"I remember seeing the ''Road To'' movies as a kid. Of course, they were the repeats, but my all-time favourite Bing Crosby movie is Holiday Inn. It's a must-watch every Christmas. I am just currently getting interested in Bing's history and I'm surfing the Internet finding lots of great information and photos."

"I just love Bing! I could listen to his voice all day. My parents think I've gone crazy on them, because I keep buying all his CD's and movies, but I enjoy them so much, I can't help but want them. It is a shame more people don't know the talents of this great man."
--Elli Phillips

"The first Bing Crosby movie I saw was White Cristmas. Best movie I ever saw!!"
--Nicole Carter

"Despite being just 31, I consider Bing to be the greatest performer of all time. I was introduced to Bing by a long time fan, Colin Pugh, in Bristol, SouthWest England, UK. Colin has two rooms full of Bing from the earliest to the last and I would doubt there is a bigger collection anywhere. Colin wrote the "Alternate Bing Crosby" and is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He is educating me onto Bing and a monster has started (the job to collect it all)."
--Mathew Delius

"I think Bing Crosby is the greatest entertainer who ever lived. I adore his music, and he is a fantastic actor and comedian. I plaster his picture over my walls, and I can spend hours sorting through stacks of sheet music to find one with his picture. Bing Crosby has given me the gift of a marvelous entertainer and a wonderful person."
--Aili Whelan

"I sound just like him in the shower! He really enjoyed singing, and not only did it show, it rubbed off!"
--Dave Whitecross

"Bing is my all time favorite entertainer. There is just something beautiful about his persona and especially his unique voice. Ever since I was first introduced to him in my seventh grade music class, I have fallen in love with him. I collect anything I can find about him, but mostly I collect sheet music from his songs, his films, and records. What a masterpiece God made when he created Bing!"
--Natalie Heins

"There are many people I know who are younger Bing Crosby fans, and all the people of my generation need to be introduced to Bing. My grandfather introduced me to Bing at a young age, and he instilled in me a love of Bing Crosby and all his contemporaries."
--David Lobosco

"I have seen quite a few of his movies, but not all of them. My favorite one of his is Holiday Inn where he sings White Christmas. I'm trying to see other movies of his, still looking for them."
--Jared Suver

"I was first introduced to Bing Crosby through the movies White Christmas and Holiday Inn. Besides these I believe my favorite movies are the Road pictures with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. I am only 18 but I am an avid fan of Bing Crosby and will be for life. I hope that in the near future the magic of Bing Crosby is brought bak to life."
--Kelly Kerns

"The greatest entertainer of all time was also my Dad's younger brother. Uncle Bing was the fourth in the family of seven, and my Dad, Edward J "Ted" Crosby was the third. I went to college on a golf scholarship and played golf with my Uncle several times, at places like Cypress Point, the San Francisco Golf Club, and Pebble Beach. I always remember him telling me: "Howard, you want to learn to hit a fade---you can talk to a fade, but you can't talk to a hook!"..."
--Howard Crosby

"Very nice to see such a nice page on my late uncle, it distresses me to see Frank Sinatra honored all the time with little mention of Bing. I think Frank is great and have a few of his CD's but all one has to do is listen to their versions of "Stardust", and one can tell who truly had "the voice." He was definately a giant of the 20th century."
--Ed Crosby

"Class...sophistication...those are the words that come to my mind when I think of Bing's music. One of the great gentlemen of song. The music of Bing Crosby was always in our house when I was growing up. Bing could certainly capture the emotions of the heart, and his music is great to share with someone who can appreciate those emotions. By the way, I'm only 31."
--Greg Brock

"I find it very difficult to find quality music (like Dean Martin and Bing) down here. I have often complained that if I wanted GWAR's greatest hits I would have no problem, but if I wanted something with a little class (or a lot of class, like Bing), I would have to resign myself to mail order."
--Christopher Amos

"I live in a small town and when people ask me what music I like, I tell them Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, and so on. They act like I'm crazy, but I tell them to expand their music a little and they might like it."

