

Blaise Pascal

Probability Theory

Pascal's Triangle

Probability Theory


Pascal's Triangle & Probability

Application of Probability Theory

Probability Quotes


Gambling on God

Pascal's wager

1st 2nd  3rd Argument


Alternative Formulation

Decision Theory 



Many Gods Objection

Intellectualist Objection

Moral Objection

Inappropriate Argument


Nature of God

Logic  Decision Matrix



Problemset 1

Problemset 2

Problemset 2(HTML)

Problemset 3





 Joyce Lam Nga Ching







Probability Theory

Use of Pascal's Triangle

    The triangle is easily compiled.  Each line is formed by adding together each pair of adjacent numbers in the line above.  The first thing to notice about the triangle is how neatly line 5 summarises the five tosses of a coin (there are a total of 32 possible results of which one contains no heads, five contain 1 head, ten contain 2 heads, ten contain 3 heads, five contain 4 heads and one contains 5 heads). The Triangle is of great interest to gamblers, and provides the answer to questions relating to equipartition and combinations.  

 1.Combinations and permutations

First, look at figure 1.

Looking at row five of Pascal's triangle because it represents a combination of five items.  Adding up the sum of the numbers on this row, one should arrive at 32.  This is the total possible number of combinations that can be made with five items.

        1   1        
      1   2   1      
    1   3   3   1    
  1   4   6   4   1  
1    5    10    10    5    1

Figure 1

  Next, look at figure 2

The binomial expansion of Pascal's  triangle shows the possible ways of getting each combination of items. 

(a+b)0 =           1          
(a+b)1 =         1a + 1b        
(a+b)2 =       1a2 + 2ab + 1b2      
(a+b)3 =     1a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + 1b3    
(a+b)4 =   1a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + 1b4  
(a+b)5 = 1a5 + 5a4b + 10a3b2 + 10a2b3 + 5ab4 + 1b5

(a) Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there is only one way to choose five a.  Therefore, the probability is 1/32.

(b) Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there are five ways to choose four a and one b.  Therefore, the probability is 5/32.

(c)  Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there are ten ways to choose three a and two b.  Therefore, the probability is 10/32, which reduces to 5/16.

(d)  Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there are ten ways to choose two a and three b.  Therefore, the probability is 10/32, which reduces to 5/16.

(e)  Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there are five ways to choose one a and four b.  Therefore, the probability is 5/32. Looking at row five of Pascal’s triangle, one sees that there are 32 possible ways to choose five a and b, but there is only one way to choose five b.  Therefore, the probability is 1/32.

        A practical problem for gamblers is the calculation of combinations and permutations.  A gambler frequently wants to know how many different ways a smaller number of items can be taken from a larger.  This occurs in horse racing, where the number of four-horse accumulators which can be taken from a total of eight selections might be required, or in selecting draws for a treble-chance football pool, where perhaps the number of combinations of eight draws from ten selections are needed.

        Each of these problems is an exercise in calculating combinations, although British football pools companies and pools journalists always refer for some reason to the second example, as a permutation.

        The answer to both problems is contained in Pascal's Triangle. Modern calculators and spreadsheets embed a simpler way of working out these calculations. In Excel use the combin(n,r) function, where n is the number of articles and r is the repetitions (combinations).

The full formula is =(n!/((n-r)!*r!))


        Another glance at Pascal's Triangle will answer the following question.  When tossing a coin, what is the probability that after n events, the number of heads will equal the number of tails?  Clearly this can happen only with an even number of events. Those who believe the 'law of averages' fallacy maintain that the probability of equipartition, as it is called, increases with the number of events.  Pascal's Triangle proves the opposite.  Line 4 shows that if we toss four times, there are 16 Possible outcomes, of which six contain two heads and two tails.  The Probability of equipartition is 6/16.  Line 6 shows that with six tosses, the probability of equipartition is 20/64. Line 10 shows that with ten tosses, equipartition is a 252/1024 chance.  The probabilities are becoming smaller as the tosses increase. The formula to discover the probability of equipartition in n events is to divide the number of combinations which give equipartition by the number of possible outcomes.

Example :

What is the probability, when tossing six dice, of throwing each number once i.e. achieving equipartition?

The total number of ways equipartition can occur is 6! The first die can clearly be any of the six numbers. the second die one of the five remaining, and so on, giving a total number of ways of 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720. 

The number of possible outcomes is power(6,6) since there are six ways each of the six dice can fall. Therefore this is equal to 46656.

So the probability of equipartition is:-

720/46656 = 0.0154 or 1.5432%

Most people would be surprised to discover that if you threw six dice, on about 98.5% of occasions, at least one number will appear more than once.

If there are seven children in a family, what is the probability that they were born on different days of the week? 

This is a question of equipartition, the answer being =fact(7)/power(7,7). The answer is 0.6120%.

Some gamblers might he tempted to base staking plants on the theory that in any series of even-money events there must come a time sooner or later when the outcomes reach equipartition.  This theory is not true, and if a gambler backs black at roulette, for example, and the first winner is a red, there is a calculable chance that black will never catch up.  

Go to Application of Probability Theory 



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