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I just wanted to add a few quotes here that seem to put life into perspective for me.



1. "When we cannot act as we wish, we must act as we can."
-- Terrence


2. "Consider well what your strength is equal to and what exceeds your ability."
-- Horace


3. "Of all the tyrants the world affords, our own affections are the fiercest lords."
-- Earl of Sterling


4. "The best portions of a good man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love."
-- Wordsworth


5. "Your reality is without a doubt, just a reflection of the hopes on your mind."
-- Shai


6. "They tell me that it's not where your from, but where you pay rent, then they say it's not how much you make, but how much you spend."
-- Outkast


7. "If the world didn't have evil, two faced, back stabbing, lying, thieving, assholes void of any moral obligation to humanity in general....who'd run for president?"
-- Comicality


8. "Why give ye men affections, and not power to govern them?"
-- Ludovick Barry


9. "Fear secretes acids, but love and trust are sweet juices."
-- Beecher


10. "The ass is still an ass, even though he wears a lion's hide."
-- Shakespeare


11. "If it's wrong to love you, then my heart just won't let me be right."
-- Mariah Carey


12. "The heart will break, yet brokenly live on."
-- Byron


13. "Say what you want about me, just spell my name right."
-- Keith Murray


14. "More firm and strong the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution."
-- Thompson


15. "Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to."
-- TLC


16. "A merry heart goes all the day, a sad tires in a mile."
-- Shakespeare


17. "A simple child, that lightly draws its breath, and feels its life in every limb, what should it know of death."
-- Wordsworth


18. "I will not be as those who spend the day in complaining of the headache, and the night in drinking the wine that gives the headache."
-- Goethe


19. "The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat oneself, all sin is easy after that."
-- Baily


20. "Oh fierce desire, the spring of sighs and tears."
-- Brandon


21. "When you live in a cookie cutter world, being different is a sin. So you don't stand out, and you don't fit in."
-- Hanson


22. "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing attempt."
-- Shakespeare


23. "An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded."
-- Pope


24. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change."
-- Michael Jackson


25. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
-- Hebrews xi,I


26. "Fear is the tax that conscious pays to guilt."
-- Sowell


27. "My pen is at the bottom of the page. Which being finished, here the story ends. Tis to be wished it had been sooner done, but stories somehow lengthen when begun."
-- Byron


28. "My lips pressed themselves involuntarily to hers- a long, long kiss, burning intense- concentrating emotion, heart, soul, all the rays of life's light, into a single focus."
-- Bulwer


29. "Man is the only creature endowed with the power of laughter: is he not the only one who deserves to be laughed at?"
-- Greville


30. "Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all."
-- Holmes


31. "It is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all."
-- Tennyson


32. "Love is not in our choice, but in our fate."
-- Dryden


33. "How will I know if he really loves me? I try to call but I'm too shy, can't speak. Falling in love is all bitter sweet. My love is strong, why do I feel weak?"
-- Whitney Houston


34. "A lover is like a hunter- if the game be got with too much ease, he cares not for it."
-- Mead


35. "Life is just what you do based on the things you know. So if you just know yourself, everything else will flow."
-- Shai


36. "There is nothing worse than having everything, and still feeling sad."
-- Janet Jackson


37. "Tis one thing to be tempted, another to fall."
-- Shakspeare


38. "As long as we don't build our castles on quicksand we'll experience and understand the pleasure of lasting love."
-- Brian McKnight


39. "When our time is good and gone, when our time on this earth has been served, will we say that it's been full of love or full of sin. Every day could be our last, baby I don't want to go too fast, let's make everything we feel full of joy and filled with real. Real breath, real touch, real sex, real love."
-- "Speech" of Arrested Development


40. "The greatest sin would be to deny what your heart feels."
-- Zorro


41. "Make me weep, and you can make me cry, see me coming, and you can pass me by, but darling nothing, nothing can ever change this love I have for you."
-- Sam Cooke


42. "Drinking beer is half the fun, the other half is safe sex!"
-- Sign outside of Mother's Bar Chicago


43. "A duel never proves who's right, it only shows who's left."
-- Leona's


44. "If we played by the rules, we'd be in gym class right now."
-- Ferris Bueller


