



The Balcony
by Sarah Pichardo

I stand on the balcony of my dreams,
Where neither time nor space have any avail,
And where illusion and reality are obscure.
I step out into the dim light that the night has to offer,
And there I am exposed.

The silhouette of my reality dances in the shade of dark shadows
And I can see but a mere glimmer of its composed agility
as it flutters in its gaiety.

Though there is light, the night is fogged by a thick cloud that blinds my
view of all that surpasses the edge of the balcony.
While standing on my balcony I will remain in my dream,
But to escape my dream I must leap into the horizon
that I can neither see nor fathom.

So while sitting on the edge, I contemplate . . . debate . . .
weigh the best of the two tangent worlds.
I stand lost in a state of thought, thinking that if I stand there for a
little while longer the answer to all that beseeches me will be unveiled.

But in the interior of me, I know that my epiphany lies not within me,
but outside of me, and above me, and around me,
and I must leave my niche to search for it.
My trance breaks when my dream and my reality collide
and there I am awoken;
Aware of my fears, of the present, and of the truth.
The chill of the cold night accents my sense of awareness
and of cognizance, and the fright of reality submerges.
No longer in the invulnerability of my dream,
I must step out into the indistinct
and metamorphose my world into something definite and lucid
and even ethereal.

I am no longer on my balcony,
I now stand on the unrevealed facing my reality and my fear.
For if I fear I will never love.
And if I never love I will never live.

Caribbean Soul
by Veronica Ann Cech

Close your eyes and drift with me, to a sublime little shop next to the sea.
Soar with me across the miles,
Feel free to share your thoughts and smiles.
Over land and ocean blue,
To where white, sandy beaches welcome you.

In a harbor safe and calm,
With shade provided by the palm,
Sits a little store.
Within its walls are stored hopes, fears, drama, tears and more.
Its shuttered windows are opened wide,
To let sweet tropical breezes drift inside.

As you walk through its portal,
You are greeted by the aroma of pipe tobacco and honeysuckle.
Ceiling fans stir the lazy air,
And you know that you are welcomed there. The walls are lined with
shelves of books, And the owner smiles at your astonished looks.

Cozy little tables fill the space between; Flaubert and Steven King.
In one corner sits a bar,
With tropical treasures collected from near and far.
It's shelves are well stocked,
Complete with spirits, spring water, and a java pot.
Strains of six-string music fill the air,
And whisk away your every care.

A handsome man, with eyes of piercing blue,
Saunters over and welcomes you.
He casually sets down his pipe,
And asks, "Do you see anything you like? ".
Just then a maiden, true and fair,
Walks from behind the bar with flowers in her hair.

Her scent is that of honeysuckle pure and sweet,
And she pads toward you on bare feet.
They are both clad in cutoff shorts, and baggy tees.
Any fool can see, that they love each other desperately.

They welcome you to share a tale,
To spin a yarn, to set your soul a- sail.
Then she walks to a make- shift stage,
And softly reads from Phillip Gage.
The man makes you comfortable, sets you up with drinks and fruit.
He welcomes you to take a look.
To browse the shelves for your favorite book.
He smiles and walks back over to his pipe, And pauses briefly to re- light.

Then he is lost again within her voice.
They are lost in each other, they never had a choice.

Just a little shop, secluded yet sublime,
A small part of our souls that we all should visit . . . once upon a time.

by Eyebrite

I'm dreaming today about a prince on a white horse,
coming to take me away.

To somewhere all billowy, where fantasy lies,
to tropical gardens and silvery skies,
to a castle with smiles, all pink in a cloud,
where joy is the language and laughter the sound,
and pain is unheard of and hate is not found.

I'm believing this dream in a world all too real -
God, please give me the faith to believe in it still.

I Saw You Crying
by Tara

I saw you sitting on a bench outside
you were crying
I wanted to reach out to you and hug you
but I knew you wouldn't let me
I wished you could have told me what was wrong
I wished that I had the courage to ask
I wished I could have done something
I didn't
I was afraid of your reaction to me
I walked on
past you
because you were a stranger
I didn't even know you
and I didn't even try to

Reflections Of Life And Love
by Andrew MacDonald

Tender is the night we spend in passionate delight,
Craving the sensuality of another's warmth.
Touching like breathing - sustaining life and desire,
Forever embraced, we are consumed by the fire.
Our bonding in love is unlike the vice of lust.
Why do some want without knowing or feeling?
For them the joys of love come suddenly, or not at all.
Spontaneous obsession becomes an eternal void.
Love is neither volatile or immediate.
It is earned and cherished like the gift of life.

