Irish Ridge Flowers 1998©

In the style of Monet©
John Wm. Greene

These images may NOT be used in any "COMMERCIAL" instance©.
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In the style of "Monet"

These images are photographs that have been done in the style of the artist "Monet". This style has always been a favorite of mine and I hope of yours also. While not suited to all kinds of images, I feel that this light and airy style is one of the most beautiful and timeless. Thank you for waiting while they load. The next page has one more in the style of "Monet", one in "Van Gogh's" style and one in the style of "Vuillard".

Bluebell , style of Monet
Burning Bush, style of Monet
Flowering Crab Apple, style of Monet
Daisies, style of Monet

Feel free to use in any tasteful, NON-Commercial manner.

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