



by Melissa Roberts

Words that need to be spoken should not accumulate inside.
The hurt, pain or jealousy a person feels can not hide.

Sorrow and anger can be and will be suppressed.
But this only leads to a person feeling depressed.

Anger is a deadly toxin in which the body it flows.
When it takes over limb by limb, everyone knows.

The body - The mind controls and manipulates.
As the poison enters the veins and circulates.

When the poison reaches the heart it's too late.
Disastrous emotions take over such as revenge and hate.

The antidote to cure these emotions, is not so hard to find.
We must search to learn to control our spirited bodies and minds.

Standing Alone
by Chase

I can see the flower upon which my life grows, blooming into a rose.

See the hope and courage in the strength of the petals.
As long as I am, I will be.
The flower will never wilt or die.
As my life grows back, I shall become strong.
I shall become only dependent on one.
That one will be me.
I will rise with my petals high.
My life as a flower will bloom and prosper as I grow.
I may not be the pick of the patch, but I am just as beautiful as the rest.

I will stand as one, but not a lonely soul.
The tears will be far from my smile.

The Impact Of Jealously
by Heidy Schmidt

How you have denied my happiness
with envy, mistrust and possessiveness.
Forcing apologies for good times,
while drumming the bad.
Bombarding my emotions with confusion
by twisting the truth and reinforcing guilt.

You stripped my self- worth by exposing
the naked image of discontent.
Distorting the gift of life
by ripping, tearing at my conscience,
so frustrating for those around me.

Rejected, are the warm soothing thoughts
by continuously questioning
trust, honest, loyalty,
the true essence of love.

Above all, you deprived my dignity
of father, husband and manhood
by battering self- respect.

Oh, how abusive.
An internal holocaust with no dictator to destroy,
for I am weak, too feeble to take control.

by Morgan Russell

A tiny grain of sand sits in a desert,
someone may have viewed it
but will never remember it.
It is not noticed.

How will it ever stand out,
it's so small.
It blends in so well.
It is not noticed.

When viewed from afar
it appears nothing more
than a blur.
It is not noticed.

This grain of sand is doomed
to be hidden for life.
No matter where it goes
or how different it is.
It is not noticed.

What If?
by James R. Belleforte

What if we could fly away?
Swim among the stars,
Feel the warmth of other suns-
Suns so near and yet so far.

What if we could touch the sky?
Speak the language of the trees?
Hear the branches whisper words
As they flutter in the breeze.

What if we could fight a storm?
Bellow back its angry cry,
Smite the mighty lightening bolts -
Strike them from the sky?

What if we could be the forest?
Harmony the robin's song?
Keep in all the good and right?
Banish everything evil and wrong?

What if we could fly away?
Embrace the starry sky?
Swim in waters of other seas?
Oh, what if we could fly?

And The Storm Comes
by Charlotte O'connor

the sky clouds over,
the wind picks up,
the hail comes down,
and the storm comes,

the rain falls down,
the wind is faster,
the sound is louder,
and the storm comes,

the lights go out,
all goes quiet,
the wind seems still,
but the storm comes,

the wind sounds again,
and the hail bangs down,
the roar is heard,
and the storm comes,

the walls come down,
people are hurt,
much is damaged,
and the storm leaves,

the wall are built,
the graves are laid,
the storm is gone,
and the nightmares stay.

Dreams Of Freedom

by Belinda Schuler-chin

Sometimes I wonder what it is like to be free,
Like a monkey swinging from tree to tree,
Or like young eagles way in the skies,
Calling to each other with joyful cries.

Oh, to be free and without a care,
Not to live in bondage or constant fear.
To live each day and spread my wings,
To be forever untouched by negative things.

by Faye Jones

There is many a time
You seem to read my mind.
But in the end
You can't know what I intend.
Your view of my actions
Are clouded by your past attachments.