We are challenged to exist in spiritual peace,
In a world that frowns its cold face at romanticism.
Love, in years to come, will be obsolete.
To be replaced by that which is more efficient.
Love as a commodity of the future:
Mass-marketed, and conveniently packaged.
Only $19.99 after manufacturer's mail-in rebate.

Do the means justify our end?
Is it better to own without feeling
Than to love without needing?
I want to grow through experience, not material wealth.
That I may be wealthy in experience and love,
I will follow the past least traveled.
With solace in a friend, I have hope and support.
I am fueled by a dream and hardened for the journey,
For love is a lost road upon which few have traveled.
Embracing this thing we call life, we must keep searching.

Dedicated To The Man I Never Knew
by Pauline Hamblin

As I tend to you, in your death.
I feel I know you, by those you left.
You must have been, a wonderful man.
The strength and character of your clan
I see love, deep in their eyes.
The pain they feel is no disguise.
The gentle way they touch your hand,
As you are drifting to the promised land.
Your children talked of being raised.
Respect and devotion lived at your place.
Grateful to God, they appeared to be,
Happy to be a part of your family.
Your wife's heart is beating loud.
Tears well up, her eyes did cloud.
Unable to speak, she begins to cry.
Begging to God to not let you die.
So you see, my friend, This life is past.
But the values you left will always last.
Though I never knew you, I know you well.
Your life, your love, their eyes did tell.

I Believe
by Gracie

I believe in happiness, though I never feel it.
I believe in the stars, though I never get my wish.
I believe in God, though I've never heard him.
I believe in my future, though I don't know where it's headed.
I believe in my friends, though they lie.
I believe in love, though I don't know what it is.
I believe in life, though I die.

Time Unending
by Ted Mayfield

There comes a time, when we see a different light.
Is it what we have searched out, an emotion we cannot fight?
Maybe it is nothing at all, a smile in the wind,
Everything would define our lives, simplicity could begin again.

Unless we chance to open our eyes, the light may fade away,
Never to return again, broken dreams gone astray.
Even as we seek ourselves, wondering about our world,
New lights they do beckon, a neglected flag unfurled.
Do we want what we have seen, or what we do not know?
Is there something else to seek or something to let go?
Now the day is upon us, answers from above descending,
Grasping hearts with new found love, as our time becomes unending.

A Warrior's Face
by Mars

Spring waters flow,
Warmed by Father Sun,
Swelling beyond the keeping banks,
Leaching winter’s frosted ores,
Through spreading fingers,
Of the water’s course,
Renewing those, along its path,
That seem at first, to succumb,
Then emerge from the inundation,
With the strength of stamina,
And will to persevere,
Ultimately without complaint,
In understanding and appreciation,
Of the gifts of the tribulation,
As the water keeps its sacred task,
Cleansing Mother Earth,
Like the tears on a Warriors face,
Cleanse the soul.

Don't Tell Me Who I Am
by Wes Mitchell

no. really
I do know how I am
I'm all messed up
that's nothing new

I don't know what to do
or who to be
or what you expect from me
it really doesn't matter anyway
you can scream at a wall until it breaks
but in the end

it's still broken,

how do you change you?
who is it that I have turned into
it's not me
it's not you

god, please don't let it be them
it must be them
I will wreck you
and I will use you
I don't know

please, don't go
cause I am scared
what if I really am who I came from
I know I push you away
what if it really is all my fault
cause I am not me

has been taken
from my quivering


In Search Of Me
by Leslie Rentas

There is darkness now,
where there once was the glow of a shining star.
The glow has faded, for I no longer have my guiding light.
I know only where I have been, for where I'm going I do not know.

I have no destination . . .
I wander aimlessly. A shell of my former self . . .
My reflection holds no resemblance of who I use to be . . .
I must go in search of myself . . .

To seek and find the light once again

S omething Better

by Deric

My life was great until you told me,
I don’t love you anymore, I want to be free.
My heart was broken and started to bleed,
Because you gave up and wanted to leave.

No one has ever hurt me like this,
You betrayed me with just a kiss.
I didn’t think I would ever get over it,
I just wanted to die, give up, and quit.

I felt a gapping hole in my heart,
Bleeding so badly and falling apart.
I don’t know what to do now, I said,
Something deep inside me is dead.

As the wounds healed I came alive,
I’m not going to die, I will survive.
I had awakened a new sense of freedom,
With each day passing, I knew where it came from.

I am a survivor . . . I can’t let this get me down,
I must not walk around town with a frown.
It is so easy to climb inside,
Escape reality, deny love, and hide.

