoria are running through the house having races. He's adorable.

February, 2002
Y.M.O has a new design (again). Designing the site is still half the fun. :) I haven't changed the low/nil graphic content though. Y.M.O isn't about pretty images, its about us and what we have and are going through for our children.

Now I know that many of you may have already read this before, but hopefully there are some newbies out there who haven't been to Y.M.O before and having my reasons for doing this.

There is a new story up and also an update on Jenny, so take a look. If anyone out there would like to update their stories just send it to me like you did for the original story and I'll add it on.

I have a change of e-mail address, so please take note, the new address is: [email protected].

Just to recap for those who've not been here before, this site is devoted to mother's in their teens and early 20's. Women who became mothers in their teens or early 20's are also welcome.


I became a mother myself as a teenager and I knew nada about pregnancy, birth or parenting. I read everything I could get my hands on-magazines, novels, pamphlets-you name it, I think that I've read it or a version of it. The majority were great in content but most lacked that personal touch. They were geared toward older women, women who didn't encounter opinionated doctors, arrogant nursing staff, accusing stranger's and support people who were never really supportive.

I am hoping to write a book (one day) that is for young mum's. That tells the truth about the obstacles of being a teen/young mother. That tells the story of what we, as young mum's have had to overcome in order to be considered worthy of the title 'Mother'.

Admittedly things have changed a heck of a lot since I had my first baby. By the time I had my last baby I didn't experience all that much negativity as I did the first time around. For me though there will always be one person who has to bring a negative overtones to their conversations with me and my children.

From my idea of the book, comes the reason for Young Mothers Only (YMO). I need stories. I need your stories. Of motherhood, of pregnancy, of birth, of the whole bit, everything. You are YMO, I am merely the one who puts it all together.

So take a wander around YMO and when you've finished, sit down and put finger to keyboard and write your own YM story and send it me. Stand up and be counted.

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