"It was in 1982, and I was 10 when the voice of Bing first got my attention and it's been a joy ever since. The people I've been able to meet- people who knew and worked with Bing, as a result of my "hobby" has been very gratifying...The thing about Bing that sets him apart...was his versatility. He could sing any type of song or music, adapt it to his own style, and make it work and be enjoyable."
--Greg Van Beek

"I think he was the greatest singer of all time. I just wish I was a bit older to actually meet him personally."
--Angeline Gildea

I think it's sad that Bing is so underrepresented in general...people talk about Elvis, Frank and James Dean and they're missing the death of the grandfather of them all,Bing...While a few of his sons (lindsay and Gary) seem to have had some problems with him,even they had to admit the charm and humor of their dad,and I regard him as humble,laid-back, pleasant,innovative,in other words..the best. I recall on one of the newsgroups some people prefering Frank to Bing (problay not even realzing or recalling the two crooners's friendship.) Bing's magic,like Glenn Miller,Como,and Jewel,Natalie Merchant,Lisa Loeb (these being popular folk-rock-alternatrive singers,with Bing's low key style,though of course Bing was the master and best) and others today, comes from a very low-key style,and playing it cool..(though I'm not sure how many performers actually see the connection..Elvis Presley borrowed from Dean Martin,who in trun borrowed from Der Bingle).I hear sometimes about how Frank thought more of the song and I think "You mean Bing didn't care,"..I'm 36 and I would like to point out that Bing regularized songs and no one could sing like him..(I think,the way I'm plump,laid back and holding coke cups with bend straws like they're -pipes,I'M turning into Der Bingle..:)) How ironic indeed,that Elvis Presley had Frank's agression,and Bing's cool singing..yet neither had sideburns..(Bing's simplicity was his trademark.)"
[email protected]

"My grandmother started me listening to Bing Crosby! I like to hear him sing more than anyone I know!!"
--Jason Patterson

"I am 24 and a long time Bing Crosby fan. Ever since I remember I have loved his singing and acting. I think it comes from spending a lot of time with my grandmother when I was a kid. I have several records and some of his movies ( my favorite movie of Bing's and of all time is Going My Way) on tape, and find myself (especially around this time of year) searching TV for anything Bing. I guess the main reason I am such a big bing fan, besides the love of his talents, is the humble feeling that waching and listening to him gives me. I am sorry I was too young to enjoy him first hand, but his talents surely are not missed on me."
--Ed Quirk

"He is one of my favorite singers and I love his movies!!!"
--Kylie Courter

"Bing was just an unbelievable person. His voice is incomparible. I fell in love with Bing the first time I saw The Bells of St. Mary. What other popular music artist could play a priest with such class? I cried during Going My Way. Hearing him sing Too-ra-loo-ra-ley for the first time is something I will never forget. He was truely the definition of a great man. He is immortal."
--Therese McKernan

"I just saw White Christmas tonight and so far it the only thing of his I've seen but I am in love. What a movie. He is so great and the chemistry with Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen and Danny Kaye is incredible. I was so impressed."
--Andrea Reiher

"I grew up watching Bing with my parents and grandparents. Bing's Merry Christmas album is the greatest Christmas album of all time. I've slowly been introducing Bing's music to my friends and they're all falling in love, too."
--Bridget Foust

"Bing was great - just great. I loved him in all his movies, from the "Road" films with Bob Hope to the classic holiday pictures like "Holiday Inn" and "White Christmas." He may have died, but he'll live on forever in our hearts, memories, televisions and stereos."
--Ted Nesi

"What other entertainer has succeeded in all the different mediums of entertainment not only in his own time, but for years after."
--David Duncan

"No other voice can move me the way Bing's does. Forget Barbara Streisand. Bing is the greatest singer to ever live!"
--Terrance Patrick Dickson

"Bing is amazing! That voice!! Watching him is so much fun."

"I am a 42 year old man whom always enjoyed Bing's music. My Grandmother first shared his wonderful voice with me. I always catch his movies. He will always mean Christmas."
--Bill Bowes

"Not many people realize that Bing Crosby was the greatest white jazz singer of all time. Along with Louis Armstrong, he was one of the two greatest jazz singers. Bing had the most charted hits at 135 the most #1 hits at 15 the most top 10 hits at 78 the most weeks at the #1 position at 82 and the most top 5 hits with 51. Bing made over 2,300 recordings as opposed to Frank Sinatra's 1,300. Ella was second to Bing. Bing's musicality is unquestioned. The voice was so soothing that you could listen to it all day. He influenced more singers than anybody else. Sinatra called him " the father of his career." As a member of the International Crosby Circle, which emanates from England, I appreciate your Web site. Keep Bing alive!"
--Harvey Sheirr

"He embodied the word "Cool" to me when that word was seldom used. What I admired most about him, besides being one of the most talented people who ever lived, was that he was one of the few people in the public's eye who was basically being "himself" all of the time. The way he lived his life and the accolades that came his way is basically what we mere mortals just dream about. The ultimate to most of us would be able to live a life like that and he did just that. From what I've read and heard, he was headed for an early death, the way he was drinking and living in the fast lane in his early career. But he was able to overcome early burnout and the "flash in the pan" label and nurture a great, long life."
--Ron J. Berard

"Fantastic Christmas albums
May the legend live on...."
--Joe S.

