

WebTech University Class Index

Since March 2002 I've been taking a number of courses from a wonderful online group called WebTech University. They offer free online HTML courses, both a 101 and several advanced courses that focus on specific topics. They also give two introductory courses for Paint Shop Pro (PSP 5, 6 and 7.)

WebTech University courses consist of a number of lessons you read online. For each lesson there is an assignment you send to your instructor. After you complete the last assignment there is a short test. You get two weeks to complete each course, and there's lots of help and encouragement from the instructors. Best of all, anybody can sign up and it's completely free!

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HTML Courses at WebTech University

Course HTML 101
Lessons Assignment One
Assignment Two
Assignment Three

HTML 101 Diploma

Advanced HTML Courses

TABLES Assignment One
Assignment Two
Assignment Three
Assignment Four
Assignment 5A
Assignment 5B
Bonus Assignment

Tables Diploma

Top of the Class

FORMS Assignment One
Assignment Two

Forms Diploma

FRAMES Assignments One to Three

(All the lessons open in the same set of frames, so you only need to open the first page to find them all)

Frames Diploma

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