The Firefly 

              With frantic flying through the nights
              he searched among the pretty lights
              to find the brightest one out there
              he knew it had to be somewhere

              He was driven by the fame
              which would be placed upon his name
              if ever he did find the one
              as bright and pretty as the sun

              Then in his search he saw a glow
              that beckoned him from way below
              He left his perch as down he flew,
              down to the red and yellow hue

              It was the brightest light he saw
              And when he flew with utmost awe
              to touch the light of yellow-red
              he did not know he'd soon be dead

              Now isn't it a wicked shame
              that as he touched the pretty flame,
              he did not know it was a trap
              and he was sizzled with a zap

              Those gauzy wings he wore with grace
              Which flapped and flew at break neck pace
              Are burnt and battered, worn and torn
              No longer can they lift his form

              If you crave the lights of lime
              like the firefly in this rhyme,
              Do not be blinded by the glare
              and wind up in a lethal snare.

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