Irish Ridge Flowers 1998©

Three Artist's Styles©
John Wm. Greene

These images may NOT be used in any "COMMERCIAL" instance©.
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Style comparison of "Van Gogh", "Vuillard" and "Monet"

I am placing these three photographs that I have done in the "style" of three different artists on one page that they might be compared easily. Each has it's own distinct presentation of these images of Irish Ridge Flowers of 1998. They are the same flowers as in previous pages, just displayed in a different style. The first photograph has been done in the style of "Van Gogh". The second one is in the style of "Vuillard". The third one is in "Monet's" style. All were taken with a 35mm SLR camera with an 80 to 300 mm zoom lens. Available light at various times has given each an entirely different feeling. I hope you enjoy them.

Cosmos, style of "Van Gogh"
Queen Ann's Lace , style of "Vuillard"
Lilly, style of "Monet"

Feel free to use in any tasteful, NON-Commercial manner.

Something different? Tree Mirror
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