Below are some excerpts from the comments I have received from fellow Bingers.
Just read your article about Bing's death. I saw Bing at the London Palladium in October 1977! My dad is a fan as well. I was born in 1963 so I was only 14 but I remember it well because he died a few days later.

--Dave (S. London)

Glad to see one of the younger ones appreciating the original master of the entertainment world,the one and only Harry Lillis. A lifelong Bing fan now in my 70's, I often decry the lack of support and exposure my old idol receives nowadays. I think one reason Bing's legacy has suffered is that he picked a bad time to die. He had resuscitated his career with a series of concerts and new record releases in the early-to-mid 1970's, and had come back into the limelight. Then came the fatal heart attack on the golf course in Spain in 1977. His death was headline news around the world. The news editors and publishers of that day were by and large guys who had grown up in the 1920s and the '30s; Bing's unique importance in entertainment was second nature to them, and their publications devoted proportionate space to his obituaries. But as time passed, this generation of newspeople got older, moved on, retired, died, etc., and was replaced by people the age of their kids. The new trend setters were often reformed flower children who had grown up with the likes of Elvis, the Beatles, Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead. Many of these folks had never been Crosby fans; to them, Bing was that old guy who sang "White Christmas," whom Mom and Dad had liked, who was now out of sight and mind, and worse yet, out of style. Sinatra, thought to be more hip (he wasn't, really*), lingered on, his legend swelling; ditto Bob Hope. Tony Bennett, who still calls himself a Bing Crosby-type singer, to this day hangs on.**   Bing was not around anymore to protect his legacy. As his son Phillip said, "He left us way too soon. He had a lot more to give." Bad timing. He wasn't considered cutting edge cool, like Sinatra and his rat pack, or Elvis, or Mick.

In truth, nobody was cooler than Bing.He was so cool he felt no need to advertise it.  But the younger generations (they got younger and younger) couldn't see that.Bing represented the staid, square mainstream establishment, which was best left behind in the dust bin of history.And so the man who invented pop singing as we still know it today was slowly forgotten.It didn't matter that without Bing Crosby there never would have been a Frank Sinatra, an Elvis Presley, a Johnny Mathis, a Dean Martin, a Kris Kristofferson, a John Lennon, to name a few.  Show business, unlike other fields--sports, for instance--has a short attention span. Babe Ruth's memory is cherished today.Bing, the Babe Ruth of his day in show biz, is sadly neglected.Maybe it's just that most people seem to be able to handle only so many "legends" in their memory banks.They usually accept whatever the so-called experts hand them; it's human nature, and it saves time.If the experts tell you that Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton represent the silent comic era, you often don't feel a need to check out Harold Lloyd or Charlie Chase.If you are told the Babe is all you need to know about the good old days in baseball, you don't need to look into Honus Wagner, or Josh Gibson.If you are a 40-year old being fed a steady Golden Oldie diet of Louis Armstrong, Billie Holliday, Nat Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, Judy Garland and Sinatra over the sound systems in the malls, restaurants, bars, and stores, you don't need to feel curious about other singers of that era. These are the accepted representatives of geezer music; who needs more?
It is not only Bing who, except at Christmas, has been almost forgotten, of course.If the guy who was the most popular entertainer of the first half of the 20th Century can be overlooked, where does that leave Al Jolson, Rudy Vallee, Perry Como, Dick Haymes, Billy Eckstein, Buddy Clark, Eddie Fisher, Jo Stafford, Dinah Shore, Kay Starr, etc?Adding to Bing's misfortune were a few hatchet jobs done on him after his death, one by his own son, Gary.It didn't matter that Gary, who was an even worse alcoholic than Bing, was drunk when he wrote the book demeaning his dad, or that his own brothers said much of it was hogwash, or that, years later, Gary, who finally sobered up,refuted much of it himself.Another blow to Bing's memory was dealt by that harridan of the airways, Joan Rivers, who claimed publicly that Bing was a wife beater. This was proven to be patently false, but the damage was done, and Rivers never admitted she was wrong. The lies live on. There is currently a website on Bing that, while placing him alongside Sinatra and Elvis as the great American male pop voices, also calls him one of the biggest pricks" ever to be in show business. Such ridiculous slander goes against mountains of contrary evidence. Gary Giddins' biography, which was exhaustively researched, says just the opposite. Giddins interviewed dozens of people who knew Bing, and everyone talked about what a genuinely nice man he was. Rosemary Clooney, for example, worshipped him. Of course he had his faults. He drank too much, and he could be aloof with strangers, but usually, according to all reports, he was friendly, charming, and likeable. He was also modest and self effacing to a fault, and very poor at beating his own drum; this probably also worked against him. Giddins' book, "Pocketful of Dreams," is excellent, by the way, if you haven't read it. It is planned to be in two parts; I hope he lives long enough to finish the second half.
*Was Sinatra more hip than Crosby? Matter of opinion, of course, but Bing, being older, got there first. Thus Artie Shaw's famous remark, "Bing Crosby was the first hip white man born in the 20th Century."
**In the same piece in which he acknowledged Bing's enormous influence on pop singing, Tony remembered Bing's unparalleled fame in his day. Tony said, 'You could put the Rolling Stones, Madonna and Britney Spears all together and they wouldn't be as big as Bing was.'