45. "If tomorrow was judgement day, and I was standing on the front line...and the Lord asked me what I did with my life, I would say I spent it with you."
-- Whitney Houston


46. "No I've never kissed a guy. But when I do that scene, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm going to go in there, and I'm going to walk over to him, and I'm going to stick my tongue down his fucking throat and probably swerve it around a little bit. That's it, end of story!"
-- Leonardo DiCaprio


47. "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you."
-- Richard Marx


48. "I don't have to do nothing but stay black and die."
-- Morgan Freeman (Shawshank Redemption)


49. "He who is most slow in making a promise, is the most faithful in the performance of it."
-- Rousseau


50. "Exploitation is the world's oldest occupation."
-- Ras Kass


51. "Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one rascal less in the world."
-- Carlyle


52. "The seeds of our punishment are sown at the same time we commit sin."
-- Hesiod


53. "The reputation of a man is like his shadow: it sometimes follows and sometimes proceeds him. It is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural size."
-- French Proverb


54. "The best sort of revenge is to not be like him who did the injury."
-- Antoninus


55. "Everybody can't be on top. Livin' ain't that funky, unless it's got that pop."
-- 'The Artist'


56. "No man was ever so much deceived by another such as himself."
-- Greville


57. "Few love to hear the sins they love to act."
-- Shakespeare


58. "I think you like to be their simple toy, I think you love to play the clown, I think you are blind to the fact that the hand you hold is the hand that hold you down. You do what you do, you say what you say, you try to be everything to everyone."
-- Everclear


59. "He who has no mind to trade with the devil, so be should so wise as to keep from his shop.
-- Shakespeare


60. "I might have been through many changes in my life, but the way I look wasn't one of the major ones. Are you just sitting there looking at my hair, or are you looking at me?"
-- Jon Bon Jovi


61. "The way we prevail in life is to make your hope outlast your torments."
-- Woody Harrelson


62. "There is nothing more fleeting than years."
-- Ovid


63. "WOW...he has got the hottest ass!"
-- 'Babay' (South Park)


64. "You say you can't trust me, have you tried? You say you don't love me, that's a lie. There are so many, so many rainbows that we were to climb. But baby, why can't we survive?"
-- Lenny Kravitz


65. "I don't think of myself as a certain age, I just am."
-- Edward Furlong


66. "I would rather be a failure doing something I enjoy, than a success at something I hate."
-- George Burns


67. "You'll always be a part of me, I'm a part of you indefinitely, boy don't you know you can't escape me, ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby. And we'll linger on, time can't erase a feeling this strong, oh don't you know you can't escape me, oooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby."
-- Mariah Carey


68. "There is no 'normal'."
-- Angus


69. "There is such a thing as fate. But it only takes you so far, then it's up to you to make it happen."
-- 'Can't Hardly Wait'


70. "I've been thinking 'bout you every night, and every day, 'cause in my heart I know that I never should've let you go. And my love for you is stronger than I ever knew, but I couldn't tell you so, oh I never should've let you go."


71. "There can be miracles, when you believe."
-- Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey


72. "Hope is a good thing, the greatest thing, and it never dies."
-- Tim Robbins 'Shawshank Redemption'


73. "If you're all alone, and I'm all alone, ain't nothing wrong having someone to hold. Your tender touch, it means so much, ain't nothing wrong having someone to hold."
-- 112


74. "It can't rain all the time."
-- The Crow


75. "Where are you now? Now that I'm ready to love you the way you loved me then. Where are you now? Do you still think of me, or does your heart belong to someone else?"
-- Janet Jackson


76. "Now I may have faith to make mountains fall, but if I lack love, then I am nothing at all. I can give away everything that I possess, but life without love will I have no happiness."
-- Lauryn Hill


77. "Some people live their whole lives and never see that the only way to find true happiness is to thine ownself be, true to yourself y'all."
-- Eric Benet


78. "There have ben times when I thought I wouldn't last for long, but now I think I'm able to carry on. It's been a long, long time coming, but I know a change gonna come. Yes it will."
-- Sam Cooke


78. "Heaven please send to all mankind, understanding and peace of mind. But if it's not too much to ask, just send me someone to love."
-- Sade


