















                       FOR WINNIE

During 'I Will Also Fall in Love With Someone'2004




Same Opinion with a stranger 2008.4.3






5 Years Old 2007.11.1


Woo... 'Love, Winnie' has been here with you for 5 years already!!! Quite unbelievable!

However, starting from the next half year of 2007, it's not many updates... sorry for that!

As I'm busy with my study for the exam in coming December, some Winnie's performance in China have been omitted here... just left those significant for all of the visitors who come here.


Later on, due to computer upgrade, update information may not be uploaded promptly.

As I can't use the software Frontpage anymore, I have to reset everything.

It takes time and it's hard to tell you when.


See you later and wish you happy!... and HAPPY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY!!! 


Searching... 2007.9.16


ef 什麼的,又有曉琪的廣告,還是另一個版面的設計,再開心多一次!!
ELLE... 還有時報周刊等等...


The Answer of Love 2007.4.28


Hello! 華人世界最會唱的女生! (The most skillful female singer in the world of Chinese people) Quite odd when I first came up with this sentence, but, feels like the promotion of your latest album has launched!


I've heard that your new song 'The Answer of Love' (愛的回答) has already introduced in the internet. Every fan is surprised and touched for your voice! The lyric is written beautifully and it's meaningful.

I reserve my ears with the excitement until the day I get your CD ~  :)


Some words  2007.4.24


Last week I expressed what I think about your The Promise Concert EVENTUALLY!!!... in the letter for you. It takes 2 nights to finish the letter, but it seems that they were not my COMPLETE comments for the concert. It's quite hard to do so you know? I just wrote what I thought at that time when I was writing so the letter was not written in well order.


Perhaps I wrote too many for what I'm not satisfied... please please forgive me as I understand my thinking is a big difference from those who attended your concert in person. Or even I should say different people will have their various expectations and comments for this concert.


During writing, I didn't know what I was talking about at some moment... It's really really hard to express my opinion at the middle between the two ends. Very difficult...


Recently I watched all concert videos (except the very first one as I don't have~) and frankly speaking, your performance in The Promise Concert was the greatest and very stable! I'm glad to see your efforts had made such brilliant result.


Birthday note for Winnie 2007.2.1


Dear Winnie




Love, Alice


Time  2006.10.13


I didn't count the number of years I have followed Winnie, just followed her journey of music...

One day I felt surprised. It's the tenth year, eleventh years, and has been twelve years...
Getting old is what I feel for the counting, but Winnie still stays in her world, keep changing and having rebirth.
Not to count the fingers instead... haha!


Don't Cry Winnie!  2006.7.4


photo from Beelink


Don't cry Winnie!


We believe there should be deep feelings (感觸), moving (感動), thankfulness (感恩/感謝/感激), sigh with emotion (感慨)... that let you shed tears. We shouldn't stop you, frankly speaking. But be your fans, we don't want you to cry as your effort has brought you success! We all happy about this. No matter how worse the situation is, how time goes by, we all fans are your support.


My Taiwan Trip  2006.4.6


I think I should write something, as I flied to Taipei on March.

I haven't been to Taiwan for about 3-4 years, so this time I felt I was new to this place.

Taipei people are nice, but the food is too tasty and salty.


Chatted with a fan of Winnie there. The magic appears again!

Although we haven't met each other before, nor talked over the phone, we didn't feel any uneasy.

The only thing that I worry about is, my poor Mandarin!

I felt happy about the conversation, with the background music of Taiwanese songs (台語) from TV.


Popped in several CD shops, and found Winnie's works.

Unfortunately didn't find the ones that I don't have. So, backed with empty hands.


Keep It Up!  2006.2.28


Recently I found an article about Winnie on 2000.6.16 on the internet and it is very meaningful! It's the pleasure to share it with all of you.


Lost Enthusiasm In Singing (posted from Free Music Net 自由音樂網)

Recently Winnie said frankly she was facing the crisis of being middle-layered singer, and was losing enthusiasm in singing. But now, she is busy at adjusting herself, I should be strong so that my workmates effort would not be wasted!' (先要自己健壯,大家的努力才不白費!)