I grew up hearing and watching Bing and so have my children 25 and 21. My dad has every record Bing ever recorded in 78 rpm. I'm so lucky!


Bing was one of the men who best interpreted the christmas feeling of all humans and his life was an example of faith and devotion for all the new generations.Even though it is hard to listen to Bing's music here in Colombia, I have tried to collect all his memorable music,as if it were christmas every day.

--Jorge Hernàndez Camacho

Who couldn't love a beautiful baritone such as Bing!? I'm 14 and i even like him...that's not normal for a regular teenager. But i have something to say, those of you who are afraid of your music being popular or not, don't's all the same. I love Bing...what an amazing voice. If God had a voice it would have to be Bing Crosby...even his speaking voice is wonderful! Best singer we've had in American history!!!


I found your website today and I am amazed. I had no idea he had so many young fans. I am a huge classic film fan and Crosby fan. I can't remember a holiday I didn't listen to his music or watch his films as a child. So far, aside from the holiday films, my favorite may be Pennies From Heaven, but that's today... ask me tomorrow. I even just watched the Disney animated film The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow which features his narration and vocals. Adding Bing to my fall festivities as well! Being only 30, I thought I was alone in this appreciation, but now I know we all share a common love.

--[email protected]

Bing was a true talent, a voice as smooth as silk that i will never tire of listening to! He is constantly on my DVD player at home & my car stereo. So many people overlook the influence Bing had on todays music it's nice to know there are still some people out there who appreciate what Bing has done continues to do today!!


I can only add to the other comments that Bing was an amazing actor as well with a special comedic talent. Check out his performance in "Robin and the 7 Hoods" to see what I'm talking about. That movie had an incredible cast but Bing steals every scene he's in.

--Dave Drew

I love his songs and him because he is from childhood. When I hear his songs I feel happy and fully self-sufficient. He bridges the past and the future to me.



Without a shadow of doubt bing was and still is the greatest entertainer of our time. I have listened to bing for 55yrs now (with my late wife) r.i.p bing and thank you for the many years of sheer pleasure and entertainment.

--Peter Campbell

I was brought up on bing christmas is not christmas without holiday inn or white christmas his voice was so smooth and so beautiful he is missed beyond words and has one of his finest songs said .( MY LIFE WAS LIKE AN OPEN BOOK AND IN MY MIND I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT.S WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT R.I.P BING)

--Pop Campbell

There is Bing Crosby, then there are the rest of the great singers. Who else ever was the top singer, top movie actor, and had one the top radio shows at the same time. He is the symbol of Christmas almost 30 years after his death, and will always be the voice of the WW 11 generation. Needless to say as fads and styles come and go, he will always be listened to, and considered the top entertainer of the 20th century.

--Marty Kuhar

Come to think of it, I don't really know that much about him, but I have seen his movies and I realized how charming he was. I saw him in High Society, and I was taken by the way he sang to Grace Kelly on the boat. I have just loved him ever since. I hope to see more of his movies because I just love listening to that charming voice.


My childhood is filled with memories of movies especially Saturday afternoons where I was introduced to the ROAD pictures. I was hooked from then on. I have watched & collected both Crosby and Hope’s movies. They are one of a kind and never will be replaced. I only hope bob has caught up with Bing on the road to Heaven.

--Dave Furey

I'm 28 years old and have always listened to bing since I was a little girl. I will listen and be a fan for the rest of my life.

Ingrid King

Bing was the most pleasing entertainer of all time. Great jazz, great blues, great ballads,great country and scat singer, a fine actor. He was one of a kind no one can replace him, just the best of a mighty fine group.