79. "If the pen is mightier than the sword, in a duel I'll let you have the pen."
-- Steven Wright


80. "Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? After all, fiction has to stick to possibilities."
-- Mark Twain


81. "If falling in love is like learning how to spell, then I don't want to do it. It takes too long."
-- Glenn, age 7


82. "To love a thing means wanting it to live."
-- Confucius


83. "People always telling me, you have to be strong and take out your enemies. But I just chill, and take it day by day. The Lord always seems to show the way."
-- Society of Soul


84. "Age is a matter of the mind, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
-- Unknown


85. "Common sense is the set of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
-- Albert Einstein


86. "Anything is in walking distance if you have the time."
-- Steven Wright


87. "The goal of freedom rests solely on our belief in our own ability and right to control our own destiny. Without faith, there is no possibility of victory."
-- "Imani" the 7th principle of Kwanza


88. "I can look out of my window at a forest of trees and know that if some things in my life don't work out, life still goes on."
-- Speech of "Arrested Development"


89. "The truest things often seem so simple- silly even -but it's that simplicity that allows you to express passion and real emotion."
-- Michael Stipe of "R.E.M."


90. "The bottom line is, each person is responsible for what they say and what they do."
-- Axl Rose


91. "When you're a kid, you're astonished by everything. And then you grow up and get disappointed by things. You lose that magic, that 'WOW!'"
-- Milla Jovich


92. "My head is in the clouds. I'm dreaming a lot and I can't believe what is happening to me. But my two feet are on the ground."
-- Celine Dion


93. "That's your problem kid! When you're dreaming of the perfect girl, your eyes are closed! You've got to face this world with your eyes wide open and see what's right in front of you!"
-- 'The Trojan War' comedy


94. "If it isn't love, why do I feel this way? Why does she stay on my mind? If it isn't love, why does it hurt so bad, make me feel so sad inside."
-- New Edition


95. "There are many fine women in the world, but they don't all bring you lasagne at work."

-- Silent Bob "Clerks"


96. "People are strange, when you're a stranger..."
-- The Doors


97. "It's not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you keep getting back up."
-- ???


98. "Live your life so you won't have to hide your diary."
-- Leona's


99. "What part of 'I'm the shit' don't you understand?"
-- Ras Kass


100. "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff."
-- ???


101. "But like most storms, they all give way to blue skies eventually."
-- The Hockey Jock


102. "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad, but let God deal with the things they do 'cause hate in your heart will consume you too."
-- Will Smith "Just The Two Of Us"


103. "Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue."
-- ???


104. "The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you say my name, your smile, the way you move me, the way you soothe me, the way you sleep softly through the night, every morning you rise, and open your eyes, I just want to be there with you baby, I just want to be yours from this day on."
-- Jesse Powell


105. "You need both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow."
-- Leona's


106. "No matter how high you fly, make sure you know the reason why, the one thing that got you there was love. If you're ever losing sight, love is there to be your guide, there's always a care in love."
-- Sunday


107. "If you want it, you got it, you just have to believe. Believe in yourself. 'Cause it's all just a game, we just want to be loved."
-- Lenny Kravitz


108. "The deepest cuts of all draw not blood, but tears."
-- Close personal friend of mine


109. "I will get there, I will get there somehow. Cross that river, nothing stopping me now. I will get through the night, and make it through to the other side."
-- Boyz II Men


110. "You can buy your hair if it won't grow, you can change your nose if it says so, you can buy all the make up that man can make, but if you can't look inside you, and find out who am I to be in the position to make me feel so damn unpretty."
-- TLC


111. "I am here, you don't have to worry I can see your tears, I'll be there in a hurry when you call. Friends are there to catch you when you fall. Here's my shoulder, you can lean on me."
-- Kirk Franklin


112. "There is one sky above, there is just, one source of love, if I got one chance, one choice, I sing it from the heart, one song, one voice."
-- Brandy


113. "Do I ever cross your mind, anytime? Do you ever wake up reaching out for me? Do I ever cross your mind, anytime? I miss you."
-- Brian McKnight


114. "You had your shot and you blew it. If you sit around waiting for love to happen 'naturally', it'll pass you by...every time. If you don't take her, somebody will snatch her right from under your nose."
-- ??? (Some movie)


115. "Give me time, give me time, I'm gonna make your love as strong as mine. But I know Rome wasn't built in a day."
-- Sam Cooke


116. "Life's a bitch...go fuck her!"
-- The Fan


117. "If we all knew what we were getting into, we would never get into anything."
-- ???


