Crosby Quiz

Test your knowledge!

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1) Where was Bing BORN?

Hollywood, CA
Spokane, WA
Tacoma, WA
Dublin, Ireland

2) Bing had two sisters. Name one.

Mary Francis
Rose Mary
Mary Rose

3) Which singer did Bing idolize?

Al Jolson
Russ Columbo
Rudy Vallee
Frank Sinatra

4) What was Bing's first recording?

My Kinda Love
I've Got the Girl
May I?
I Surrender Dear

5) When was Bing's first solo radio broadcast?

September 2, 1931
May 31, 1930
December 12, 1932
May 3, 1903

6) Who did Bing regard as the best female singer?

Rosemary Clooney
Judy Garland
Peggy Lee

7) Which Beatles song did Bing record?

Yellow Submarine
Paperback Writer
Hey Jude
I Want to Hold Your Hand

8) Bing won an Oscar for his performance in which movie?

Bells of St. Mary
Little Boy Lost
Country Girl
Going My Way

9) What is the name of Bing's autobiography?

Call Me Lucky
Call Me Bing
Just Call Me
I Love to Sing

10) Who bestowed the nickname Bing upon young Harry Crosby?

Al Rinker
Joseph Lynch
Valentine Hobart
Harry Barris

After pressing send, you will be sent to a page that will show the answers that you gave. If you need to make a correction, use your back key, make any changes, and press send again. Your grade will be sent to you via e-mail. Thanks!

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