--John J. Fusco

"Bing has been my favorite since I was a little girl. My family and I have watched White Christmas and Holiday Inn every year since I was born. We have all the road movies. Bing and Bob were a great team. My husband and I are going to make sure our little boy grows up knowing who Bing is."


"As a young boy I used to sing some of his songs with my sister as backup.( Stuff like "Simple Melody"). At his passing in Spain I felt that the world had lost a great vocalist and one heck of an actor. I've seen all his films and have most all his recordings. He is greatly missed."

--Manny Rivera

"Bing Crosby es mucho para mí. Es el mejor cantante que ha habido y que habrá jamás en toda la historia, además de un gran artista dotado de una enorme elegancia y distinción. En mi país, España, apenas se le recuerda, si bien sus películas permanecieron en antena hasta finales de los 80.  Las nuevas generaciones ya no saben quién es ni tampoco le importa a nadie, ha caído por completo en el olvido. Sólo unos cuantos como yo, que por cierto soy joven y tengo 26 años, apreciamos su talento y reivindicamos su memoria.

"I love BING!!!!!!!!!"

"Hi I'm Kaytlyn. I'm only eight years old, but I like you more than Elvis Presley! I think you sing better than Elvis. I love that movie "White Christmas". You did such a good job.

"I started watching "Bing" while I was a child with my grandparents. Many of his movies touched my heart and soul. I often wished I could be like him, charming the ladies and making people smile. He had a voice that can't be touched by anyone, nor ever will be. He was a leading figure on how I based my life as far as mannerism and morals. As Bing had shown me; you don't need money or a high lifestyle to make people smile, just show love from the heart and be kind. If we all did like he, there probably would be less turmoil in life for many of us."

"I have been a Bing Crosby fan since I was a young girl. I have many of his records, yes records (78's, 33s, 45's, even 8 track tapes, cassettes and CD's too) and I listen to them often. I think he was an exceptional vocalist and actor, and he always makes me feel more alive when I see him or hear him. Happy 100th birthday Bing."

"I am a young fan of Bing's. He and Elvis were selected as the most influencial singers of the 20th Century by Life Magazine. Frank worked hard at being cool, but Bing just was. His voice still gives me goose bumps. His work unfortuanately has been over looked, but someday he will get the recognization he deserves. He was the greatest singer who could sing blues, jazz, country, big band and even rock and roll. He brought jazz to the main stream like Elvis brought rock and roll to the main stream. Viva Der Bingle."
--John Freiberger

"Well I started listening to Bing, when I was 14. The first song was white Christmas. I've been his biggest fan since then, and im 22 today. I've collected many of his recordings and films, and a couple of books ("A pocketful of dreams" and "My life with Bing.") What can I say that hasn't already been said, he was and still is the best, to sum it all up. And he has certainly found a big place in my heart."
--Windy Ferguson

"I had the privelege of meeting the great man twice - once in UK and other occasion, later, in USA (in early/mid 1960's). I liked Sinatra too, and am sorry to hear of his demise: but had he lived to a thousand years he would never have matched Bing for versatility, tenderness (when required), nor achieved his mellow and rich tone: nor the youthful exuberance of his early recordings (e.g Dinah and Shine, with the Mills Bros - to name two). How about "The One Rose" and "Where are you", for beautifully presented love songs. Oh well, memories are short and the recent TV hooha over Frank S. regretfully portrayed photos and stills of Bing mellowing into his forties, after 10years plus on top, with still so much to follow, being compared to the just arrived Frank and the bobby soxers. When this all calms down, I am sure there will always be a Crosby v. Sinatra camp - but history will record the true achievement and following of Bing, selling millions when there were not that many record players in the land (particularly in the 20's and 30's)!"
--Ian Bell

"There was only ONE Bing Crosby - all the rest were singers."
--Stanley Wayman

"Even at the young, and sometimes insecure, age of 17, I can still enjoy the greatest music in the world. Bing has been the most recent addition to my infatuations with the past and I must say that I have undoubtedly succummed to the effortless charm of his singing and his personality. I would hope for someone else to come along like him, but you can't beat the best...Bing Crosby will live forever in the hearts of countless others...he has already made himself quite comfortable in mine."
--Jamie Rightsell

"Bing has been my favorite all-around entertainer since my memory began. As a life-long fan of classic movies, his movies rank at the top of the list. Every "Road" picture was a delight, & every musical was a treasure! Every year in my house, he makes Christmas a little more complete. My very favorite Bing movie is "White Christmas", but all his movies are cherished. And no voice could ever compare with Der Bingle's. Bing will live forever as long as his fans remember & enjoy his many years of contribution to entertainment."
--Denise Stone

"I think that the greatest entertainer of all time was a great guy."