Your memory guides your comprehension.
If only you could change the definitions.
Erase the imprints on your heart.
Make a new start.
Allow me to ease your misery.
Let us make our own new history

Little Treasures
by Crystal Kniss

A forest of friendship,
A garden of love,
An ocean of kisses,
A bushel of hugs

A handful of wishes,
A pocket of dreams,
A big box of tenderness
Busting its seams

A cozy warm blanket
Tucked up to my ears,
Made of velvet rose petals,
Love letters and tears

A chest full of promises,
Drawer full of chances,
A great big red barn
Full of all of life's answers

A little red ribbon
To tie it all up,
A buffalo nickel
Stuck in for good luck

This is the present
I'll give to myself
The moment you put
My love on the shelf

I'm not afraid of not being your pleasure
Cause I've got a little red box full of treasures.

Cruelty Of The Chained Dog
by Krysta Wagner

I wish that I was told what I've done wrong,
Why must I be chained up and left alone so very long?
They seemed so glad to have me when I was growing up.
There were so many things we'd do when I was just a pup.
The master sad he'd train me as a companion and a friend.
The mistress said she'd never fear to be alone again.
The children said they'd feed me and they did if I would only stay.
But now the master says "No Time."
The mistress says I shed.
She doesn't want me in the house not even to be fed.
The children said they'd walk me, now they say "Not Now."
I wish I could tell them how I really felt.

In My Mind
by Jordan

Is a clear, brisk night at the beach
better than a good storm
Hearing that song that only relates to one moment,
one person
Knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life
even if only one
Hearing waves pound on the sand
when you need to clear your mind
Knowing someone thinks
you are a great person
What if you would have told that special person your feeling earlier,
whose world would be better
Remembering childhood memories
and sharing them with someone who cares
Watching the love of your life smile
if for no reason at all
Knowing things should be perfect
wishing they were
Wondering what my one
wish would be
Have I created myself
or merely followed a path
Who judges me by what I do
and does it matter
Can life be any better
can it be any worse
Is someone reading your script
Am I really OK with dying
Have I done everything I need to do
Are my kids as happy as they can be
Why was I put on this earth
and am I accomplishing that purpose
Is there anyone listening
or am I alone

by Amanda Jordan

I feel it approaching
out of the darkness
out of the staleness
I see it first just as small as the light from a fire fly
It is a silent threat, not heard only felt
Like the storm you see quietly but forcefully
dancing on the horizon.
As it grows in its magnificence
My apprehensive heart beats against my chest
I feel it so close but I keep praying that it will stay far away
My heart pounds wildly until my breath escapes me
My life my existence has been nothing but a great paradox
leading to this moment in time.
There are so many
Their voices screaming in my mind
A thousand thoughts inside only one
How do I help them all
What if I allow one to fall.
Will it swallow them into the parade of lightning
into the abyss of blinding light
Will I too fall for not saving them
I always knew it was there
Safely waiting on the horizon
But I never felt this light would catch me this fast
I never thought the rain would fall upon my skin
But now here it is
Will I have the strength
Strength to make it go away
Only the agony of waiting for the future will tell
Just remember never let it come so close
That you can feel the mist upon you
Because the second you don't realize
the other end of the story
That is the second it grabs a hold on you.

by Damien Miles-Paulson

My chest feels like collapsing,
too much weight falling down on it,
so much to say.
But my still lips say nothing,
they want to scream,
to you.
My hand is slow,
and scurries to write,
while my mind wanders.
I drove around tonight,
detached from the road,
I drove without thought,
I was elsewhere.
I passed myself at every corner,
and saw who I was.
At one corner,
there I was, standing, with her.
I remember who I was then,
not myself.
But is that what love is,
compromising some of your heart,
to hold a piece of theirs,
can you or I, find that person,
the one who sees you naked, all of you.
The great things, the things you hide under your clothes.
So this question, to your sleeping ears, I want to ask.
Next block,
there I was again,
I looked happy enough,
but a piece was missing,
my smile.
In my life, I’ve never failed,
games have been lost,
people too, never failures.
But what have I tried,
when have I put my head under the ax,
With all I have, the things people say I have,
what have I tried,
Success would be great,
but like a child at his first piano recital,
I’m so afraid of failing.
So I set my goals low, the lowest,
then even my hands, often clumsy,
could hold onto success.
This needs to change,
I can’t do it alone, though I’ve done everything alone,
fought all my battles in my head,
no more.
Pride can drop like my pants,
fear of truth, and speaking this truth must be beaten,
please help.
Another left turn,
green lights in front of me,
like a red carpet.
The night around me is swallowed by the day,
the sun shines,
and under a clear sky,
big drops of rain fall on my face.
I see me,
lost in life's warm embrace.
Wet to the soul,
rain, like waterfalls, streams down my face,
over my unblinking eyes,
dripping off my nose, onto my shirt,
into my mouth.
Dry lips become wet,
a straight face gives way to a smile.
The light turns red, my car stops,
my eyes recognize what is so clear,
this is me today,
happy for the hell of it.
Untouched by tears or sadness,
happy with every breath,
at peace with himself,
even though perfection is far,
like the end of the stars.
The light won’t change,
I like it here.
Keys turn, the car quiets,
I step out,
and crawl into myself, to see things more clearly.

