be number one

The Dead Sea's Secret

In 1993 I got the idea of drawing a master spy illustrated novel. Space adventures, endless super hero stories and "back to the future" dystopias all seemed pretty boring to me. I felt strongly that before the next millenium we desperately needed some defense - from something we don't even know. At least didn't knew berore September 11.

Why don't you invent you own hero, you might ask. From the very beginning he was James Carter. Then I go like "What's a hell! Let him be Bond! I didn’t want to create another private eye thriller that would become familiar to many. We all know 007 is the only one who’s been able to save the world so many times. This could help bring him back into focus. After all, nobody does it better!  

I was a 30 year old artist, in love with the Ian Fleming books and the stylish Broccoli movies (the first one was made in the happy year I was born). When I began establishing myself as an artist in Israel, my first show included hilarious items like "Sentimental Journey", "Cleopatra 66", and "James Bond at the Dead Sea". Just have a look at my Press release.

But as a creator you can’t merely use some comic-book images. You've got to know the subject of your desires,  and make at least one real thing – a set of paintings,  or a book. I did both. The first plot was kinda spoof of the spy movies. In the end-90s, such a point of view was used by Mike Maiers in his fabulous "Austin Powers". But I was more attracted to the spirit of "Casino Royale", with it's idiotic seriousness and charismatic power of spy-paranoia. Later, I searched through the world of spy literature, and I arrived at an absolutely brand new novel. I gave it a very intriguing name, "The Dead Sea Secret" - an exciting, new master spy adventure set in the Middle East!  

My involvement with comics started much earlier. I was the first one who turned the cult movie "ASSA" into an illustrated, melodramatic story and exhibited it at the First Biennale of contemporary art in S-Petersburg, Russia, in 1990. It was the most attractive work at the whole show! Since then, I've been working with a rock-n-roll band from Moscow called "Bravo". I've made several designs for record and CD covers for them. It was then that I got the idea about a musical trilogy.

Welcome to the hell, mr. Bond!

This starts from the 50s. Tedd's first began to play pop music in Khrushchev's Moscow. It continues to the 80s’ Perestroika and finishes in the futuristic 2217. I am still working at it, but after serious research I decided to finish with 007 first.

The subject is as follows: the British Secret Service finds out that a strange space accident that happened above the Middle Eastern area of Earth, and sends its best agent, James Bond, for secret research. 007 discovers a hi-tech hideout under the Dead Sea where his new enemy, Fantomas, is trying to set up the biggest blackmail operation in history. Bond’s mission begins with meeting a sexy new immigrant from Lithuania, Iana Flemming (who later became a writer and described all their adventures). Why in the Middle East? There was no story yet about 007's adventures in the Middle East. And it's not been written! A historical base could be established – the Scottish troops in Tiberia, or intelligence work by Lawrence of Arabia that could've been continued. Anyhow, James Bond's visit to the holy land would have come sooner or later.

During 1995-97, I decided to echo the influence of comics and curate the show "Merry Pictures" in the Piramida Center of Contemporary Art in Haifa – a fantastic place in the so-called down-town of Haifa (actually it's on the slopes of Mount Carmel) with a spectacular and romantic view of the gulf. We developed a new look at art and the art of comics. You can read our manifesto here

Around this time, I did 32 of 48 pages of "The Dead Sea Secret" and decided to have a look at the darker side of creation - promotion and publishing. I knew I had already transgressed into the most sacred space of writers - copyright. First answers from publishers only confirmed my suspicions. Michael Bridges from Triangle Comics wasn't optimistic. " Hi Eugene", he wrote, " I just want to say though your idea looks and sounds great, but do you have permission to use the James Bond character? You could get in big trouble with copyright infringement, just something to consider". Similar warnings were echoed by Ben Ostrander, publisher from Mojo Press: " I find the cover for your novel most intriguing, but wonder if you have acquired the rights for the "James Bond" character. The rights to him are a carefully guarded property. To publish his image, name, '007 title', etc. without permission would be an invitation to legal action. MGM and United Artists are not good enemies. These are hurdles, not barriers." Doug Giffin, a free-lance writer, wrote " I must say that your work looks wonderful!… I believe the American comics license is held by Dark Horse Comics... I'd recommend sending your proposal to them. With a little digging, you should be able to find their website... I believe it has submission guidelines."    

Unfortunately it's true. I've got a letter from Ian Fleming (Glidrose) Publications Ltd and it's says that "We are afraid that there are contracts in force at the present time which do not permit us to authorise publication of your graphic novel". Too bad. I wouldn't go underground with my creation. But nothing can stop me to rename the hero! I don't want to turn it out to a regular spy story - in that case it has to be more humorous and more 60-sh. Anyway we all know 008 is the one who will replace 007 if something happened. Who's that guy anyway? His name is Sinclair. Robert Sinclair. His mission is THE DEAD SEA'S SECRET. And I'm very appreciate freandly collaboration of great writer-magitian Jim Keplinger from for his excellent dialogues!

So that's the story. Shaken, but not stirred yet. My mission at the moment is getting a  "license to do" - to publish my novel.  

Eugene Zhilinsky  

And here where The Story begins

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