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Causes Willow Feels Strongly About

Welcome to my Work In Progress! My name is Willow. I hope you enjoy your visit.

A causes page is where I'm supposed to put a bunch of banners and link them to places where you can click a button and contribute to a cause. It's where I'm supposed to put ribbons in support of research for cancer and AIDS. It's where I'm supposed to link to sites that fight child pornography or abuse. Well I might just do some of that, but if this page is to be devoted to things I feel very strongly about, then I'd like to share a little of myself here too.

If I were a Mythological Creature I'd Be a Centaur - Click to Take the Test Yourself!
I'm a Centaur, which says a lot about how I approach the idea of causes
What Mythological Creature Are you?

I believe in lifelong learning. I believe in literacy. I believe knowledge should never be hoarded jealously, but rather shared freely. In so doing, we multiply what we know and we create a deeper understanding of the world around us.

I believe that volunteering is not the same thing as volunteerism. Community isn't just the place where you happen to be at the moment, but something you build. Charity begins at home - not in the rain forest.

I believe in self-determination and I believe in self-sufficiency. With these come responsibility. I'm a do-it-yourselfer; I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves or get my hands dirty. But I respect the choices of those who'd rather defer to a professional. Not all of us are made to muddle through...

My Causes Links

Butterfly Bar

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