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This is a little presentation of the webmaster of this web-site.


This is the web page where I'm introducing myself:to left are the things what I like, to right are the things what I dislike and between the subject.





Music for the masses of Depeche Mode: just the better! FAVOURITE MUSIC ALBUM Any jazz or disco album : Go stupids/the rivers are full/you can to be floating("Up patriots to arms", Franco Battiato)
Where there're a lot of monuments or natural visions FAVOURITE TRAVEL The big city as New York: much chaos for me
"It's no good" of Depeche Mode, "La cura" of Franco Battiato, "Bianca" of Afterhours FAVOURITE VIDEOCLIP TOXIC of Britney Spears. I haven't nothing or few about hem but the music and the video are very awfuls
My feet FAVOURITE TRANSPORT The airplane: much discomforts...
Ran of Akira Kurosawa: pure poesy FAVOURITE FILMS? Psycologic or sentimental films: take out my of life's will
The perseverance WHAT DO ME THINK ABOUT ME? The irritability
The disposition and the clamness WHAT DO ME THINK ABOUT A MAN? The impudence and the presumption
The gracefullness and the polish WHAT DO ME THINK ABOUT A WOMAN? The tirosomeness
To read, to code, to walking, tocook, to play volley MY OCCUPATIONS Clean the house, to clubbish
The blue: it calm me COLOUR The fuchsia: it confuse me
Red or black beer DRINK The super-alcohol
Caius Iulius Caesar, Napoleone Bonaparte, Camillo Benso conte di Cavour, Winston Chuchill, Charles De Gaulle, Friedrich the Barbarossa, Carlo V Imperator POLITICIAN MAN Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot
Dante Alighieri, Omero, Virgilio, Johann Wolfang Goethe, Jorge Luis Borges WRITER Avant-gardistes from the Second War
Renè Descartes, Presocrathes, Platone, Arthur Schopenauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carlo Michaelstaeder, Manlio Sgalambro, Emanuele Severino PHILOSOPHER Francoforte School, Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Sigmund Freud
Luigi Einaudi, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Von Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises, Bruno Leoni, Israel Kirzner ECONOMIST Keynes, Karl Marx
Albero Sordi, Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Sean Connery, Kevin Spacey ACTOR Tom Cruise
Mira Sorvino, Gong Li, Maggie Cheung, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson ACTRES Nobody
Let me show you the world in my eyes of Depeche Mode (album: "Violator"); LOVE'S SONG Sere nere of Tiziano Ferro
The names from the latin or greek languages NAMES The names that are from United States


You can see this web page with any browser, too textual (also too Internet Explorer!! ;-)).
Because the update is'nt prefixed - better, it'snt periodic - this web site is'nt a editory product about the laws (at least in Italy).

The design of site is inspired by Monk CSS and Dead or Alive on the site CssZenGarden.

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