Crosby Quiz

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1) Which golf course did Bing suffer a fatal heart attack?

La Cucaracha
Spokane Links
La Mujer
La Moraleja

2) How many children did Bing father?


3) Where did Bing and Bob meet?

The Palladium
Capitol Theatre
On a train from Walla-Walla
Hollywood Golf Course

4) Which talented friend of Bing's died after a tonsillectomy?

Eddie Lang
Bix Biederbecke
Russ Columbo
Bob Hope

5) Bing met Kathryn during the filming of which film?

Blue Skies
White Christmas
Country Girl
Road to Rio

6) Bing pulled this girl singer out of a downward spiral of drug abuse and depression to have her tour with him.

Rosemary Clooney
Judy Garland
Mary Martin
Peggy Lee

7) This painful condition plagued Bing throughout his later years.

Kidney Stones
Tennis Elbow
Erectile Dysfunction

8) This Crosby kid was in the thick of things in New York City, September 11, 2001.

Mary Francis

9) ) Bing wrote a letter of recommendation to the Armed Forces for this star during World War II.

Glenn Miller
Clark Gable
Jimmy Stewart
Bob Hope

10) Which hit did Bing have a hand in writing?

Where the Blue of
Galway Bay
Just One More

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