Willow's Web Odyssey

For Claude

The things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.
~ Aristotle

Welcome to my Web Odyssey! I've devoted this area of my site to sharing with you the various resources I've found in my search to polish up my web building skills.

Much of what you'll see here is homework from one of the free online courses I've discovered. At first I didn't think that my simple exercises would be very interesting for people surfing by, but then my Dad took a computer class for seniors.

Talking to him about the things he was learning reminded me that there are a lot of folks out there surfing who don't know much about computers, and for whom the idea of making even a simple web page could be a pretty daunting task.

It's easy for us to forget about these people when we surf around, what with the sites full of snazzy graphics and MP3's and animations. But I figure everybody's got to learn somewhere, and for a good number of us it's by sitting in front of that computer and plugging away until we get something that vaguely resembles the thing we envisioned.

The thing is, there's help out there! And you can access it on your own time - on your lunch break, when the baby is napping, even once a week when you reserve an hour on the computer at the public library. There are courses you can take that will help you learn how to build a web site step by step, without having to buy an expensive HTML editor (no names will be named here!) that just makes a mess of your code anyway. Best of all, these courses are free!

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WebTech University HTML 101 Instructor WebTech University Advanced HTML Instructor

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