A year has passed and here I am today,
I feel great and am so glad I found my way.
I have met a wonderful person, a life to share,
A friend so kind, true, and with a love so rare.

How could I have possibly been so blind,
Not to realize that true love is there, to find.
I learned that when something happens bad,
It’s important not to become too sad.

Waiting around the corner is something great,
Don’t be afraid to reopen the gate.
For we truly hurt those we love the best,
But true love always survives the test.

True love is always worth the wait,
Remember… don’t settle for second rate.

The Past
by Leslie Rentas

The past holds many secrets
better left untold . . .
For to bring them to the present
its bitterness unfolds . . .

The memories we cherish
may be tarnished by its gloom . . .
Its darkness and its sorrow
is to what we are doomed . . .

There is no need relive the past
for to do so is in vain . . .
Yesterday's gone, today is here
why relive the pain . . .

Forget the past as you turn away
and wish it a farewell . . .
For no longer in the past
will your present dwell . . .

Hidden Blessings
by Pauline Hamblin

Thank you God for the valleys,
That I sometimes find myself in.
A life that is always sunshine
And no rain would bring
A world without flowers,
Or gardens to tend.
The rivers would all dry up.
The ocean's a dream.
A world without happiness,
to me, it would seem.

Life can't be all blessing -
There would be no need
To talk with God,
Or bow at His feet.
Heaven would be meaningless,
Angels would be without song.
Life on earth would be boring,
and the days here would be long.

I'm Tired
by A. Mother

I'm tired!
Yes, Lord, I'm tired!
Tired of being lonely and tired of being alone.
Tired of the voices of women instead of men.

I'm tired of seeing my older face
Where a younger one should be.
Tired of acting my age
When inside I feel twenty-three.

Yes, I'm tired!
Tired of empty arms and empty nights.
Tired of an empty heart and an empty life.
Tired of loving no one and no one loving me.
I'm tired of my own company
And just plain tired of being me.

I'm tired!
Yes, Lord, I'm tired but I can't turn back the years.
I just need your help, Lord,
To get through these middle age tears.

by Robert James

If all there was to know
Was known by only me
And the only place to go
I was all there was to see.

I'd start at the beginning
And I'd make myself anew
With a will that's free for sinning
To forget all that I knew.

Then I could learn again
That which I could only teach
That the truth of I as man
Is there's nothing I can't reach.

No Longer Who I Used To Be
by Pauline Hamblin

Can you see
The illness that haunts me?
Others don't understand.
To them my disease is just a name.
But I will never be the same.

I never thought
It would happen to me.
Disease is not choosy -
My body chosen, just happened to be.

My body's changing.
I can't be the person you're used to seeing.
Emotions run high.
My pain is real.
It haunts the very existence of my being.

Please don't judge me
If I seem angry.
For I don't understand
How my pain and suffering
Can be a part of God's master plan.

by Angell

I walk down the street
I look left and right
I hoping people will like
I hope they don't mind

I'm not from around here
I came from far away
I'm a stranger among them
I hope that's ok

I walk in fear
I look in confusion
I feel a tear in my eye

They look at me differently
But I heard they're so nice
The life here's so easy
It'll all be all right

They give me a look
Some start to laugh
What's going on?
When I ask them why,
They tell me to do the "math"

I don't know their language,
I don't know their ways,
I'm scared and petrified
in my childish ways

So my face is different color
my language not the one you speak -
Because of that, am I really bad?
I always thought I was unique

It's been awhile now.
I got used to the taunting.
I stopped caring
Stopped hoping
they'll find me to their liking

Middle Age
by Sharad

Years are tears,
Falling from my eyes,
Reminding me of the road,
That I left behind.

A precious life,
An era to live,
A non-event,
Nothing to describe.

Far at a distance,
A light is seen,
Can I touch it,
Stir in my mind.

Absence Of Love
by Marge Tindal

When love was youthful it came my way,
But I had not the time to play.
I sent it skipping down the street,
And love and it's laughter beat a hasty retreat.

Love tried to enter but I didn't relent.
I said, "Go away!", and away it went.
Love came again and knocked on my door.
I did not answer.....so it tried no more.

Even though my life went well,
Love did not come again to dwell.
Not in my life or in my shell,
I had really shunned it well.

As I sit alone in the dark of the night,
Memories of the past take flight.
And if the true story were to be told
Oh, love how I'd welcome you
Now that I'm old.

Day of Beckoning
by Nancy Ness

I hear My Day of Beckoning
From Muses to my lair
‘Tis long enough my Reckoning
Life’s Sirens fill the air.