"Always loved his singing."
--Lynne Stewart

"My grandmother used to play Bing on 78's. My favorite was ''Delores''. I can still hear it... and that was in the early 40's."
--Fred Block

"Nobody can sing like Bing Crosby."
--Caroline Poon

"I think one of the highlights of my life was seeing Bing on Broadway at the Uris Theatre in NYC back in the mid was awesome. I expected, as with most entertainers, the openning acts would do the first half and then Bing would come in for a short second. Hardly! He was there, on stage, almost the whole evening. A you remember the 50th anniversary TV special with the Mills Brothers, Pearl Bailey, Bette Midler, Bob Hope, etc? They don't have it at the Museum of Television and Radio in NYC! Does anyone know if a copy is floating around anywhere?"
--Mike Sheridan

"I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep. So I usually turn on TNT, or some other station that plays classic movies. One night they were showing "Going My Way". After seeing this movie I was instantly hooked on Bing. Ever since then I have watched as many of his movies as I could, and bought as many of his C.D's as I could find."
--Joshua Aron Hensley

"Comments about the greatest entertainer of all times? They've all been said. Always a joy to say 'em again and look forward to being part of it all."
--Sheldon O'Connell

"Bing Crosby was my fathers favorite singer. Growing up I listened to my father sing and play Crosby music. My dad (who looked and even sounded like Bing in his younger years) was a boy in the 20's and a teenager in the 30's when Bing became popular. As many men of his generation Bing's music carried him through WWII by helping him feel closer to home while far away. He kept his fondness for the singer and his music through out his life. Growing up I associated Bing and his music with my father. Forever, when I listen to Bing I am close to my dad. In addition to that I grew to love Crosby and his music for it's own sake. I would scan the TV guide movie section noting every Crosby movie. I listen to Crosby music when ever I can. (I have a teenage son) The music of Bing Crosby has helped me through some of my own personal troubles and has played an important role in my life. I am grateful and appreciative to the artist and his talent."
--Dr. John D. Robertson

"I've been a Bing Crosby fan and collector since the age of 12. I'm 36 years old now - so pretty soon I'll be celebrating my 25th anniversary of Crosby collecting. I can assure you it's the greatest hobby you can imagine with never a dull moment. Just the excitement of discovering "new" Crosby recordings, watching movies and tv shows you've never seen before, listening to those old radio shows... Bing had such a fascinating career that collecting Crosby is never boring - you never get tired of it. He's the greatest singer of all times - he did some great movies I will never get tired of watching - and even today his old radio shows are most entertaining. He's simply the greatest of all."
--Etty Gits

"Bing was the consumate entertainer. His movies were for the whole family. We need more of his type today."
--James Beaumont


"I first learned about Bing when my father rented The Road to Morocco. Always having been a fan of good music, and hearing Bing singing, I was hooked. (It didn't hurt that that movie was hilarious!) I rented other movies. Couldn't get enough! When I finally saw Going My Way, it was like magic. Really. I couldn't get those beautiful songs out of my mind. Now, I'm searching for sites with sound files of his greatest hits."

"I love Bing Crosby. He is the most talented singer of all times. What I really want is a poster of him."
--ILM 821

"Mr. Bing was a humble man. That is why the world respected him. He tried not to take himself seriously. I know he would have cringed at the word Great. He knew where the real talent came from."
--Joe Hawks

"He was the best. My favorite of his movies was with Bob Hope. They made the perfect team. My favorite song of his is Where The Blue 0f the Night Meets the Gold Of the Day."
--Justin Cradduck

"It's true he is the greatest entertainer of all times! I'm 15 years old and Mr. Christmas was one of my grandpa's favorite singer/actors. When my grandpa died last summer I took up an interest in Bing. I'm very glad I did!"

"My father celebrates his 80th birthday on March 30th and we are having a big celebration party for him. The highlight of the night will be his 9 children singing a medley of Bing tunes. Tunes which we were reared on. I remember the first record that came into our home was "Old Cowhand" and "Empty Saddles in the Old Corral" . These 2 favourites will be on our list on March 30th. When I visit him at home the first thing he says is "Bernadette, wait 'til you hear Bing sing this" and I listen quietly and he goes into raptures abot Bing's diction, etc... I really love Bing also and am delighted that he still has so many fans around the world."
--Bernadette Flynn

"Bing is by far the most smooth and relaxed singer of all time. He makes you feel like he sung just for you and your girl on a romantic evening. Thank God for Bing!"
--Matt Deerfield

"I think he was one of the greatest actors. At school I volunteered to do a report on him. When everybody else asked who I was doing I said Bing Crosby. They asked who he was and I said a singer and an actor that did older movies. They said what?. I am probably the only kid in school who knows who he is."
--Andrea Hill

"My mom introduced me to Bing at the age of 12. Ever since, I have loved his voice. My favorite movie of all time is High Society with him in it. Even in Washington D.C. I was looking for Bing in the gift store of the Smithsonian museum of American History."

