Causes Willow Feels Strongly About

Autism Ribbon

Autism is a Puzzle....

Oops! Wrong Planet Syndrome

BBB Autism 

Schiz Kidz Buddies - Schizencephaly Support Group

The web sites above are good jumping off points if you want to learn about autism and schizencephaly, two conditions that are very close to my heart. Children and adults with these conditions can look obviously disabled. But in many cases, especially with autism, they look quite normal and are therefore misunderstood. Please, take the time to educate yourselves. For now there is no cure, but hope lies in education, in understanding and compassion, and in research.

Learn More About Copyright R.I.G.H.T.S. for Artists
Don't Cut'n'Paste!

If you have a web site, please take the time to learn about copyright. Just because graphics or text are on a web page, that doesn't necessarily mean they are free for everyone to use. Anything you create is subject to copyright, from the moment you make it - whether you register the copyright or not. Please, respect the rights of your fellow artists and web masters. Do not cut and paste! Whether it's a graphic, text, a Javascript, or bandwidth don't just assume it's yours to take. Get permission, and if you can't reach the owner err on the side of caution and don't use it.

While I'm talking about respecting copyright, I'd also like to address the issue of freedom of speech. Please take care what you say under the banner of this freedom, and take the time to verify your sources before you start typing away at that keyboard. Responsible journalism must now extend to all of us who publish web sites, and even those of us who use email or belong to internet mailing lists.

Think twice before passing on those chain letters, petitions and virus alerts! So much of what gets passed around is a hoax, and even hoaxes can do serious damage.

And please, look into voluntary labelling of web sites before the more extreme measures of filtering and censorship.

Responsible Journalism on the Internet  Speak freely, act responsibly

SafeSurf Rated Safe for Kids Labelled with ICRA - Safe for Kids

More About My Causes More Causes

Disclaimer: Please note that the links placed here are intended to inform and educate. I do not necessarily agree with every stance of every group that appears on this page. I do, however, feel that there is vital information on these pages. They discuss topics that are little known, or offer points of view that have not often been heard.
Read. Think. Make up your own mind.

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All content (design, graphics, text, coding) unless otherwise noted © Greenwood Willow (KM Matton) 2002. Logos and dynamic content used with permission. Canadian flag public domain. Please do not copy anything from this site without written permission.

Canadian Flag

Please visit Cheryl's Autism Clip Art

SafeSurf Rated Safe for Kids   Labelled with ICRA - Safe for Kids
Learn More About Copyright Digital Collections Are Illegal! R.I.G.H.T.S. for Artists
Don't Cut'n'Paste!

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