The definitive Crosby biography is set to be published on January 25th and is eagerly awaited by Crosby fans everywhere. "Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams: The Early Years, 1903-1940" by Gary Giddins promises to be both entertaining and informative for all Crosby fans.

About the author:
Gary Giddins received the National Book Critics Circle Award for Visions of Jazz in 1998. His other books include biographies of Louis Armstrong and Charlie Parker. A longtime columnist for the Village Voice, he lives in New York City.

Gary Giddins' long awaited book, "Bing Crosby: Pocketful of Dreams" made its appearance in bookstores in late January. Critics and fans alike seem to be pleased with Giddins' even-handed approach to his view of Crosby, which is not quite idol worship and a far cry from the devil Bing was made out to be in "The Hollow Man" and "Going My Own Way." The book is extremely detailed, an example being the extensive research that went into describing how Crosby's family came from Europe to settle in America. You can tell that Giddin respects his subject and, like other Crosby fans, would love to see Bing get the adulation that he has been denied for many years.

"Pocketful of Dreams" is only part one of Giddins' Crosby saga. Crosby continued to contribute artisticly up until his death in 1977 and part 2 will focus on his hay-days of the 1940s up until his death; something Crosby fans can look forward to.

Giddins' book has been heavily reviewed, examples can be found at the following links:

Nick Clooney's review

Giddins' Interview in TALK Magazine

More Information to come..........

Image courtesy of Time Warner Trade Publishing.

Time Warner Publishing

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