Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
August 3, 1999

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition


August 3, 1999 - Peak One Campground - Selkirk Campground


          I got up at 7:15 and packed up all of my gear. I ate one nutri-grain bar and by 8:45, we left to ride to Breckenridge. After riding 9 miles on a good bike trail, we got into town where we ate breakfast. The food was very good and surprisingly cheap. By 10:30, we got to the grocery store where we got lunch for the day and bought food for the next cooking shift. Finally, at 11:15 we began to ride our final 18 miles over Boreas Pass. We began on a road that changed to dirt in about 5 miles. The grade was gradual and the conditions were great. (Picture127,Picture128) As we continued to climb the views of the valley and the ski mountain, several miles away were incredible. We rode through aspen groves and pine trees to a large water container. (Picture129) We read the sign and learned that the road we were on was once a major narrow gage railroad that carried mining products. The tracks have since been removed and a road was put in. The water container was used to run the steam engine. We continued through fields of flowers and ate lunch in one with great views. (Picture130,Picture131,Picture132) After eating our deli-fresh sandwiches, we rode 1.5 miles further to the top of Boreas Pass which was the Continental Divide Crossing #15. (Picture133) For the next 4 miles, we descended to the campground where we were to stay. Ruedi continued on since the flies and mosquitoes were bad, but we decided to stay. Ruedi rode an extra 36 miles! He also was going to try to buy a new wheel. I set up my tent and read a magazine for a while. When I came out, I put on long pants and a jacket to keep the bugs off. Fortunately, it was cold enough to be able to wear the warm clothes. We sat around eating as people slowly came into camp. At 6:30, we had dinner with sausage, potatoes, beans, and many other things mixed in. It tasted very good and filled me up as well. After dinner, we sat around the smoky fire until 9:00. The smoke did help keep the bugs away. At 9:40, I got to bed, hoping that I would sleep better than the night before. I had not slept from 11:00 to 3:00 during the previous night.


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