Winnie had felt uneasy in mid-April after returning to Taiwan from 3-month stay in America. In the States, her life was so simple and carefree. When I picked up the Chinese papers on the airplane, I was very down. Fresh singers keep appearing in a huge number, and the entertainment market is so dull by the attack of faked CDs are the reason for that. A thinking suddenly came to my mind that good voice is not a strength for living. I feel weak!' (突然有一種想法,聲音好並不見得是生存利器,好無力感!)


Producer Jonathan Lee has been worked with Winnie for several years happily. He felt uneasy too when he saw Winnies sluggish. He encouraged poor Winnie just to sing well and dont think of others. Lastly, the diva made up her mind, The pressure is becoming heavier and heavier if I keep thinking of it. So I give up thinking!(想通了,越想包袱越大,不如不去想!)


Winnie said she had taken a period of time for adjusting herself. On one hand she concentrates on her work as she is told; on the other hand, she does exercise in order to build up physical strength and keep on diet. Fortunately she gained good result. Big Brother comforted me and said. Yeah! Winnie is back!”’ In fact Im lucky, as I can keep releasing album. My workmates work very hard for producing my albums, so theres no reason that I have to fall down. (我還算幸運,能保持一定的出片量,周邊的同事都那麽認真幫我作唱片,我沒有理由自己先倒下去。)


This latest album (Talking About Love) is produced by Jonathan Lee, and the planner had reset new image for Winnie. She looks forward to having something new for this album. I had felt tired once but in fact my heart is still young. (是一度充滿倦怠,但事實上我的心態還是年輕的。)


Happy Birthday to WINNIE! ~ 2006 ~   2006.1.29


Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year and very soon, it's your birthday! Apart from joining the birthday project with other fans, 'Love, Winnie' also presents a special puzzle birthday card to you. There is additional drawing on the designed picture. Hope it can bring you little surprise with fun. Happy Birthday!



Also, a postcard of Hong Kong scenery for the project organized by Winnie Hsin Fans Club. Other fans from the rest of the world also sent their card of hometown to Winnie.



New Year Regards  2006.1.6


At the beginning of the year, on behalf of 'Love, Winnie', giving the best new year regards to our Winnie.

This is also a word game organized by the fans Club that using assigned song titles.



Three Years already!  2005.11.6


It's time for 'Love, Winnie' 3rd anniversary! Unbelievable!

Thank you Winnie for bringing news and photos from time to time... and the friendly help from her fans.

Just can say, 'Keep it up!'


Your Reminder 2005.7.18


Few days ago got an article from 'Screen Magazine'. Though it's in 1995, it seems said by you not long ago. How amazing!  You always know how to live happy in a changing world. No matter how's my life now, it's really a good and peaceful reminder for me. Thank you!


Happy Birthday to WINNIE! ~ 2005 ~


Dear Winnie,
You're birthday is coming.
Although I didn't send you any cards, you can find my words in the booklet 'Trace of Winnie', so I don't need to say again. (so lazy me :P)
I'm very glad to have such little book, as it gathered all of our efforts and regards. It didn't only give us precious memories, but also let us looking forward the future!
Long for going through each of the seasons together.
Happy Birthday + Good luck!


Winnie in My Dream   2004.11.18 

Last night I dreamt of Winnie suddenly...
I said it's suddenly because I'm too busy to listen to Winnie's songs or notice her schedule recently.
Luckily Winnie popped in my dream.

In the dream, she sang in front of a crowd of people,
No stage at all, so she didn't sing from a great height.
Winnie just sang in front of people.
I was so bad to walk here and there behind her.

After performance she left with her staff by entering in a lift,
I asked her when does she leave.
Tomorrow morning she replied, but at that moment she had to rush to her next performance.

However, Winnie,
You asked me how's my job?
Just liked you asked me last time.
But I forgot how to answer you in the dream... (smile)

You came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.
You rushed to everywhere even in my dream... so poor!
After the doors of the lift closed, I awoke.

Two Years Already!   2004.11.10  


'Love, Winnie' has been with you two years already!

Though sure there is limitation for the website, hope you feel comfortable when coming here...

In this year, Winnie went here and there and met many of her fans, bringing joy to everyone who loves her.