Enough Responsibility
I’ve been grown up too long
I’m ready for Frivolity
To sing that Siren’s Song

No more of this hibernal game
With tufted quilts and snow
I hear Adventure call my name
With all it shall bestow.

A fortnight’s nurturant avow,
Time now to shed that skin
My burdens all are lighter now
New Journeys can begin.

My Quest in life to have some Fun
And write of all I see
I’ll tell you when I’ve touched the Sun
Thence Siren’s Song I’ll be.

So, heed me well, I have forespake
I’ll venture to and fro,
But I know not the road I’ll take
I’ll pave it as I go

Entrust in this, loved ones and friends,
I and my Travelin’ van
Will forge new trails by this year’s end -
I’ll be a Travelin’ Nan.

Is IRony in Hearkening?
Life’s Siren’s luring word?
I hear My Day of Beckoning,
The Sweetest Song I’ve heard?

Someone Else
by Roche

Have you ever wished you were someone else?
Someone other than yourself.
Have you ever wanted to get away?
To be someone else for a day.

Does it seem like your lane is always jammed?
and everything you do is always dammed?
Do you always seem to catch the red light?
and you never seem to do anything right.

Do you try to make everyone happy, not sad?
but someone always ends up mad.?
If I changed my name
Would you treat me the same?

If I changed my face
How would I see this place?
If I changed my beliefs
Would my mind be anymore deep?

If I was someone else
Would I wish I was myself?

Treasured Thing
by Lin Yong-ching

The moth-eaten cloth
Traveled the years
Through beaten roads
And wearied paths.
The moth-eaten cloth
Tattered and torn
Traveled with me
On & on.
But as time wore on
the cloth wore thin.
No longer able
To be used to clean
Up my sorrows or my fears.
A piece of memory
A fragment of past.
A moth-eaten cloth,
That has seen its last.
Yet it remains
A part of me
The cloth eaten by moths
But survived to be
A treasured friend

The Loser
by Chuck Pool

They say that I’m a loser
And perhaps that may be true
Since I don’t have a lot of friends
And my interests are but few
I’m not a worldly person
Well versed in social graces
So I prefer to stay at home
Than go to public places
I don’t go out to parties
Or places where you dance
And I haven’t had a date in years
Afraid to take a chance
People always make me nervous
Because I’m rather shy
Lacking in the confidence
To be a stand up guy
I’m not a very clever man
Nor can I tell a joke
I’m neither tall or handsome
And I always am flat broke
I have no sense of humor
Or talent to create
Is it any wonder then
That I don’t have a mate
In spite of all that I am not
I never get depressed
For I’ve accepted who I am
Being second best
They say that I’m a loser
And perhaps that may be true
But if I had to change my life
I’d wind up being you

Death Of A Dream
by Amis Lee

I went out walking in the rain,
The ditch ran deep
An ocean full;

I spun a song through loops of air,
It alighted on
My window sill.

I caught a dream on gilded wings,
It beat once
And then was still.

by Tina K

I can’t see you, so you can’t see me
Close your eyes
Close your eyes

What you don’t know won’t hurt you
Close your mind
Close your mind

Turn your head, it will just be a little pinch
Look away
Look away

Pocket full of posies
Mask the scent
Mask the scent

It’s all there in black and white
Turn the page
Turn the page

Time heals all wounds
Move ahead
Move ahead

Winners never quit
Say goodbye
Say goodbye

All We Have Is Time
by Brian Quinn

Have you visited a graveyard lately
And wandered by the plots?
Some are neat and tidy
With flowers trim in pots,
Where someone has cleared the grime,
Taken care and given time.

Whilst other sites do show neglect,
They're fairly overrun with weeds,
And beneath them lie the dusty bones,
Forgotten words, forgotten deeds
Of someone, perhaps, whose only crime
Was leaving no one to give them time.

For time is all we have to give,
It bonds us to our kin,
When mixed with love it binds us strong
To friends, when times are grim.
The hills of life are eased to climb
When shared with those who give us time.

For time is like life's mortar,
It binds the bricks we use
To build a house where God may dwell,
It's up to us to choose.
As sharing makes our life sublime,
For all we have to give is time.

Broken Pieces
by Bonnie Butler

It's like a book, broken pages mixed together,
words scrambling around
the crazy memories scattered around
what about that night we spent
trying to put together the pieces of life?

All the intellectual conversations
like little Stars, but it wasn't so simple,
it got confusing and impossible to understand.
Words weren't just words,
they were incredible thoughts.