by Vincen Tabatha

How are we so "different"?
If "different" is just a thing.
If we all have certain features,
What does "different" bring?

People filled with hatred,
Can't possibly see,
That there's not really "differences"
Between you and me.

Looks can't show "difference",
If they're just there to be seen.
If you don't look like someone else,
Why are they so mean?

If being "different" is what is wrong,
I'd rather not be right.
And I'd want to finish living,
Doing the "different" fight.

Love Is
by TJ Chamberlin

Love is:

Knowing your "self" to love the person inside
To see the beauty within
To breathe the breath of life
To feel the emotions surrounding your inner "self"
To water your garden of life
To stand with the universe
above, below and within
To meet the four corners of the universe
North, South, East and West
To respect who you are
To gather information to help you survive
To know your inner "self" enough to live for you.

We Are The Light (a Sonnet)
by Nancy Ness

A world of hope in an expectant look,
As multitudes' pedantic blinded eyes,
In staunch refute of anecdotal book
Ingeminate historic harrowed cries.

Our children see with undefiled sense -
Their hearts and minds novitiate, our charge.
The future's cast of tenets' existence;
The time is nigh, malignity to purge.

Our ventures now each fledgling's discipline,
Whence we endow, mankind's forever gained.
Hereafter molds society's doctrine;
Eternally our lessons lie ingrained

Our vision now bestows the blind with sight.
We are the world - its beacon and its light.

What Have I Done?
by Olivia

I saw him standing there, cold and wet from the rain.
The air coming from his mouth was clearly visible
and all I could do was stare.

He was so beautiful.
He seemed intelligent and sensitive.
I wanted to go up to him and kiss him
and make his cold flesh warm.

But I am frozen in time.
I try to move but its as if my feet are glued to the floor.
I can't move!
He leaves in a cab before I get a chance to talk to him.

He could have been the one.
The one that I've been searching for.
Now, he is gone.

Most Beautiful Woman In The World
by Ruwaida Van Doorsen

She has no special talent
No special beauty mark
No invention with a patent
No voice of a comely lark

No hourglass physique
No sunbeam likened smile
No lingering mystique
No manicured nails to file

But what she had she flaunted
With the style of a fur- lined stole
With the chic of a runway model
She flashed her beautiful soul

Pathways Of Life
by Randall Beers

We walked together the pathways of life,
Hand in hand facing each obstacle we came upon.
Welcoming those that strengthened our resolve,
Conquering that which refused to yield.

Inseparable from one another, together our love grew,
Stronger and stronger with each passing day.
We grew closer as each challenge was met,
Becoming as one in deed and thought.

Time passes for those with the illusion,
That always their love will be strong.
As our lives become complacent, assumptions are made,
Love slips away slowly and becomes stagnant.

A cross word said, a thoughtless remark made,
Ignoring the needs of each other.
Taking for granted the other will forgive,
Selfishness and greed become our passion.

Ignorantly we hurt without thought or need,
Blindly stumbling, wounding each others soul.
Negligent we are that we refuse to see,
The pain growing and the tears from the eyes.

Our pathways of life have come to a fork,
Once clasped hands no longer do touch.
Our resolve no longer strong, a decision to be made,
To conquer with Love, or yield to Hate.