Talking back to the website, you may notice there are few changes on the layout.

Simple but cheerful is the tone of here. For the content, if you have any information want to share, please feel free to contact the webmaster.

Again, there are still loads of articles haven't been translated. So sorry! and so embarrassed!


In the near future, Winnie will be busy again and you can get her update information.

Please support 'Love, Winnie', and sure our honorable 'Lao Bang Niang'!


Unforgettable Encounter   2004.8.11



Everything was truly happened,

 As time goes by,

They just liked in a dream,

They gone liked a firework.


Such encounter was,

Unbelievable & unforgettable,

It turned into history,

Written in a page of my mind.


Feed On Fancies 望梅止渴    2004.6.2

The 'The Best of Winnie Hsin in 15 years' is published in China only.


'Love, Winnie'        2004.2.1



其實Winnie Hsin Hsao Chyi只是本站暫時的名稱。但各位可知道,想名字是一件多麼令人費心的事情哦~所以一直以來都只是用曉琪的名字來作為網站暫時的名稱。

以「Love, Winnie」作為網站的正式名稱,是因為「Love() 包含了幾個層面的意義:一、曉琪是以情歌起家的;二、曉琪一直都想做表現「大愛」的音樂;三、表示曉琪對我們歌迷朋友們的關愛;四、代表歌迷對曉琪的感情;五、這個像信件下款的名稱,就像曉琪一直把好聽的音樂送給大家... ...



Going Through 2003    2003.12.11




From Left: Kaleidoscope (情感萬花筒 2003.8.12), Butterfly Lovers (梁祝舞台劇 2003.10),

Dandelion Love 2 (再見蒲公英 2003.10.24),

Dandelion Love Concert VCD/DVD (蒲公英演唱會 2003.11.10)



Don't know if I'm wrong, I think the year 2003 is very unforgettable for Winnie! There were many happenings during the year, and so did for the webmaster.


The lost of good friend, the debut in musical were the two extremes for our love. As fans, we tried to feel (don't dare to say knowing her everything) her feelings from her facial expression, her body gestures, her saying and also from her performance, and went side by side with her. We're glad to know that Winnie had gone through all these happenings, and becoming more and more fruitful and experienced in her lifetime, with a more open and pleasant heart.


The year 2003 was also special for Hong Kong fans. She came and attended in public performance for several times, on January for Pin-yuan's concert, August for Dandelion Love concert and November for The Rock Records 10th Anniversary concert. Did you see Winnie in these functions? Winnie's golden songs appear in several compilation CDs in Hong Kong. Did you have them? (or you also just want her solo album?)


Now perhaps Winnie is busy with her coming album. Let's show our warmest regards to our love and all her fans:


"Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!" ^_^


一周年感言  2003.11.10

今天是本站的一周年紀念!(有點孤芳自賞的感覺 ^_^)


最近忙得不可開交,本來想把網站加添一種慶祝的氣氛,也想把China Access那邊──本站的World Access 另一個網址──全部上載完成,但是... ... 時間不夠呀!而且,這幾天的工作已經把我累壞了。

很想知道China Access的瀏覽者如何?因為這個是專為中國的曉琪迷而設的呀!(雖然現在主要內容也不齊全 >_<)告訴曉琪與大家,最近有很多日本的瀏覽者來到主站啊!






Wish You Success   2003.8.18


After the performance in Hong Kong on August, you're busy for the coming challenge, the musical 'Butterfly Lovers' in Taipei. I don't know why, but every time I think of it, I'm happy as I know you're happy and excited everyday for your life in this moment... It's so encouraging... and I should say thank you for you that spreading the seeds of happiness to the fans in the rest of the world, just like a Dandelion. Though I don't fly to enjoy your show, I wish you great success.


The following is the part of the lyrics by Winnie's role, Ying-tai Zhu. Original Chinese lyrics from the official website of musical Butterfly Lovers.

"Heaven! Give me an answer!
How can I bear the sorrow of being apart forever?
If it was your order for vanish and separation,
I tell you, never! never!"