After a while, the days turned to rain,
and then one day,
it all disappeared into the moon.
Every once in a while I stare up at it,
trying to put the broken pieces back together.

It comes back in a shallow way.
life is just one long day we dream upon.
Our souls swim around madly trying to find a place to rest
and we, like madmen, travel all around to look for them.

Eventually, if we're determined enough,
we'll find that one broken piece in our lives -
it's called our souls

Love Is...
by Starr Harmony

Holding hands
Making plans
Staying true
Only to you
That's what they said love is...

Never ever needing
anyone new
Saving all my lovin'
only for you
That's what they said love is..

How can I ever
Do anything new
When my heart & soul
Belong only to you?
That's what they said love is...

Give and take
Don't make mistakes
Learn to bend
& don't pretend
That's what they said love is…

The Kid On Third
by Jefferey Knodel

You’ve heard the story a thousand times,
Of all those stories, comes one that rhymes.
The game was of the inning - nine,
The boy on third was feeling fine.
A swing and a miss now made 2 outs,
The home team’s fans were having doubts.
For the player who was next to bat,
Was O for ten and really fat.
The boy on third was told to steal,
The thought of which ‘most made him keel.
He was raised to never be a thief,
And this thought added to his grief.
For if he did not what the coach did say,
He would be benched with no more play.
The time had come to make his choice,
He thought his pants were getting moist.
He said I’m going, that is all,
But to make it there I’ll have to haul!
He took his lead and that was it,
He took off yelling HOLY SHI….!!
The pitcher noticed he was gone,
But dropped the ball upon the lawn.
He picked it up and flung it fast,
Hoping he could catch his ass.
But as the ball approached the plate,
It seemed his efforts were too late.
The ball, the boy, a cloud, a shout,
The ump cried out Yerrrrrrr OUT!
But as the cloud around them cleared,
On the ground the ball appeared!
The kid yelled out Wait there’s the ball!
Which made the umpire change his call.

The boy jumped up and danced around,
His teammates knocked him to the ground.
Then picked him up above them all,
The moment would not let him fall.
He felt so good and yet so not,
For in hell he thought he’d rot.
For, taught him, his mother had,
That stealing was very bad.
But at this moment he did not care,
The cross was one he‘d willingly bare.
There were two teams and both were good,
The home team had the better wood.
The score of both had been the same,
The kid yelled out Yo, what’s my name?!?

Mood Swings
by Burton Keeble

And how in this confused state,
My bodiless legs have strode these streets,
Wherein my mind my madness meets,
My grievous troubled soul to mate,
And give birth to sorrow ; then entreats,
Me welcome change and troubles to abate.

The Expressions Of Life
by Dee

There are a million facial expressions
each with it's own meaning:

The teary-eyed of ashamed confessions
which can cut the deepest

The sadistic grin can give you the shivers
it can expose what's really within.

The frown of a beautiful face,
it can bring tears to my eyes.

But there is one I cannot place -
Love, there is no expression,
just a feeling of being complete.

It's the only true cure for depression
but the best expression is a passionate kiss
It can take away all your pain
and leave you in heavenly bliss

A Dissertation
by Jason Silverthorne

I'll try this explanation
As my own interpretation
From gathered observation
On mankind’s infatuation
With God and with creation
I'll use for illustration
A modern adaptation
Of ancient publications
Found in every nation
With many alterations
But in each variation
There is but one summation
That we all seek elevation
And our own soul's salvation.

If I Only Had Two Hearts

by Lovely

If only I had to hearts, it will hold a lot of love
For that poor boy or girl, who lives in the street
For that sad old woman, I saw down in the deep
And for that hungry elderly man, who has no one to share
His last piece of stale bread, soar milk and rotten pare
If I only had two hearts

If I could pump the blood from my heart and give it to that dying child
If I could hold deep within my chest, that teenager girl who is running wild
If I could educated that sista who don't seem to have it all
If I only had two hearts, I could give the world that final call

Scars from my teardrops that stained my wedding gown
The quietness in that death man's fragile sound
With the love of my well-being, and thoughts from my thrifty mind
If I only had two hearts, I will make the world unwind

If I only had two hearts, I would gladly give you one
A message from me to you, created by God's Son
If I only had two hearts

by Chandler

How many steps will it take to walk a mile?
How many seconds will it take to wait a while?
How many battles do we need for us to win?
How many Gods do we need to forgive our sins?

How many times must a man betray his faith?
How many times can a man control his hate?
When do we say that justice isn't fair??
How can we endure the burden that we bear?

