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Online since January 2004.


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I'm a 31 y.o. gay person living in the city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Apart from spending most of my life in brisbane watching it grow and grow and get much more like a major city rather than a country city, life here seems to get more uneasy as the years go by as the world moves much faster and faster.

The Climate here is supposed to be sub-tropical but thats slowly becoming tropical as the weather is becoming much warmer and more humid.

I do keep myself busy with clubbing, doing various things on the computer, occasional travelling and visiting friends just like anyone else.

Since my health had somewhat gone down hill thus having to retire from the workforce due to health concerns, I've been taking things within my strides to the best of my ability even though some people are somewhat jealous or abusive but sadly they don't realise that It's my life and not theirs but humanity being humanity...... It almost makes one wonder about their insecurities.

Being gay in brisbane is somewhat a closed in country town in some repects as everyone seems to think they know what everyone is is doing but I guess thats something with a small active gay community despite they try to make themselves bigger than life itself.

I started this website in 2004 to mock Big Brother after all the things that went wrong that year and hope to start it again in 2007 with the hope I have some time to keep it all up to date.

Doing a website is a lot of time and effort and those who never done a web page themselves have no idea to what actually goes into it. But these days it's much easier but still a lot of work does still go into composing a web page let alone a site.

Sadly given all the new changes to our laws regarding niteclubs and clubbing restrictions... Soon a lot of regulars I grew to know quite well won't be on the scene thus creating another chapter of a bygone era within my life and I await the next challenge that comes along.

Being single has it's upsides as well as downsides but that's life unfortunately.

I hope you enjoy this webiste and let others know of it's existence...

In yahoo.com search engine just search for "clubbedout69" and the address shall come up.




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