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Contacting Willow

Welcome to my Work In Progress! My name is Willow. I am, among other things, a stay at home Mama to three beautiful children, an HTML instructor, and a staff member of WOSIB - Women of Strength and Inner Beauty. I hope you enjoy your visit to my web site!

If you ever want to get in touch with me just to chat, to report a broken link, or to tell me what you think of the site you can reach me at the following email:


If you'd like to chat in real time using ICQ or MSN Messenger I will be happy to talk to you. Just email me to let me know, and we can exchange contact info!

 WebTech University Member and Instructor

I am a member of the WebTech Community, a group of volunteers that help folks with their web pages and answer questions about all sorts of things like making graphics, ICQ, Geocities, and much more. I am also an instructor at WebTech University. Please feel free to contact me if you have specific questions about HTML, or even if you just need a little help getting started making your own web pages! Send your message to this address:

[email protected]

  Head Angel Willow - WOSIB

If you need to contact me about WOSIB or the Garden of Angels please use one of these two addresses:

[email protected]
Note: If you previously had trouble using my WOSIB email you should be able to reach me again. Our server problems have been fixed!

[email protected]

And remember, if you've got a spare moment please sign my Guestbook so I'll know you dropped by!

Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth

Read more about Hestia
If I were a Greek Goddess I'd be Hestia
See which Greek Goddess you are.

WebTech University HTML 101 Instructor WebTech University Advanced HTML Instructor
Would you like to take a course in basic or advanced HTML? Would you like to learn how to make web graphics using Paint Shop Pro? Please stop by WebTech University to sign up for free online classes!

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All content (design, graphics, text, coding) unless otherwise noted © Greenwood Willow (KM Matton) 2002. Graphics on this page courtesy of B8 Graphics. Logos and dynamic content used with permission. Canadian flag public domain. Please do not copy anything from this site without written permission.

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