Where is the youth who will dare?
Where can we find the people who really care?
Where can we find the road to success?
Is it in the north, south, east, or west?

Where can I find true love?
That God had gave from above?
How many struggles do we need to make it through?
When do we say that a statement is false or true?

How can I forgive others?
When they killed my peers?
Can you give help to those people in need?
After they have dropped you and you bleed?

Who are the people you can trust?
In this world, to fight is a must.
The world will continue to evolve,
Until those questions have been solved.

The Spirit Of Love
by Rick Thompson

What is love and where does it hide
My heart is bleeding the tears it cried
Behind those doors where do they lead
The living love that is like a growing seed
Why is it so hard that I have to reach
The lessons we learn the lessons we teach
Love that is true and we do not measure
Love that is true and one that we treasure
Maybe it comes from the falling rain
To wash away the hurt and take away the stain
Something to be shared and held so tight
Followed by those who seek its light
Will this spirit of love reach out to me
I beg to be forgiven and set it free
To touch the ones I dearly know
Touching their hearts and feeling it grow
So it can be felt by those who share
So it can be felt by those who care
Feel its breeze as it softly falls
The spirit of love upon you it calls

by Rosemary J. Gwaltney

Out on Elliott bay we
Watch an early morning ferry
Gliding lazily in, whitecaps in its wake
Fog drifting dreamily over the choppy gray water

We hold our cups of steaming cappuccino between our chilly hands
On the third floor Seattle Public Market cafe as a hungry
Sea gull swoops past the windows again - again,
Crying, hoping for handouts it wheels for,
Diving - easily catching
Each in mid-air

I remember
We had coffee here
Half a lifetime ago together
Catching each other tenderly in
The midst of a wild stream of living

Just as we had soda together here
Years before that when together
We held such youth within
Our entwined hands
That we believed
We knew what

Ode To A Teenager
by Kit McCallum

I think I shall begin to say
A heartfelt and sincere,
Apology to my dear folks
To whom I hold so dear.

You see, I am much older now,
And have kids of my own,
And never did I think I’d reap
The seed that I have sown.

I flashback to my younger years,
And struggle to recall,
The innocence that I portrayed,
… For truly, after all …

I’m sure I wasn’t ever bad,
Or nasty or talked back …
I was an angel … wasn’t I?
I never caused much flak.

I think that’s right (it’s years ago),
And memories, they can dim;
But was I not the perfect child
Who obeyed your every whim?

I think that’s stretching truths a bit;
I surely had my days,
… But does that really justify
My own child’s errant ways?

What happened to my loving child?
The one who did no wrong?
The one I cuddled up at night,
And sang his favorite song.

You are my sunshine one minute
… My storm the moment next;
I want to punish you at times,
And yet, I have regrets.

For I was not a perfect child,
I think I’ll now admit;
And teenage years are difficult
For those enduring it.

What I must keep in mind is this…
I’ve taught you with my heart;
And we’ve had many loving years,
Our hard days ne’er shall part.

For through the ups and downs .. the swings
Between young child and man,
I’ll keep in mind that this is just
A part of life’s strange plan.

To let you grow I have to try
To take it daily now …
For you are like a baby bird
Who’s learning how to fly.

You’ll test your wings (and this I know)
To see how far to push, …
Before I put my foot down
… And bring you down to earth.

Now all I ask, is work with me;
We’ll butt heads for a while;
But just remember … I’m the one
Who goes the extra mile.

I pay the bills … I mop the floors …
I drive you here and there …
But truly there are times when
I just sit back in despair.

I’m only human … nothing more,
And I’ve been where you’re at …
Believe me when I truly say
I’ve been there and done that.

So if that’s true, you’d think that I
Would have a lesson learned,
And wouldn’t fret or feel so hurt
In times that you do turn…

In to a quite unruly child,
A man I do not know …
But I will hold on to my heart,
For this fact I do know.

And that is simple, pure and clear,
You’re still my loving child …
You simply have a stash of masks,
For time’s you’re in disguise.

So anytime I see a mask,
I’ll try my best to see …
That handsome, loving, caring child
Who’s true face is beneath.

For I don’t think you mean to say
The things you sometimes do;
It’s in those times, my loving child,
I’ll point this out to you.

For I do love you, but I’ve learned
My lessons in this life;
It’s your turn now, so listen up …
We need to ease this strife.

So how ‘bout this, my dear young man,
The next time that you shout
Instead of arguing with me …
Look in my eyes of doubt.

And search to find those memories
Of the mother you still love;
Reach out to me and talk it through …
And seal it with a hug.