River Of Dreams
by Randall Beers

Standing on the riverbank watching the water flow,
The setting sun gives up its last rays.
Feeling the gentleness of the wind blow,
Recalling my love of youth spent days.

When skipping stones and flying kites,
Filled my days with fun delight.
The sky ablaze with wondrous sights,
When my friends and I camped out at night.

Running through puddles created by the rain.
The sweet smell of freshly mown grass,
Going fishing with a bamboo cane,
The pranks we pulled in science class.

Playing baseball using a stick for a bat,
Watching the graceful flight of a Turtledove.
Chasing up a tree our neighbor's cat.
The bashful experience of my first love.

Flowing along just as water does,
Searching for what it means,
It's the way that life goes,
Standing by my River of Dreams.

On The Edge Of Dreaming
by Geoff Sanderson

On the edge of dreaming
When the brain lets go
When it stops its scheming
And the blood runs slow

Then the heart speaks clearly
Of the things it knows
Things it bought so dearly
At the evening's close

Will the wine keep flowing
When the kissing stops?
Will the love keep growing
When the blossom drops?

In the clear light's dawning
On the edge of day
Dare we tell the morning
What the heart can't say?

by Ocean

We are never free- - Really
We are bound in chains
You cannot see them- - Clearly
But you feel the hurt and pain

We cannot be together- - Ever
We cannot be apart
They hold us here- - Forever
And allow no room for heart

Break these chains- - Someone
Break them for you and me
Break these chains- - Someone
And set our world free

Stairwell Above Gray
by Lauren Rosskam

Of where I've laid my head
oceans wide with cerulean weeds, reeds and shells
ones you can hear voices through
tunnels unwalked
shoes go unworn
or worn out
from dancing and thrashing
covered, second skinned, in black, tight clothes
your head filled with faces
you swore you saw driving next to you
three weeks ago from last year
and where were we then?
Clue searching
with industrial strength magnifying glasses
prescribed when you were so lost
writhing turning images
staring back and you in the dirty glass mirror
as the mascara runs races down your flushed cheeks
and your towels show their years
of just hanging and waiting
for acceptance
of being held
your arm over my jagged shoulder, draping
across my chest
so closely
for a message from ancient seashells
swept up on the shore by angered tides
and creations from my hands
and creations from my eyes
what they've been witness too
the lines
white, thick
tempting, like lying in bed without you
and not seeming moveable
or posable
standing in a corner kissing
paying no mind to the other three walls
ignoring their flaws
and screaming perfections
of your smile
your olive eyes
cliche it seems to put it down
in stairwells
of inkwells
spilling, staining
the minute grooves of fingerprint tips
flips the mode of impressions
into beautiful stark white rolls of mind paper
just running (dripping) words as I lie awake
my hand reaching down
underneath the boat's bottom
into the calm gray.

by Alison Rotmark

As my time and memory fades from mind,
A piece of me I hope to leave behind.
My words, my spirit; I hope to weave
From the fluid grace of my beliefs.
I worship this life and all it has to hold;
For the beauty it reveals or even if left untold.
Even death is that to sanctify.
It will one day wash over us in a gentle, rising tide.
Our achievement of life; to death we sacrifice
But upon this earth, before we do part;
Share your mind, your soul and heart.
And mend a broken, wandering spirit.
Show them this life is too precious, to short to fear it
And look past, not upon our human difference
From this, find immortality- eternal deliverance

Late Knowledge
by Amanda Jenkins

Raised to myself be true,
I began to live the dream I drew.
Many thoughts I had conceived,
Brought me to fight for what I believed
Was right to stand,
Making myself feel grand.
I put myself on a pedestal
And thought I did rule.
Instead, others called me cruel
Making me out to be a ghoul.
That is when I realized
The life that I had idealized
Did not make me strong,
But proved me to be wrong.
Words said were meant to discriminate,
But this knowledge came too late.
For many a mind I had coyed,
And many more lives I had destroyed.
Discrimination is not based on race
As many people believe to be the case.
Do not judge one
By what he has done.
Instead take a stand
And prove you want to share the land.
Now I have learned
A lesson we all have yearned:
By throwing words sharp as knives,
I have ruined many valuable lives.
Now is the time
To flip a dime.
Heads ~ I will follow a new trend.
Tails ~ I will make a new end.
I will choose tails
In order to keep my life's train on the rails.
People's personalities range,
While anyone can change.
I have learned my lesson and done so well,
So, now I will live to tell
The story of how
Discrimination will kill the now.