"Bing was not only the easy-going father of all pop music, he was also a gifted jazz musician."
--Liam Considine

"I love Bing and always will. I'm VERY upset that Elton John's stupid song did that to my Bing. He'll never be as wonderful a singer as Bing baby."

"I love his mellow, haunting voice. It puts my mind at ease. I often find myself humming one of the songs he sang. I hope to find a inexhaustive website someday that will contain the songs and lyrics that Bing sang though they probably number into the hundreds."
--Ron Soriano

"My favorite song he has ever sung was White Christmas and the second would be Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral. I use to watch his Christmas special every year and Bob Hope would always be his guest star. I own the movie White Christmas and will soon own both of his movies where he plays Father O'Mally."
--Jill C. Hedeen

"I am a graduate of Gonzaga University (1958), presently teach at Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, and have--for past 5 or 6 years--presented programs of Crosby songs for senior groups and others. I have been singing Crosby songs for 50 years. I don't have his voice, but sing the same range and sing his songs from 1927-47. My favorite songs of Crosby are those he recorded from 1931-36 or so. I have been a loyal Crosby fan from 1939 until today (and beyond). He was my mother's favorite singer and I think her enthusiasm had something to do with my avocation of singing his songs..."
--G. Donald Maloney

"I am a professional actor and singer. I've been doing this for about 30 or so years on stage and on the concert stage. When I was growing up in the 50's Bing Crosby was always, well, just there. I noticed him on tv and in reruns of his movies and, of course, I liked him. But it wasn't until I started to really listen to his re-released cds that I started to appreciate his artistry. I had always heard that Sinatra was the ultimate phraser and the peak of popular vocal artistry in our time. Well...suddenly I found a guy as good or better at phrasing and, lo and behold, a wonderful voice with which to deliver it. He is simply the very best entertainer...He did it all and did it [seemingly] effortlessly. He is my idol."
--Bob Hildreth

"What is there to say? I simply adore Bing. His contributions to jazz have been far under-acknowledged. His contributions to his country during WWII have been exhaulted - for good reason! His voice cuts to my heart every time I hear it, (which is daily!), his movies entertain and amuse me, his sense of humor is a delight. His contributions to emerging recording technology (1st to tape shows, etc) helped shape the industry - he was truly ahead of his time. He was a master of words and music, and he was NOT the monster some would like the world to believe. I joke that I'm in love with a dead man, but even in death he is real, alive in the hearts of those that keep his memory! He survived the transition from vaudeville to crooner, radio to movies and tv - he was fluid enough to adapt to changes when other "stars" fell by the way - to become the star that he indeed was!"
--Miss Dana Henry

"Bing Crosby is and will always be one of my all time favorites in song and at the movies. He changed the way music was sang, and he gave the world easy going melodies that still hold up today. His pictures still make me laugh and Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without Mr. Crosby. My favorite laser disc...White Christmas, remastered and in letterbox. It doesn't get any better than that. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral still puts my kids to bed today. Thanks Bing for the music, the movies and the family traditions. We miss you.
--Richard Pate

"Bing is indeed the greatest entertainer of all time."
--Cliff Brisbois

"I was only 6 when Bing went home, and it took me another 13 years before I began listening to him. I agree that he is the best singer of the 20th century! I listen to my CD's or old 78's all the time!"
--Jason Swain

"About all I can say is that I've been a fan since 1938. I absolutely worshiped him as a youngster. It distresses me now to read of the comments from his first family. I wonder what the second set has to say about his demeanor? In 1950, I had every record of his made to that date but I had moved away from home a year before and my father, in cleaning out the basement, got rid of ALL of that collection. Too bad!! Included in the collection were several "out-takes"...being illicitly sold in NYC in '48 and '49. I suppose priceless by now."
--Gretchen Coale