One Lone Heart
by Angela K. Dyson

One lone heart drums a solo,
Beats a rhythm in syncopation,
Pumping tears through veins of woe,
Weeping in its segregation

Ever yearning another to find
A heart to just accompany
Its lonely music, and then combine,
And together play a sweet medley

Only one heart provides a beat,
But two hearts joined, a song does make
A true song no doubt all odds defeats,
But hearts are deaf to hear the fake

A loud symphony does a heart mislead
When lyrics sung are none but lies
The heart is torn and left to bleed,
And beat by beat, it slowly dies

Beating still, yet without vigor,
Pushing emptiness through veins,
The bleeding heart assumes its armor
To protect itself from further pains

Behind the shield, rhythm fading,
Broken chambers caving in
Tattered heart in misery wading,
Wincing wildly in its chagrin

If there is no tune and no notes are chimed
Without the aid of a second tone,
Why keep the beat, why count the time?
Why carry on all alone?

A heart alone brings only pain
Two hearts as one prove doubly so
Sad hearts want just one thing to gain:
True happiness in place of woe

The perfect melody is never found
By dead hearts seeking life from another
It will only hear the desired sound
In its own pulse, and none other

Tired heart, ripped and worn,
Resumes its syncopated beat,
Finding song in another form:
Its single rhythm makes music sweet

Withered heart sews the tear,
Rebuilds each chamber one by one,
Making room for music there --
Its own wondrous solo song

Perhaps in time, a second heart
Will hear the song and lend its voice
And together then, will never part
Eternally singing their rejoice

But if none other should join in,
The single heart shall keep on beating,
Listening to its own music within,
Never again from its song retreating

by Nathan Riggs

Morning Sickness.
The Flu.
Missing school.
No Caffeine.
It's a rule,
gotta stay clean.

Living for two now,
maybe three.
If things go well
for the family tree,
I've gotta think of
the person inside of me.

This is what
Alex had said
concerning her pregnancy.
It's true, but
it's come to my head,
It also applies to me.

It applies to all of us
because we all
have this little person
buried deep within,
that sooner or later
needs to come out
and be born again.

Thank You, Alexandria.
I understand what you say -
We're all pregnant,
but at least
your morning sickness
will someday
go away.

The Road Less Traveled
by Kit McCallum

How often we must bear the challenges of life;
The endless roller coaster between happiness and sorrow;
The constant ups and downs of daily strife.
And always the question remains .... why?

Life is not an easy road for most;
It twists and turns with many forks in the road,
Although always, and inevitably, we are given a choice ...

Do we turn to the right ... or the left?
Do we take the high road ... or the low road?
Do we take the easy path ... or the difficult one?

Decisions are not easy for those struggling for direction ...
And sometimes the many choices and signs become overwhelming.

While standing at a crossroads in life,
The urge is to take the most comfortable path;
The road with least resistance ...
The shortest or most traveled route.

And yet, if we've been down that comfortable road before;
Have gleaned its lessons in life, and learned from our experiences;

Do we yet again follow the known?
Or does our destiny lie in another direction?

The fear of the road less traveled is tangible and all too real;
It manifests itself in many ways,
And tends to cloud the issues that might otherwise be clear.

It is in these times of confusion,
That we must seek peace and solitude;

Time to contemplate on our life,
Our experiences and our choices past;
Time to look back, and reflect on what we have learned
Without fear or confusion.

For only each of us knows our own personal thoughts;
Our unique past and personal history;
The experiences that brought us to the crossroads we now face.

We can always learn a small degree from others experiences,
And yet ... no one person can walk in our shoes,
Others know not, the trials and tribulations faced in private ...

For each is individual ... unique ... and personal.

And that is why ... while standing at a crossroads,
Only "we" can formulate the decision for ourselves;
The true direction that lies within;
The choices we must deliberate on with clarity and wisdom.

For it is only through personal reflection,
That we can now choose our destiny;
... Our next adventure;
... And the future we will embrace.

by Marcy

at variance I feel so alone
like the oak
upon the hill
in which we molded our appellations
during pubescence
skinned knees
heads full of dreams
as if we had
control of time

years abruptly passed
and claimed their price
on our bodies and minds
now and them I still go up
to that old oak
to recapture
yesterdays deliberations
overlaid in gold

