There I say anything about computer science, especially about the open operating systems (GNU/LINUX and *BSD)


There are a few of my knowlogde about the computer science and a few of my software written by me (if not now in the futur)


The my first love was Knoppix, a distro-live derived from Debian, my actual partner :). Knoppix not need installation over hard disk to be used but if any want it's possible with a script (knx-install or knoppix-installer, the name change with the version) that allow them. For me it was very very good because it was the only that runned as Linus command on my notebook (ACER Travelmate 420,in writing in the boot noscsi otherwise the notebook is blocked if the knoppix's version is under 4.0), it was for me very logic and it have the excellent APT for the package's management.
Misters and Ladies, but the better , the georgious, the most near to the joy of a sistems analyst for me is the Debian. After years, I have installed the Debian's stable version (Sarge) on my notebook: all things was recognized, it is fast, logic... After the end of installation, reboot...
GNOME on default... I was'nt ever a GNOME's fan , but I was fun for a ten days before to my remove.
A few of personalization need , of corse...
Textual boot ,gdm not runneble by default, WindowMaker , AfterStep and Enlightenment as window manager, removed KDE (very hard if it's installed), installed Blender, inside the themes of WindowMaker and Enlightenment 0.16 and AfterStep.
Removed Exim, installed Postfix, installed MySQL, installed Apache.
Removed the games because I play with Blender and GIMP, installed LyX and Kile for use LaTeX... Bah, now it's better...
Otherside other distro that have striken me are Mepis that have an installation's tool very very user-friendly and a very very hardware recognizement (too if the version that I have try not was for me very logic...) and Ubuntu for the presentation to a public newbie.


Now I'm studying(...) Java, XML and PERL.
Java not excites me much , a chaos for the use the files (for example: there's predefined a method for the run an efficient append and for the graphics.
XML may too to be nice: it's really much flessible and today it's much used into a lot of applications (as ANT, a tool for the production of complex software as Make but without the problems and the secret of Make :)). Maybe the only problems is the efficient about the read and writer the data with the inexistance of support to standard (as happened in XMI, the XML language for the description about UML's models) In this case the only tool what supports is ArgoUML).
PERL is more nice, it's a powerfull scripting language and it's more simple than Java to programming ("to code" in technical language): it's bought by Larry Wall, and in effects PERL is much near to human language. I dislike Python. I think that's better to know Ruby, a scripting language bought in Japan: it's more logical and direct into write.

General knowlogde in computer science

  1. Operating systems: GNU/Linux (good, I'm exercited with textual instrument);
  2. Programming languages: Modula-2 (discreto), C (discreto), JAVA (good), PERL (beginner), HTML (good), CSS (good), XML (good);
  3. Information's theory and criptology: only theorich knowlodge, never practise;
  4. Calculus about algorithm's efficience: good;

Prefered Software by sector:


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Because the update is'nt prefixed - better, it'snt periodic - this web site is'nt a editory product about the laws (at least in Italy).

The design of site is inspired by Monk CSS and Dead or Alive on the site CssZenGarden.

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