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Saiyan Saga
By Cristian Rodier

The Saiyan Saga starts years after Goku has been married to Chi Chi. Goku now has a four-year-old son named Gohan (who is named after Goku's grandfather). Goku and Gohan go to Master Roushi's island for a reunion with Bulma, Krillun, and Roushi. Mean while space ships lands in farm miles away. An Alien comes out of the ship searching for "Kakerot".

When the Alien finds Goku he reveals that Goku's real name is a Kakerot and he is a Sayian from a planet called Vegeta. Sayians are planet brokers who find planets, purge them of life, and sell them to the highest bidder. Planets with weak inhabitants adult Sayians are sent to purge life but planets with weak inhabitants Sayian babies are sent. Kakerot was sent to purge life on earth but he hit his head when he was young and forgot his mission.

The Alien then tells Goku that he is his older brother Radditz and he needs his help to purge life on another planet (the planet Vegeta had blown up and he only a few Sayians were away when it happened). Goku refuses Radditz offer so Radditz kidnaps Gohan and takes him to his space ship. After Radditz leaves Goku and Piccolo team up to fight Radditz. Radditz discovers that Gohan's power level is over 700 but refuses to believe it. Radditz seems to be wining the battle until he makes Gohan angry by hurting Goku. Gohan seriously injures Radditz allowing Goku to sacrifice himself and win the battle.

Before Radditz and Goku dies Piccolo tells Radditz that the DragonBalls would revive Goku and the legend of the DragonBalls. The legend of the Dragonballs is once all seven DragonBalls are found and collected, a fierce Dragon (Shen-Long) appears and the Dragon can grant you a wish. Radditz retorts that his scouter (a device on his head that detects power levels) is also a comm and that the other two Sayians heard every word. The other Sayians are much stronger than Radditz and will be coming in one year to make a wish on the Dragonballs. Goku and Radditz both die.

Goku travels along snake way to train with King Kai. Krillun. Yamacha, Tien, Chiaozu, and Yajirobe train at Kami the God of Earth's tower. Master Roshi, Buluma, and Oloong gather the DragonBalls to wish Goku back. King Kai teaches Goku the martial art of Kaio Ken and the Spirit Bomb (an energy attack that uses the power from the entire earth). Piccolo senses the great power in Gohan and trains him in the wilderness. Kai miscalculates the time it will take Goku to go back to earth on snake so Goku will be late for the fight with the Sayians.

When the Sayians arrive only Piccolo, Gohan, Krillun, Yamacha, Tien, and Chiaotzu must stall until Goku arrives. The Saiyans Nappa and Vegeta plant seeds that grow into Sabaimen (mindless fighters). One of the Sabaimen manages to kill Yamacha by latching on to him and exploding himself. After the Sabaimen are dead the Z fighter take on Nappa. Chiaotzu and Tien sacrifice themselves but it isn't enough to stop Nappa. When Vegeta's scouter senses the approach of Goku the Saiyans come up with a new plan.

The plan is kill the remaining Z fighters (Krillun, Gohan, and even Piccolo) and get DragonBalls from planet Namic. Piccolo sacrifices himself to save Gohan from Nappa's energy attack. Piccolo is the evil part of Kami and they are one. When Piccolo dies so does Kami and the Earth Dragonballs are no more. Goku arrives just in time to save his son and Krillun.

Goku easily defeats Nappa and flies off alone to fight with Vegeta. Goku uses a x3 Kaio Ken attack to injure Vegeta. Vegeta becomes enraged and tries to blow up the planet with his Gallit gun. Goku powers up with a x3 Kaio Ken and uses an energy attack to counter. Vegeta becomes even more enraged and uses a lunar energy ball to transform into a giant ape. Goku blinds Vegeta using Tien's Solar Flare attack buying him time to form the spirit bomb. Before Goku can fire the spirit bomb Vegeta distracts him.

Gohan and Krillun try to cut off Vegeta's tail but fail (when a Sayian loses his or her tail they may no longer transform). Out of no where Yajirobe surprises every one and cuts Vegeta's tail off. Vegeta returns to his normal forum and begins to fight with Gohan. Goku still has some energy from the spirit bomb, which he gives to Krillun. Vegeta survives the spirit bomb but uses much of his energy.

Vegeta notices Gohan's tail has grown back but before he can kill him Gohan transforms. Vegeta takes a beating but manages to cut off Gohan's tail. While Gohan is transforming back into his normal forum he falls on Vegeta taking him out of the battle. Vegeta escapes weak and badly injured by using a remote to summon his space pod. Gohan, Krillun and Goku are taken to the hospital.

Frieza Saga

King Kai tells Bulma where the planet Namic is and Kami lets her use his space ship to travel there. Krillun, Gohan, and Buluma take the ship to Namic. Goku's injuries are too serious for him to leave the hospital. Gohan finds out that they are not the only ones in search of the Namician DragonBalls. Vegeta and an alien named Frieza are after the Dragonballs as well.

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