Welcome to the one and only website dedicated to Chad Christ, the actor who made us sit up and take notice of his acting talent in big movie hits like Gattaca and Jawbreaker.

Browse the website by clicking on any item found on the menu above. If you encounter any technical problem (broken link, uncoopertive pictures and the likes), email me about it at [email protected] or fill up the feedback form to your right.  This website is designed for 800 by 600 screen resolutions. It looks its best with Internet Explorer 4.0 and above. 

This website is in need of help, content-wise. If you have anything to share from news, pics to articles (or anything at all!), please do so. You will be given full credit!

Lastly, I do not know Chad Christ personally. I do not claim to be connected to him in anyway at all. The same goes to his management/agency. This is a nonprofit website. Idea, design and maintenance is by Navz (me).  2000-2003.

Take a load of that tattoo...

courtesy of WireImages

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