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Characters #2

Name: Lord Frieza
Race: Icer
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Red

Description: Pure evil, self centered, only caring about himself. Will do anything if it makes him happy. Kills people and whole races just for fun. Goes to the extreme to protect his reputation. His power to change his form makes him extremely powerful.

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Name: Cell
Race: Android
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Purple

Description: Created by Dr. Gero. His only purpose is to kill goku and become perfect. Cell has two forms he has to go through until he can become perfect, and the only way he can achieve his perfection is by consuming the two android's.

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Name: Bulma
Race: Human
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue

Description: Daughter of Dr. Brief (president of Capsule Corp.). Has two kids Trunks and Bra. A genius/inventor. Seen throughout out all dragon ball series, is a extremely important character in the show.

Name: Master Rochie
Race: Human
Hair: None
Eyes: Black

Description: Was Introduced in the Dragonball series and was second to teach goku martial arts. Is alwyas looking for pretty girls, and always caring about the saftey of others. Was once one of the strongest fighter on the earth, but that was until goku came around.

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