No Title, It Just Happened
by Ted Reynolds

Puttering in my yard, and this guy comes down the street.
Stands a long time on the walk staring at the house.
Age is relative, like if I'm mature, this guy is OLD.
I ignore him, sometimes you get more mileage that way.
Finally he asks me how long the house has been here
(As if before that it had been somewhere else! )
"Sixty/seventy years, " I tell him, not that I know.
He nods slowly and looks at it again.
"Might be the same house, but I ain't sure. "
"Same house as what, " I ask, angling for the story,
There's always a story, if you care to find it.
"Well, " he says, "I don't remember the street name,
But it was this part of town, 'bout this far from the corner,
When she lived here." "She? " That was enough of a nudge.
I got the whole gist of it in the next two minutes.
During the war, "the *real* war" as he put it,
He was posted at the Willow Run airport for a while,
And there was a girl he sort of was fond of,
And then he was sent to the Pacific and ended up in South Cal,
And married and worked and retired and his wife died,
And one day after 50-some years he's back in Ypsilanti,
And looking for a house he hardly remembers
Because there was this girl, "her hair was sort of dark, "
But this probably isn't the house. Says he's got to move on.
I wish him good luck. "I hope you find her. "
He looks at me as if I'm slightly daft.
"Better I don't, " he says, "but thanks for the thought. "

Colors Of Our Life
by Lisa Winn

Our lives are filled with color from the start,
and Red is the love that comes from our hearts.
Blue is the sadness that drips from our eyes,
but Black is the evil that makes us tell lies.

Green is the shade of jealousy and rage,
and Grey is the hair that comes with old age.
Purple is the mood most misunderstood,
but White is the color that Makes Us Feel Good.

Life is full of meaningful colors,
But Especially White.
So hold on to it tight.

Job Lost
by Melton Culberth

The first day I was employed,
Was a great day in my life.
I can now provide for my kids,
Along with a loving wife.

The bills are all paid.
And there’s food on the table.
We are respected,
healthy and able.

Then the cutbacks came, the layoffs began,
I want to keep my position.
But, I find myself, beside myself,
with no more recognition.

The company I work for
Is a strong organization.
But then it Merged,
And lost human compassion.

I hear the stories of men that’s fired,
Their jobs downsized by the Company,
And now wonder what the future holds.
America has no job security.

My Life, My Wife
by Alan Wawruck

I always felt
You were the one
I'd be with all my life
We met, we loved
We lived together
Then you became my wife

We shared some great times
Good and bad
We laughed when happy
Cried when sad

As time went on
Our hearts did lift
When we were blessed
With god's greatest gifts

Our children, Shirley, Nicholas too
Brought a wealth of joy
We never knew

That's when life got in the way
The stress of work
And not enough play

We carried on a futile quest
Chasing dreams and happiness
Trying hard to do our best
We ended up with so much less

It's not that easy
As we now know
It never was, right from the start
One thing we learned, as we did go
Is happiness
Only comes from the heart

Painted Portraits Of Sapphire Skies
by Alicia Vasquez

in a corner of her room
she'd sometimes sit
by a window
sharing her sunshine
with me
wearing a tiny smock
painting portraits of sapphire skies
bright yellow three bedroom houses
white picket fences
and rainbow sunrise foregrounds

first days of school
she sits on the bus
in tears
reaches out for me
we cry
through glass
I blow a kiss
simulate a hug
and promise
I'll always be here

girls softball team tryouts
her dad's in another state
a single mom
she respects hard work
we catch
she runs
plays ball!
I applaud
she's proud
"thanks mom"
team MVP that year

