Studio Greene 2005©

Among The Clouds©
John Wm. Greene

These images may NOT be used in any "COMMERCIAL" instance©.
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After Seven Decades

Years ago, I had an intense interest in photography. I was a believer in the purity of images and had no interest in gimmicky photographs. When photography started to develop into a market for other than the pure simple images, I lost interest. In fact I had what could be called photographic burnout. This lasted over ten years during which I did not pick up any camera, nor did I enter any processing darkroom that had held me spellbound for years.

Then came the digital revolution with the availability of digital cameras and computer programs for working with photographs. I still have my old cameras, they gather dust in boxes in the attic. Treasures to be sure, but dinosaurs in size and flexibility. True, there are still some images that might be easier or better that could require a film camera. For me, this is merely a challenge to do it with digital. Tin types were great, going back to them is not for me.

This brings me to making some of my images available online in addition to emailing them to relatives and friends. The online images have been downsized for faster loading times. I do keep the original files on CDs, for printing quality purposes.

There are a number of pages of my early photography, on this, my IRISH RIDGE website, but I am adding a new section that will be devoted to my, "after seven decades" photography. This section is intended for pleasure and/or interest of photographs. It is not intended to be a "how to" dialog, there are a number of good websites that are devoted to that purpose.

I will start this section with a few images that I find interesting.

Images wil be changed or added as time allows. Thank you for viewing them.

May not be used in any Commercial manner.


Studio Greene Index

Studio Greene "Tsunami-like Clouds"

Studio Greene "Clouds"

Studio Greene "Portraits"

Studio Greene "Buildings"

Studio Greene "Landscapess"

Studio Greene "Flowers"

Studio Greene "Bodybuilding & Figure"

Studio Greene " Wedding"

Studio Greene " Muscoda 1953 at 55 years"


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