Studio Greene 2005©

Among The Clouds©
John Wm. Greene

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Simply Clouds

What can I say; it does rain in Sunny California. Of course this was in February of 2005 so one has to acknowledge that it was one of the more rainy years on record for CA. Still, the temperature was a lot better than the minus zero nights I would have been experiencing in my home state of Wisconsin. CA is a big difference from my Irish Ridge heritage. One is torn between mild weather and frozen ground of ones birthplace. I probably would not be in CA except that other Irish Ridge descendants have located here years ago, time to renew with the cousins.

A certain amount of loyalty is there for the feel of one's birthplace. Still, during the winter season, CA does have a certain degree of allure. Except for winter, WI is a wonderful place to be. If one is a lover of winter sports, like ice fishing or the snowmobile, then WI is a year-around good place to be. I have never had that feeling of "love the change of season's". It could stay between 65 and 90 year around for Me.

But enough of that. I wanted to display my picture of the clouds rolling over the mountains, west of Lake Elsinore, and spilling down the mountainside, into town. What I liked about this picture is that appears to look like a tsunami wave descending into town. This, in a year of the great tsunami in the area of Indonesia. Judge for yourself how comparable the cloud wave is to the water wave created by the earthquake under the ocean. Mother Nature creates many scenes and somehow they all seem related.


Tsunami Clouds over Lake Elsinore, CA


Landscape with clouds in distance


Clouds with shrubery

May not be used in any Commercial manner©.


Studio Greene Index

Studio Greene "Tsunami-like Clouds"

Studio Greene "Clouds"

Studio Greene "Portraits"

Studio Greene "Buildings"

Studio Greene "Landscapess"

Studio Greene "Flowers"

Studio Greene "Bodybuilding & Figure"

Studio Greene " Wedding"

Studio Greene " Animals and Birds"


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