first boyfriend
sad good-byes
a broken heart
lengthy cries
she needs me
I'll always be here
I assure her
she smiles
and welcomes a hug

lying on her bed
staring into nothingness
the phone on her ear
she doesn't hold my hand anymore
crosses the street alone
everything I do embarrasses her
and when I talk she barely hears me

make-up and hair
fingernails and polish
dances and friends
dresses and pins
how I'd like to see a movie with you
talk about boys
and reminisce underneath
portraits of sapphire skies
bright yellow three-bedroom houses
white picket fences
and rainbow sunrise foregrounds

prettier and more independent
sometimes arguing with me
right and wrong
I, not wanting her to end up like me
I push and pray
that she be blessed
under a brighter star

packing up the used car
I bought her
away at college
a young woman
her first time alone
maybe she'll join a sorority
or poet's society
yes, I hope and pray
no one hurts her
changes her good nature
or humble ways

"no time to call"
she always tells me
I'll be home for the holidays "mom"

sometimes when brave enough
I look back
walk cautiously
down the corridor
into her old room
where she painted portraits
and colorful dreams
of growing up in the light
in a tiny corner of her room

I sit
by a window
looking for sunshine
inhaling the scent of the unused place
a tiny smock in my hand
painting portraits
of sapphire skies
bright yellow three bedroom houses
white picket fences
rainbow sunrise foregrounds
and a tiny little girl in pig tails running through the greenest of
underneath the light
of our sapphire skies

My Book
by LJ

I have a book.
An interesting book.
A child growing up
From infant to toddler
Teenager to adult.
The pages are as old as I,
Worn from many readings.
Anxiously I turn the pages
To see what happens next.
Still I am drawn back,
Not knowing how the story starts,
To the beginning.
But in the first chapter
The pages are blank.

Rush Hour
by Mark Gamble

Red cages crammed through the streets
Carrying suited stereotypes
To official offices at which the officiate
Cheery Children chirping in uniformed banter
Monotone motors ripping the air.

Subterranean caskets fly through tunnels
Managerial morons fighting for carriage
Halting and pushing, Ranting and raving
Muted mimes play at their act in silent pretence
Empowered electric's lighting the dark

Iron Horses flashing by houses
Bringing Business back to its heart
Slicing through towns, commuters on its back
Lovers lounging quietly in there own sweet sentiment
Wild whistling waking the day

Little coloured ants crawling the roads
Conveying the family furiously slow
Rolling on cautiously, coughing and spitting
Buskers play their tunes in lonesome laments
A brilliant ballet entertaining the sky.

The Eyes of Children
by Pammy B

The eyes of children look up to man;
to teach them; to guide them;
to make them understand.
The eyes of children; beautiful and untouched;
remind us of our innocence.
So, be kind to the eyes of children;
as they do not judge;
their eyes hold only the things that they love.

by Michelle Newton

Brewing, stewing, spewing,
gut-wrenching anger.
Welling, swelling, dwelling,
gut-wrenching anger.
Seething, teasing, pleasing,
gut-wrenching anger.
Finds me, binds me, blinds me,
gut-wrenching anger.
Leaves me,
Cleans me,
Frees me,
Gut-wrenching anger.

Color Of One's Heart
by Misty Hawley

Color of one's heart.
Color of one's skin, makes no difference.
Who you are within.
They ridicule knowing the damage they cause.
Word-by-word you put up stones to block those hateful words.
Keep the faith to tear down the fortress of stones.

by Jennifer

Striving for greatness, but destined to fail.
Reaching for heaven, while living in hell.
Anxious to take, but reluctant to give.
Fearful of dying, and hasn't yet lived.
Wants to bask in the sun, but a creature of night.
Keeps doing wrong, but wants to do right.
Trying to stay young, but feeling so old.
A warm person at heart, but comes across cold.
Has it together, but falling apart.
Ready to finish, and has yet to start.
Living a life doing nothing, but dying.
Keeping a smile, at the same time crying.
Wanting it all, but has just a bit.
Desperate to stop, but can't seem to quit.
Happy here, but wants to be there.
Running in place and getting nowhere.
Craving that poison, but trying to refrain.
Feeling just great, when really in pain.
Staring in awe, but trying to ignore.
Wanting just a little, but swearing, "NO MORE!"
Keeping a promise, but feeling so torn.
Proud of one's self, and too, feeling scorn.
Thinking no one cares, but sensing concern.
Don't worry, it's cool, but the flames still burn.
Feeling so lonely, but afraid of devotion.
Wants to love openly, but can't show emotion.
Want's to take it easy, yet looks for storms to weather.
With God by my side, we'll do it together.

