You can probably see that all the stories are written in varying formats - some in parts, others like letters. This is because I don't change the stories. They are put up just the way that you send them to me. The only thing I do change (if I notice it) is the spelling and grammar. Other than that, it appears word for word, how it is sent to me.

I think I've established the why's and whatfor's of YMO but I do feel it necessary to give a few guidelines as to sending me your stories.

Before I do that however I have a few words to say....

To me, this site is just as important as the ultimate goal of a published book. In my many hours of surfing I have come across countless sites, lists and webrings which are devoted to young mum's. Young mum's are on the net. Some are vocal in our defense and others are new and have no idea what to expect with impending motherhood.

By having your story here for others you are adding to cloth that is being sewn for young mum's on the net. There are huge numbers of young mum's out there who are scared and alone and need support. They need to know that they are not alone and that not everybody is against them. Your stories will offer them that. They will show them that they are not alone and that they have friends out there.


. what do I write about .


You can write about your pregnancy, your birth, your experience of motherhood. You can write about your relationship or lack of with the father of your baby. You can write about how your have family have helped you or how they haven't. Tell it all, no holds barred.

You don't need to give your address or phone number or anything like that. Hey, you can if you want but I will not be putting it on the web for anyone to see.

If you'd like to see your story here and one day hopefully in print, then all you need to do is write it. Then just e-mail it to me at the address that appears in the menu to the left.

As I have already said, I will not change any of your words. What you say and how you say it is important to all of us and whether or not your an ace at spelling is irrelevant to me. I don't care. Its your story, you tell it how you want.

Due to the fact that my main aim is for a published book I do need your permission to do this, to have your words in the book, so if you could send along your permission with your story that would great.


. y m o guidelines .

There are of course a few tiny rules that everyone needs to follow, just out of courtesy, not because it offends me.

Without your contribution I can't make this site what it should be. I won't be able to make this site into a book, written for and about us. I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences.

Be strong and may the Goddess bless you and your baby.

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