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My Life

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Arcade Emulation





These pages have been removed until they are completely finished. Thank you for your patience...


WARNING: These pages are nowhere near finished, and when they are, there may be some course language, sexual references etc that may not be suitable for minors. Just warning you in case you don't want to read that stuff...


I've decided to write a story based on some of my experiences and thoughts about my life and such, and I've put it on here. I don't expect anyone to read it, but for those that do, it might give you a better understanding of who I am. I don't know why that would be valuable to anyone, but feel free to read the entries. I'd love it if you commented on this section too. Just send an email to [email protected] and let me know what you think.


Past entries will be archived here for your reading pleasure, but please, to avoid confusion and other near-death experiences, read the oldest entries first otherwise things may not make much sense to you. Not that it matters, of course.






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