"I love Bing. I think he has been the creator of pop music in the meaning of music meant to give pleasure, easy to listen and close to people's life. Bing was like that, I just feel him so close. I think he is a very good actor also. I like expecially the kind of roles he has in White Christmas, Holiday Inn and Welcome Stranger. From a musical point of wiew; well, I think we all agree on the beauty of his voice, and on the high communication skills the he had. It's not only a matter of having a good voice it's a matter to communicate something. this is POP music. So I think he is much more important than Sinatra in developing pop music in the beginning of the century. Elvis and Bing will be the two great singers of the century. Doesn't matter what we think now. Those people bought Bing's records and loved him. And that's a fact. No one can rewrite history. He is unique, a guy like us, who sings like everyone would love to."
--Fabio Valeri

"I have watched Bing Crosby since I was very little. I have probably seen all his movies and heard all his songs. I just finished reading My life with Bing (for the third time) and again wished that I was Kathryn Crosby. All my friends listen to rock and rap and probably don't even know who he is but I will always be a true Bing Crosby fan. ( I'm not an obsessive fan, just a loyal one)"
--Karen Shaffstall

"I was privileged to see Bing perform in 1976 at Avery Fisher Hall in a benefit for Fordham Prep and also several of his concerts at the Uris (now Gershwin) Theater. I heard a 20 part time series on Bing on the BBC while studying abroad in 1973-1974 which really made me see Bing's greatness. I was previously in Club Crosby and was given a credit as "East Coast Editor" in Bingang for my New York concert coverage...Since gaining Internet acccess, I have become a frequent visitor to the Internet Museum page and thank all who help to preserve Bing's memory and show biz legacy. It is frustrating to watch the adulation given to those I consider lesser figures including Sinatra, Elvis, Tony Bennett, etc...It seems fashionable to revise history these days and nowhere is this most evident as in the coverage of Popular Music and its history. How can you discuss 20th Century Music without mentioning Crosby?"
--George Reillo

"For the longest time I have enjoyed watching old movies. To an 19 year old girl, they provide a type of entertainment that today's movies seem to lack. One of my favorite actors is Bing Crosby himself. I really enjoy the comical-romance movies that he stars in with Bob Hope, they seem to provide more than enough laughs. Not just his movies, but his music are among my favorite when it comes to old time favorites. Bing is among the greatest of all times and I have enjoyed what he has done, and I'm generations behind him. If someone can appeal to people like me, then it can appeal to most anyone."
--Nicole Smith

"We own White Christmas starring Bing Crosby. He's one of our favorite. All in All I guess all I can say is He's The Greatest."
--Karima Anderson

"I like to watch old movies and when I came across "Riding High," I stopped to watch it. It was the first movie that I saw featuring Bing Crosby. From then on, when I saw his name, I stopped to listen to the radio or watch what was on the tv. He is a great actor and a marvalous singer."
--G. Macan

"I just saw the show Biography, and it was about Bob Hope, and the show talked about Bing Crosby being a great friend to Bob Hope, and how Hope was deeply hurt when Crosby died. As I surfed the web, looking for information about Crosby, I found out that he was one of the greatest performers of this century. All I can say about Crosby, that I didn't find on the web, is that I have always enjoy his christmas songs that he sang."
--Art Guteirrez

"I am a big fan of old music, especially Bing! I really enjoy listening to his music and watching his movies. I think one of my favorit movies he's in is "High Society". And it's a plus that Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly is in it. I admire Bing and I think his music will live forever!"
--Jessie Harper

"My first contact with Bing was through my grandmother, that persuaded me to see the movie "High Society" with her. I was very impressed with that easy going, modest style of his. When I was able to go to the movies by myself I started to look for more Crosby. Sadly, we were at the end of the fifties and those good old days were already gone. Anyway, I saw "High Time" when it was launched and by that time was completely certain that 'that voice' was unique(he didn't even had to sing: just talk)."
--Antonio Barros

"...It lies in the combination of an amazing versatility through every medium with the likable personality he projected onto all his work."
--Lee Spilberg

"I think it's the combination of his mellow, kindly, reassuring voice and persona which made Bing so hugely popular for half a century."
--Jon Oye

"I'm a Brazilian Bing Crosby fan and he was the best singer in the world."
--Eduardo Freitas

"I would have loved to have been in the Coconut Grove, when Bing and the other Rhythm Boys played it way back when."
--Richard Allen Shrader

"He was my grandfather's favorite and my father's favorite, and I believe I have passed it on to my kids...There is something in his voice that always gave you a warm feeling and there was something about him that was spiritual."
--Jack Mallon

"...I still think of him as a classy guy that I would like to have known"
--Keith Herbst

"I grew up watching Bing on television and was fortunate enough to see his live show at the Uris Theatre in NYC in the mid-70's."
--Mike Sheridan

"He has the SMOOTHEST and sincerest voice that I have ever heard...(and) he was a damn fine actor too."
--Joe Q.

"I'm a huge fan of Crosby. He's, in my opinion, the best singer of all times, and a fine actor too. I wish we had more Crosby stuff to buy here in Brazil but still I get whatever I can. May his legacy live forever!"
--Henrique Lopez F. da Rocha

"I have loved Bing Crosby since elementary school days when I lived in Spokane, WA. I continue to collect whatever music and movies of his that I can get my hands on. No voice touches me as his does. He cannot and will not ever be forgotten."

"I think Bing Crosby was and will remain one of the greatest, most genuinely talented performers of all time. His smooth, mellow voice, his easygoing demeanor, his brilliant blue eyes... everything about Bing is endearing. I appreciate the fact that his movies appeal to all ages, and are "safe" entertainment for family viewing, without being moronic... He influenced many of the great singers of this century who came after him, and I believe his influence will continue to be felt for many years to come..."
--Jennifer Maloney

"Possibly the coolest guy of all-time. Respect him for keeping his religious beliefs after becoming famous. Love his smooth voice, and he had such a great sense of humor."

"I have listened to Bing Crosby since I was a kid...I was fascinated by his wonderful early voice. What power and strength. His classic voice of the 40's was extremely soothing. Unlike Sinatra, he never started to sing loudly as he got older. I listen to Bing often. My favorite movie of his is "Rhythm on the River" with Mary Martin. I would love to be able to see "College Humor" where he sings "Learn to Croon." Can we petition TCM to show this movie?
--Jeff Freeman

"Bing is one of my favorite singers. One of my favorite songs of his is "I'll Be Seeing You." "Holiday Inn" and "The Road to Zanzibar" are my favorite films of his."
--Gary Sanders

"Bing Crosby, what comes to mind? "Where the Blue of the Night Meets the Gold of the Day" in a world where "Pennies come from Heaven." Bing Crosby immortalized the word "Crooner" and with each hum or whistle was so many sigh-ings and faint-ings from every girl, every age. Finding myself so attracted to his warm and calming tunes, I can't help but wish such a voice were belonging to a man in my life, singing me to sleep as I've seen him do to so many in many many movies. Sadly, such a legendary is no more that a beautiful memory of Our own "MILLION DOLLAR BABY!!!"
--Lori Ann

"I'm 28 years old and was first introduced to Bing's music via Mel Torme's CD in 1994. My favorite song is "Moonlight Becomes You."
--Luis Fernando R. Mattos (from Sao Paulo, Brazil)

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