Mirror Mirror
by Leslie Callejas

Mirror-mirror on the wall
show me what you see
if you really reflect it all
show every piece of me

behind my eyes, behind my smile
deep into my soul
linger for a little while
show me all you know

not just a figure standing here
reveal all that's inside
show me, even though I fear
here and now, it's time

the bruised and battered place in me
the piece that just can't cope
the part that longs to be set free
the side where life's a joke

the innocence hiding behind the sin
the adult inside the child
the heart that won't let anyone in
the piece of me that's mild

the place in me that's always red
the part that's forever blue
the side that follows what is said
the piece that's always confused

the place in me that thinks I’m right
the part that knows I’m wrong
the side that's bloated up with pride
the piece that can't go on

the coward inside the fighter
the genius next to the dumb
the part that's drunk with laughter
the side that shies from fun

so, mirror-mirror on the wall
I’ll step back so I can see
if you really reflect it all
and show every piece of me

by Michelle Mckee

There are no guarantees
Life throws things at you
You can catch or miss them
But they will come, ready or not

I always looked for the real thing
Never trusting in the possibility
Risk-taking not my forte
Staying safe at all costs

Even playing it safe is not certain
Safe has hurt me
Zero risk gets zero gain
Sometimes playing it safe costs you more

It has me,
In not fighting the battle
you may lose the war
In not believing in a dream
You may never sleep peacefully again

So let go of the fear
Reach out for the flame
So what if you get burned
Better that then numb for life

Better to remember passion and joy
Along with the pain and tears
Then to have no memories worth

So to hell with safe
I am going to gamble and bet
Until I win back everything I lost
And my life is what it was meant to be

by Ryan Lauria

Words don't hurt.
The person saying them does.
Just seeing where it is coming from
is like taking a sword
and stabbing it into me chest.

Then when I realize
the feelings that go along with the words.
I picture you
turning the sword inside my chest.

Then with every drop of blood dripping out,
I have to remind myself that
they are only words.

Summer's Tale
by Shane Downing

The basking glow of the sun heating the earth,
Faint memories of spring dwindling by,
Tangled leaves spelling summer's birth,
Leaving the rains and storms to die.

Brother moon teasing the stars to their post,
Dancing in the deep, dark sky with ebony skirts,
Covering life with warmness within it's hosts,
Casual tears streaming down until it hurts.

Summers lost and summers found,
Times together disappearing with dawn,
Upheavals of both the heart and ground,
Childhood readings of fairies and fauns.

That girl next door with her attractive hair,
Dreams of cars and stars and rise to fame,
Following the peers and trends for wear,
A mother's grace not seeming the same.

Blankets and warmth in a tree-filled park,
Books and duties calling history forth,
The gleaming dew and song of a lark,
A saddened sigh with eyes to the North.

Bells call and the answer simply, "I do,"
Mingled, lovely glances afar from you,
The seas and sky never looked so blue,
After bearing some kind - one, or two.

Desperation in the parting of blood,
Thoughts of glory all lost in sight,
Knocked your knees deep in the mud,
Shattered glass to break the light.

Crying tears - Oh, they ignore you so!
Crashed hopes and dashed endeavors,
Life and death - you only reap what you sow,
A fragment of the one you once were.

Stricken fear at summer's glow - the last,
A smile here and there - a laugh for the past,
Regained footing and composure (it's always there),
Pass on the legacy that never was to bear.

As coldness flows through the treetops bold,
Darkened nature pulls for a final embrace,
And once, and last, your story is told,
Forever linked to playful Summer's grace.

We are the Grands
by Faye Jones

We are Grand
Some are
Whether we are Great or Grand-
We are the cream of the

by Stage Diva

she is abstract beauty, not perfection
she is round and full, blossoming womanhood

she is forsaken
belittled by a hypocrite society that preaches to love, worship, and
nourish the body, yet forces masochism to maintain its jaded ideal.

but she is a goddess
unconcerned with the masses who cannot see
who tell her she is

she does not hear them
for she says beauty is unique so she does not listen
so they scream
they rage
they force her to hide
for she is dangerous

she is not like them
she is a goddess

The Meaning Of Life
by Chuck Pool

One day I met a wise old man
Who was sitting in the park
And there upon the bench with him
We talked ‘till early dark

He told me of his travels
To a far off distant land
Where the secret meaning of our lives
Was taught to him first hand

I listened to his story
Amazed by what he said
The simple truth of which he spoke
Was knowledge not widespread

In great detail he did explain
What life was all about
And how the answer we do seek
We don’t have to be without

There was something in his message
That I could not reject
A wisdom that I understood
So simple and direct

My life forever has been changed
By the words I heard that day
A concept old as life itself
And by far the one true way

An answer to the question why
And the reason we exist
Solutions I would not now know
If my walk that day was missed

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