* * *



About Dandelion Love Concert - Part II  2003.8.2


        曉琪一開始唱的時候,不知道我是不是不習慣聽現場咪高峰的聲音,覺得曉琪的聲音不像曉琪。身上穿著是一套白色低胸的長裙,前面的頭髮梳成「雞冠頭」曉琪先和伍思凱對唱「認錯」,然後獨唱「永遠」和「夢醒時分」。在後台稍作休息後,穿著一襲黑衣裙的曉琪從升降台升上來,一邊彈著鋼琴,一邊唱「走過」。我有時候看看曉琪,有時候看看大屏幕裡曉琪的面部和手部特寫,從那個時候我就一邊看,也一邊哭……拿著面紙擦眼淚……這是一種複雜的情緒,好像一下子全都湧到眼睛去。尤其是看到曉琪手部在彈鋼琴的特寫,我就想哭……總之我就一直哭,一直哭。後來曉琪說要唱 「味道」和「領悟」,當曉琪在唱「領悟」的中途哽咽,有幾句唱不下去,我又看著屏幕,哭,跟著曉琪哭……哽咽期間我聽到有觀眾喊「辛曉琪」,但我已經沒法大喊,只有拍著手支持曉琪。最後到大合唱,曉琪換了便服,紅色上衣,牛仔短裙,開開心心地和各位歌手謝幕。我一直坐在位子上,直到目送曉琪回後台才離開。


About Dandelion Love Concert - Part I  2003.7.18

It just a fortnight to go! Although this time the concert is not totally by Winnie, I'm still looking forward to it nervously. Yes, nervously.

My first time watching Winnie's performance in Hong Kong was about eight to nine years ago. It was 'The Spring Music Concert'. The nature of that concert was similar to this one's, gathering several singers in a single concert.

I remembered I brought along with my binoculars last time. Winnie, who was the last but not the least singer, appeared in the stage with her song 'Understanding'. Of course I saw Winnie with my binoculars, just liked taking a peep at someone.
Nervous, nervous, nervous. Frankly speaking, I was too indulged in watching Winnie, my ears were also used to watch her, so it's hard to enjoy her voice whole-heartedly. The only impression left was, 'she sang as well as the album version!'

The experience of that time was valuable, it told me that I can't waste anything for the coming concert anymore. I really hope I don't behave stupid at that night and enchant in the show.

I should step out The Hong Kong Coliseum with a heart that is satisfied through and through.










How Are You? 2003.5.23


Dear Winnie,

How are you? I think you're busy with the new album right now.

I'm fine at this moment, just finishing the work of today. A little bit tired and my eyes get blurred.

Today I heard the news that you might appeared in a concert in Hong Kong. I don't know if it's true, as that collection album doesn't include any single of your songs. It's quite strange, isn't it? Your song 'Scent' hit Hong Kong at that year but I couldn't find it from that album. Perhaps it was a matter of records company. I wish I could go to the concert if you attended.


I want to show you a picture. I just drew one only. It's on the year 1995. I didn't drew it well but I hope you'd not mind my poor drawing. (Quite embarrassed!)



SARS is severe in Taiwan now, do take care of yourself. Write to you later.

Best wishes,


Letters To Winnie by the help of Pooh during 2003.4.11-14 in Singapore


Dear Winnie 曉琪:







2003/4/10 香港

Dear Winnie 曉琪:





Winnie, take Very Good Care of Yourself. 4/4

For the pass away of Leslie Cheung


After reading the news about your comment on the pass away of her ex-partner, Leslie Cheung, I was quite worried about you. I knew you had worked with him in the past, but as your fan, we didn’t realize how deep the relationship between you and him. I just hope you can take very good care of yourself. You know, during reading your comments, the sadness pictures appeared in my mind simultaneously. I could feel you were so unhappy to hear the news. But please, take care of yourself.


And please don’t blame yourself for any so-called ‘regret’ decisions. As human, we have our own characteristics, our own strengths and weakness. Sometimes, our performance is affected not only by myself but also social values and constraints. Everyone has his or her own life and experience. What we can do is, ‘Treasure the life. Concern the others’ (珍惜生命,關心他人 in Chinese). Cheer up Winnie! And take very good care of yourself!