by Barb Ortiz

Could it possibly be,
He has used it toward me -
Such a word that contains
So much mystery and magic?

Is it possible that
I've been able to hide
All the dark in my life
That's been tragic?

The sweetest of words
I ever have heard
That, of me, have ever been said -
It's a mystical phrase
That you read on a page,
Of a poem or fairy tale book.

I would never have guessed
That from all of the rest,
He would ever describe me -

If the man only knew
When I look at him too,
That the truth is, I find him -

In My Hand
by Allison Mathis

I hold in my hand a lifetime,
but to you it may be just sand.
I hold in my hand the memories
of a long forgotten land.

I hold in my hand the gateway
to all the good times I knew.
I hold in my hand the bad times
that, in a way are good times too.

I hold in my hand the friendships
that are kept so close to my heart.
I hold in my hand the long years
that were kept so long in the dark.

I hold in my hand the hardships
of moving from place to place.
I hold in my hand the people
and the world they've help me face.

I hold in my hand the holidays
that were spent with the people I love.
I hold in my hand those loved ones
and their hard times yet to come.

I hold in my hand the Bible
and the special things it says.
I hold in my hand the goodness
of the people across the land.

You Made Me Fly
by J. Samm

I longed for acceptance
You welcomed me with open arms

I longed to be heard
You turned to listen

I felt worthless
You treasured me

I thought I was incapable
You gave me a chance to prove what I can do

I was without talent
You called me gifted

I was trapped in a shell I built for myself
You set me free

I never knew I could do anything that counts
You believed in me

I thought I was limp
You made me fly

And so I did
And I soared high.

by Kate

You can live your whole life asleep,
Accepting the compartment, mirroring the stereotype.
It's easy and comforting and meaningless to be taken,
locked in by their love.
But desire is awake now in me;
My eyes are open.
with teeth as sharp as memory gnaws at my soul;
And passion,
clear as starlight, real as dreams,
coaxes me out of the box.
I want to walk on wet grass with naked feet,
and chase morning from pole to pole.
If I go, will you follow?
I'm afraid to be alone.
Love in the dark always means more.
Catch me.
I'm ready to fall.

by Jen

A heart has many doors,
each leading to different worlds;
behind each of the doors lie many secrets,
most of which will never be told.

Although they wish to be told,
the doors are locked tightly.
The only key is the strength and will of that person;
and sometimes the person is too afraid
of what might happen if a door swings open,
revealing one of their precious secrets.

They never have the chance
to experience life, love, or dreams.
They never really become alive.

All doors are eventually unlocked.

Wear It Well
by Aurora

Chase the clouds
on your magic white steed
kiss the damsel
with your velvety wings
save the sorrow
for when you're alone
whilst in battle
stand like a stone
infiltrate the castle
scale its walls
look for your maiden
through tempestuous halls
sheath you sword
when speaking with a friend
when the foe emerges
put him to an end
honor your duties
and be the shining Knight
mutter not about chivalry
complain not about your plight
answer the song
of the forlorn belle
wear your armor
and wear it well.

What A Dream
by Winnybear

What a dream
To see a world that
I want to see
Happy as can be
A smiling face that
Will always be
Knowing when I wake
I face my fate
I got your name
Will I get your disease
Not knowing what
The future holds
Can I take what it gives
Or will I lose the fight

What a dream
Kids all around
Smile on a face
That never goes away
Just an inch of hope
That's all I have
You gave me life
Made it so I had no fear
Fear will always be with me
From this day on

I take life one day at a time
Knowing that
It will all come down on me
I have to face it now
Knowing that I can't face it
When it comes

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