"We may be all mixed up, but we're the best!"

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Kady This is Kady, a 1 year old queensland heeler/??? She is very loving and playfull. She is a big girl (60lbs) and thinks she is a lap dog. She is good with my cats and is good with dogs. She does like to dig and chew on everything. I adoped her from my local shelter. I hope that every one out there that is looking for a companion dog goes to their local shelter to get a friend and to save a pet's life. You are their last chance.
Chi-chi Chi-chi is our littlest dog. She is about 1 1/2 yrs old now and we found him in the road near our house. Obviously, by her name, she is part Chihuahua. She loves to ride in the car, sit on my desk while I'm on the computer, tunnel under the covers when I'm in bed and playfully tries to stick her tongue up your nose faster than you can stop her.
Parent: Lynn
RufflesRuffles is Chi-chi's sister and possibly a chihuahua and papillon (?) mix. She is more adventuresome than Chi and it took a while to train her not to squeeze through the fence to investigate the neighbor's yard. She wants to play unceasingly with her sister and grabs her by the tail and hangs on. Of course Chi whirls around to grab hers...they look like a black wheel going round and round. Here she is investigating the camera...she's a real corker!
Parent: Lynn
Taco BellTaco Bell was found in a ditch along with Jojo. She was about nine months then. She's the leader of the pack around here and Daddy's little girl. She looks and acts as if she has some Jack Russell in her. She's also the smartest one in the bunch (we have 10!). She likes to sit gopher-style in your lap and if you say the word "rabbit", she shrieks and screams like you're killing her. She does that when she gets excited and happy. She just adores children and wants to make a bee-line for them whenever she sees them. She's very gentle and loving with them. Parent: Lynn
JolineJoline was found in a ditch along with Taco Bell. She is beagle-sized with very thick, crooked and bowed legs, so we think she also has some bassett hound in her. She is my lazy pillow-princess. Her favorite things to do are eat and lay on the pillow next to mine. She is very gentle and will lay down to be petted when anyone pays attention to her. She just wants to lay on her pillow and be loved whenever it comes her way. Parent: Lynn
CujoCujo is a Mama's boy. He is obviously part chow, but what else is anyone's guess. He is a woman's dog and very gentle with our other pets. He will lay on the floor and let the little dogs use him as a rug. Another of our larger dogs lays in front of him and insists he clean her ears. He is very devoted. He is not aggressive with strangers, but is leery of most men at first. Parent: Lynn
FluffyFluffy was born in our laundry room to a pregnant beagle we rescued the week before. She was one of nine and the only one we couldn't find a home for. When she was a baby, I'd make kissy noises under her ear on her cheek. Now, when she wants some loving, she pushes her cheek against your face to get her kisses. Her mom was a small beagle, but dad?...wow, he must have been a big, black dude because she is three times the size of mama and you'd never know she had any beagle in her at all. Parent: Lynn
T-Bone (T-T)T-Bone (T-T, for short), is another of our rescued beagle's babies. We found a home for him, but was brought back because he was hanging onto the baby's diapers. They thought he was "mean".
T-Bone was only being a baby himself and playing. He's extremely gentle and loves to drape himself across your lap. Don't know what his father was, but he must have been big, cause T-T is four times the size of his mama. The only thing of hers that he has inherited is a small ridge of reverse hair on the top of his nose that runs between his eyes. Parent: Lynn
StubbyStubby is so crazy...she is half greyhound and I rescued her from our shelter when she was four mos. old. A pitbull in the next cage had just bitten the end of Stubby's tail off and they were going to put her down because she was just a stray. She races around our fenced in several acres and playfully but gently teases our other dogs by racing around them, knowing they can't keep up with her. Her favorite friend is our littlest dog, Chi-chi, whom she lets "beat her up". Parent: Lynn
ShelbyThis is my Shelby. I rescued her from the local animal shelter. She is a labrador/german shepherd mix, but is more lab than anything. She loves to play fetch and keep-away. She is a very friendly dog, both with people and with other dogs. She's never shown agression towards me or anyone else, unless you're walking on "her property" (she is an excellent watch dog - barks, never bites). I've taken her on vacation with me the past two years and we've gone to the beach both times. She just loves to go swimming in the ocean! Parent: Lynn
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Did you know that 5,000 unwanted dogs and puppies
will be put to death today?

PLEASE do the right thing....spay and neuter your animals.

Please take time to visit Angel's page, my little Yorkie-Maltese, and
"Angel Look-A-Likes" for pictures of
the Yorkie-Maltese mixed breed

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Kiss your children every day...today is gone and tomorrow may never come.

This page updated on May 15, 2009
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