Happy Birthday to WINNIE! ~ 2003 ~


Liang (Hangzhou, China), Pooh (Singapore) and me (Hong Kong) sent cards to celebrate Winnie's birthday 2003.  The idea was proposed by Pooh. The cards then sent to China, then Hong Kong, then on hands of Winnie. Click HERE to read Winnie's reply and the messages of three of us.



Sigh 13/1/03

Something about Winnie's trip in Hong Kong, 7/1/03

I'm glad to know that Winnie came to Hong Kong for being a guest in Pin-yuen Huang's concert. I didn't go to the concert but I paid attention to all the media for any news about Winnie. Unfortunately apart from a tiny group photo in the newspaper, there were nothing about Winnie this trip. I knew Winnie went to the radio station too but I missed it. It should be paid for listening again on the Internet! 

In all the newspapers reports, guests from Hong Kong only in the concert were widely reported. Winnie's was the least. So so poor! From the help of the other fans on the Pighead's BBS, I realized Winnie sang the 'Scent' and part of 'Understanding'. I was unhappy to know about this. Maybe it's not Winnie's choice but do Hong Kong people just accept Winnie singing these two well-known songs? Why she couldn't sing another one? say... 'The Lover!'

Surprise in Book 8/12/02

I found a Chinese fiction mentions Winnie's song in the story. How incredible!

Name:圖書館的女孩 (A Girl In Library)
Author: 王蘭芬
Pages that mentions Winnie's song:104-5(Simplified Chinese version)

"麥當勞裡換了一張音樂,辛曉琪"在你背影守候",像跟著冷氣一起流出來似的,清涼如水。" "我繼續喝著冰咖啡,心裡跟著辛曉琪輕輕地哼著"但我......在你背影守候已久,守候你真心回眸的笑容。"

Before & After Awoke 7-8/9/02

I dreamt of Winnie again, but this time, it's a bit strange...


      前天我一起床,腦海裡就響起了《談情看愛》的《瞬間》。真的很奇怪,因為我已經有一段時間沒有聽這專輯,還有最近都總是聽著別的歌... ...所以一起床腦海裡就響起了《瞬間》,連我自己都攪不清楚是為甚麼。
       因為這樣,所以我昨晚飯後聽了兩遍《談情看愛》。再聽這張專輯的感受是:這張是一張特別的專輯,但是要我說得更清楚一些,目前為止我還是無法做出結論。是注重弦樂比較多的專輯嗎?又好像不完全是... ...我覺得應該有一些東西藏在裡面,但因為不太明顯,所以我還沒能找出一兩個字去形容這張專輯。


Unshakable Confidence


Recently, I found a video clip about your press conference for album 'Forever'.  I was shocked when hearing you talked about why you put piano playing and singing without lyrics at the two ends of your album.  I found your insistence, your judgment, your firm decision... and your unshakable confidence. I really very shocked and impressed by you, Winnie.  I really really want to have such unshakable confidence.  Can I have it one day?

The video clip:

Lyrics Rewrite In Album 'MY LOVE'!


Another versions of 'Everything', 'Love Story'...

WINNIE please go to the column 'PENCIL'  and give comments. 

Keep Your Best!


Although you couldn't receive the 'Best Female Mandarin Singer' of 13th Golden Songs Awards 2002 in Taiwan on 2002.5.4.! We feel sorry about it, but  you're our best in our mind, please keep your best! We all support you.

My Feeling For Winnie In 13th Golden Songs Awards 


WINNIE, I write with titles in the album, 'Forever'. Hope you can receive my regards.









簡直像Two Different Lovers


You Can't Say a Reason















English Translation:

I met Winnie many years ago

Unit today of 2002

I have kept listening to her love songs

I have kept feeling her hard-working

And the obsession for music

I can understand the changes on her music and even herself

She in the past, she in today

like Two Different Lovers

I love her

You Can't Say a Reason

Maybe it's fate!

Do anybody know her back of happiness

Is many times of contradiction between dreams and reality

and she has to face it without words?


A firework appears near her

If it is possible

Please light up her music road

Then it should be a beautiful tale!

If the firework is away

I really want to

Fold a paper crane

Telling her

I will support her forever


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