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Welcome to the Project Falkor Kommunikation Centre. When I first started a website I added a "Contact" page so visitors to my site had a way of communicating their opinions, views, questions, displeasure etc with me. Well, nothing has changed - much. I found that people were easily able to contact me, but there was still something missing. My visitors wanted something more... 

Over the past few years of running a small personal site, I found people wanted not only to talk to me in one way or another, but also to 'chat' with one another. So, I listened to what the masses wanted, and now provide such luxuries. You - my humble visitors - now have many options of contacting me - via ICQ and email, phone if you wish. And now, as well as a discussion forum where you can argue about anything you wish, you also get a live chat room... And yes, I will be in there sometimes... And, of course, don't forget to sign the guest book before you leave. 


(N.B. Before any communication with me, please follow my simple rules...)



Name: Simon Steinfort Now you know who I am.
Address: In a house in a street,
Ipswich 4305
Now, why would I tell you that???
Home Phone: +61 (0)7 3812 9907 May get busy signal!
Mobile Phone: +61 (0)421 483 858 - Prepaid Optus

+61 (0)405 363 075 - Prepaid Vodafone

Email: [email protected]  Email me.*
ICQ UIN:  14195940 Real time messaging. 
Website URL's:
Wow, you have a choice. Bookmark one of these only.






















Falkor's Simple Communication Rules...

Although I have no problem with people communicating with me, please note the following rules:

Flames, and other negative comments will be deleted.
Whilst you are most welcome to send me email, I will not reply if your message is simply a ROM request. Emails of this type will be simply deleted.
Advertising of any type will be deleted. Simple.
Please do not send files of any type via email - let me know you will be sending files first.
If you have the urge to do any of the above via ICQ, you will simply be added to my ever-growing ignore list, no questions asked...














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