"Learn or be Destroyed!"


Welcome to the Furry School of Hamster Death. Since time began, man has been fighting an endless battle against one of its most dangerous foes...hamsters. Most of us know hamsters a cute, fluffy , cuddly rodents. It is very important that you know this is not the case! The everyday hamster is actually a domesticated breed of the true hamster, much like the relationship between dogs and wolves. However wild hamsters are exceedingly more vicious, and dangerous. Our quest, is one for the greater good of the planet...nay, the universe! Here, you will learn how to kick the crap out of any hamster threat...its gonna be a blood-bath.

Disclaimer: Do not attempt to recreate or copy anything you have seen on this site. Sid and Scath must insist that you leave hamster control to the professionals. We do not accept any liability if you, or anyone else kill, or hurt anything.

All artwork is copyright Sid Connely 2002.
All other contents are copyright Scath Jones 2002, except "weapons" which is copyright Sid Connely 2002.

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