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About Willow

Welcome to my Work In Progress! My name is Willow. I am a stay at home wife and mother of two beautiful girls and a handsome boy, all under the age of five. We live in a suburb of Montreal, in the Canadian province of Quebec. I hope you enjoy your visit to my web site!

Montreal Astronomical Information - Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset - Times for Today Supplied by Wunderground.com

Before the children came along I studied a good many things, among them pedagogy, the classics and health sciences. I hold an A.E.C. in Gerontology, the study of ageing, and worked for seven years in Ste. Anne's Veterans Hospital. Since I left the hospital I have also worked in retail and as a part time adult education instructor. Today I am a full time Mama and I volunteer online. I am a member of a number of wonderful women's communities, chief among them WOSIB, Women of Strength and Inner Beauty. I am on staff at WOSIB as the Head Angel. I am also a member of the WebTech Community, where I am a WebTech Guru and an HTML instructor.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.....
Specialization is for insects.
~ Lazarus Long, a.k.a. Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
Time Enough for Love

As you may have figured out from the Heinlein quote, I have a good number of interests - far too many to list, and usually whatever is in front of me at a given moment quickly becomes my biggest passion. I like to read, to cross stitch, to cycle, to garden, and to putter around in the kitchen. I am interested in language, religion, culture, math, philosophy, psychology, home canning, camping, medicine, and children's games.

I love working on my computer. A few years ago I taught myself HTML. At the age of 34, I discovered that I actually could create art. As a person whose motto had long been, “But I can't draw a straight line with a ruler....” this came as a great surprise. But I'm completely addicted to Paint Shop Pro now, and I've even taken classes to learn more about what this fabulous tool can do. I've posted my class assignments on this site, along with work from the HTML courses I decided to take to perfect my knowledge. Watch for these in my Web Odyssey section.

If I were royalty I'd be a Baroness
Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

Make yourself at home and browse through the various pages of my site. As the name suggests, the Work In Progress is constantly evolving. New additions can pop up without warning, so I hope you'll visit often. If you ever want to get in touch with me just to chat, to report a broken link, or to tell me what you think of the site you'll find my email and such on the Contact page. And if you've got a spare moment, please sign my Guestbook so I'll know you dropped by!

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All content (design, graphics, text, coding) unless otherwise noted © Greenwood Willow (KM Matton) 2002. Graphics on this page courtesy of B8 Graphics. Logos and dynamic content used with permission. Canadian flag public domain. Please do not copy anything from this site without written permission.

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