"I love Bing. I think he is great, my family and friends think I am an idiot. I watch Bing almost more then anything. I think he is also a heart throb. I would like him to take me to my prom. I would have the hottest date there! My favorite Bing movie is Holiday Inn. I also like White Christmas."
--Kim Nelson

"Even though I am only 16 years old I think that Bing Crosby is one of the best actors ever! And he's really cute!"

"Bing was great enough for me to put together and perform a musical program featuring music of Crosby & Hope, in 1997. Next month will see a new show hit the stage. The 3Cs - The 3 Crooners. Music of Perry Como, Nat "King" Cole and Bing Crosby once again. One show is not enough for Bing. After doing several hundred performances, I am convinced he certainly is a favorite among today's senior audiences as well as younger audiences. When a teen-ager comes up after a show and says "Hey that was pretty good", you know Bing transcends generations."

"I love everything he's ever done!"
--Patsy Crenshaw

"Bing is The Man. He could take any song, serious or silly, and make it believable. He was so sincere in his singing. I don't know anyone else who is a great singer, actor, performer....just all around cool guy. Bing did everything! ... And he did it all so well. Who else has ever accomplished such a feat? I first remember seeing Bing on television...The only thing I remember about it was it was based in England and from the moment I saw it I was stuck. I started looking for (and luckily finding) Bing everywhere. It took me awhile to start discovering his CDs and records. It's such a thrill when I do find them. I have been finding him all over the web too, and it's just great. Most of the people I know don't know who he is and I was beginning to think that no one did. Especially not people my age. Happily I am starting to find out otherwise. Bing may be gone, but his memory lives on!"
--Trent Clifton

"I think Bing is absolutely wonderful. I have since 1987 when I watched Holiday Inn when I was 6 years old. I had listened to him before then but I hadn't identified him as Bing yet. From Holiday Inn on I loved Bing and anything he did. I have his movies, radio programs, and I have read many books about him. Once in 7th grade my English teacher asked us to write a journal about the movie star we would most like to meet and why. And I said Bing Crosby because I think he is SOOOOO interesting and charming and handsome etc the list goes on and on. I'm so glad there are other people who like Bing as much as I do."
--Johanna Polchlopek

"I can imagine a world without Bing. But it wouldn't be as much fun."
--Joe Hannon

"The best singer and actor to ever live."
--tcb speed

"Bing Crosby is my favorite singer and one of my favorite actors. He is my idol. I have some of his movies an a lot of his cds. I listen to him everyday. I also am into big bands from the 30-40s like Glenn Miller. I have a tape of Bing when he sang for Paul Whiteman. My favorite movie of Bing's is Holiday Inn with Fred Astaire. During the AT@T Pebble Beach Pro-AM I saw Harry Crosby(Bing's son)and I got his autograph. Every time I watch a movie with Bing I smile through the whole thing. I also loved the Road movies with Bing and Hope. I listen to Frank Sinatra and knew that Bing and Mr Sinatra were good friends. I wish I lived back in the 40s so I could of seen Bing and all the other great bands of that time. The music today is at the highest point of wierd mountain. Bing is the best and always will be!!!!"

"My father looked exactly like Bing. As a child I watched as many Bing TV appearances as possible. You see, my father knew he looked like Bing, many people would ask him for his autograph or to sing. He decided he didn't need a family and left us when I was a young child. Therefore, I could watch Bing and think I would recognize my father if I ever saw him again. I still love to watch Bing, he still reminds me of my father."
--Judy Kruger

"Bing is definitely 'The Boss'."
--Joe Groom

"The first movie I ever saw Bing Crosby was "White Christmas". After that, I was hooked!!! : ) Need I say more? : )"
--Mei Woo

"Crosby is great, his voice is something that appears only when the blue of the night meets the gold of the day, or only where the moments are magic. I hope that Bing's legacy continues to be heard and loved for a long time to come a million years A. C. 'couse they are like pennies from heaven for you, me and everyone."

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