"My mother couldn't get enough of him when I was a kid and listened to 'Sing With Bing' every Sunday night up to the mid-sixties. My grandparents loved him too. I started to appreciate him more recently and I realize now just what a unique voice Bing had, especially during the late 20's and early 30's. He had a certain cry of anguish, a plaintiveness that no-one else could manage. The timbre was throaty and intimate. When his voice deepened and mellowed after 1938 or thereabouts, I preferred him singing cheekier, novelty numbers..."
--Denis Murrell

"I discovered Bing as a teenager listening to an hour of Bing "and friends" over WMCA in NYC in the 1953-54 period. I bought the Decca "Musical Autobiography" shortly thereafter and was hooked for life. I particularly remember Frank Sinatra's "Young at Heart" being so popular at the time and my preference for Bing's version backed by the Guy Lombardo Orchestra. Also, trying to convince my 15 year old girl friend that Bing's singles of "In A Little Spanish Town" and "Old Man River"...were so much better than the current pop hits."
--Perry Huntoon

"Bing Crosby is my ultimate inspiration. I am only 19 years old, but have been a great fanatic of Bing's for over five years. I especially adore his 1930's recordings with small groups...I also love the jazz recordings he made with some great bands... Crosby has inspired me to become an entertainer too. I've begun singing in professional venues and always tip my friends to the great Bing Crosby. I consider him the most influential siger of this century. He taught us intimacy, interpretation, and versatility...Bing Crosby is a credit to the world, and my absolute favorite entertainer of all time!"
--Charles Goonan

"...I enjoyed looking at his Christmas specials and his commercials for Minute Maid. No matter what he was doing, he always looked perfectly natural and totally at ease."
--Joyce Baskind

"I have been interested in Bing since 7th grade. He's incredible."
--Mandy Erickson

"I find Bing Crosby was very talented. I have been constantly disappointed by the accusations of his son Gary and others who are trying to tear apart his image of a great guy."
--Audrey Bowman

"I enjoy Bing's music and movies more than any other performer... all I can say is Long Live The Bingle."
--Ben Burch

"I fell in love with Bing's voice when I was about 10 in the early 70's. My peers thought I was pretty odd, searching flea markets for Bing 78's."
--Jason Whiton

"I can't remember not liking Bing. We watch White Christmas in the middle of the summer and went to pretty great lengths to get copies of Going My Way and Bells of St. Mary's."
--Vicki Harness

"Bing is one of my favorite singers and actors. Listening to him led to my 'discovery' of pre-rock popular music."
--Jennifer Thomas

"Bing Crosby IS the best singer the world has ever seen and nobody can sing like Bing. He's the GREATEST!"
--Maude Assad

"What can one say, he was - still is - the greatest!! When he died I felt I had lost a friend, it was a sad day indeed."
--Ron Daniels

"He is just great to listen to or watch."
--Christina Born

"I am 18 and one of the biggest Bing Crosby fans ever. I love his smooth voice and his charming personality!"

"My mum wouldn't stop playing his records so I have to like him."
--Michael Gold

"Bing is awesome. The Road to...movies are the best!!!!!"
--Timothy Bowers

"I have been a Crosby fan since I was 9 or 10 - I am now 30. I have nearly every record he cut - am missing just a few. I think Bing's best years were the early 30's, although I enjoy the Decca years for different reasons. He is probably one of the most under-rated singers today, though. I wish there was a way to put him back up on the pedestal where he belongs."
--Dave Shelton

"I'm always fascinated by the way he can take such liberties with timing of his lines in lyrics, yet with astounding ease return to perfect tempo by the end of a phrase-Fantastic!"
--Ted Gadd

"It's nice to see so many Bing fans and to read their heartfelt comments. Sometimes it can seem pretty lonely being the only Bing fan in your crowd...Bing is not only a truly original singer with his own invented style, which is what I most admire -originality- but he also had the greatest sense of humor and a very quick wit. Add to that his great and melodic speaking voice and the package is complete."
--Lee Rotter

"I am a 54 year old Brazilian. My father was a BC fan and I grew up listening to his 78 RPM records. More recently I started a CD collection of Bing's recordings. It is great to be able to listen to 60-year old recordings with such high quality! Each time I enjoy them more. Each time I appreciate different nuances. Each time is a new and rewarding experience."
--Rogerio Costa Pereira

"For me, Bing Crosby was one of the greatest singers that ever lived. Last Friday, his interview with Michael Parkinson was broadcasted on BBC televison. He was so wonderful, so laid back. The world must surely miss him."
--John Brennan

"He has the greatest voice and being of the younger generation I thank my grandfather for introducing me to Bing..."
--Rob Devlin

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