118. "If you are strong enough to believe that tomorrow can be better, you've got to be strong enough to make tomorrow better"
-- A good friend


119. "Oh how the years go by, oh how the love brings tears to my eyes, through all the changes, the soul never dies, we fight, we laugh, we cry, as the years go by."
-- Vanessa Williams


120. "Ever forever be true, touching the sky just to hold it, maybe I won't be so blue."
-- King's X


121. "If I had one wish, I would ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss!"
-- Eminem


122. "If I could pour my heart into a glass and offer it like wine, we could drink and be back in time for the morning papers."
-- Prince


123. "With you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself...searching to be lost again."
-- Unknown


124. "When you hold somebody, you've gotta hold them like it's the last minute of your life, man."
-- Janis Joplin


125. "We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh."
-- Aymes Reppler


126. "Somebody asked me how I knew you were the one for me, and I was the one for you. I never had to ask myself that question."
-- Divine


127. "Remembering, your touch, your kiss, your warm embrace. I'll find my way back to you, please say you'll be waiting. Together again, it would feel so good to be in your arms, where all my journeys end. You can make a promise, if it's one that you can keep, I vow to come for you, if you will wait for me."
-- Tracy Chapman


128. "The essential sadness is to go throughout life without loving. But it would be almost as sad to leave this world without telling those you love how you feel."
-- Unknown


129. "Building the confidence you need is half the battle."
-- Leona's


130. "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost."
-- G.K. Chesterson


131. "It's strange how you can say something in front of a room full of people that you don't know, what you can't seem to say in front of one person."
-- Nia Long "Love Jones"


132. "Why are the words 'goodbye', 'I'm sorry', and 'I love you' so easy to pronounce, when they're so hard to say?"
-- Unknown


133. "Jealousy and envy will get you nowhere. You don't like me? Bet against me!"
-- Mase


134. "Darling, I never showed you, assumed you'd always be there. Took your presence for granted, but I always cared, and now I miss the love we shared."
-- Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men


135. "Father of mine, tell me where have you been. I just closed my eyes, and the world disappeared. Father of mine, tell me how do you sleep, with the children you abandoned and the wife I saw you beat. I will never be safe, I will never be sane, I will always be weird inside, I will always be lame. But now I'm a grown man, with a child of my own, and I swear I'll never let her know all the pain I have known."
-- Everclear


136. "Any time not spent in love, is wasted."
-- Torquato Tasso


137. "My spirit you try to break, my soul you try to take, but there's no need to be afraid, because I've got a new agenda. Amen, all that we've been through, the time has come to rejoice, a new agenda's due."
-- Janet Jackson


138. "And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."
-- Goo Goo Dolls


139. "When life knocks you down, make sure you land flat on your back. Because if you can SEE up, you can GET up."
-- Les Brown


140. "You miss 100% of the shots you never take."
-- Michael Jordan


141. "We must be the change we expect to find in our world."
-- Leona's


142. "I'm the one who's got to die when it's time for me to die. So let me live my life the way I want to."
-- Jimi Hendrix


143. "There IS no perfect opportunity, no "right time" to tell someone you love them. There's only 'right now' and 'too late'. Pray you tell them sometime in between the two."
-- Comicality


144. "Consciousness, that annoying time between naps."
-- Daniel


145. "If you want me, what you need to do is let me know, gotta let your feelings show, gonna see how wrong it is to be alone."
-- Case


146. "Could you be the one for me? Could you take my life away? I want to give you everything, though I don't have much. Could you be in love with me? Could you love me the rest of my life? Tell me are you gonna be, the one for me this time."
-- Brian McKnight


147. "How could you just leave me standing, alone in a world so cold? Maybe I'm just too demanding, maybe I'm just like my father too bold. Maybe I'm just like my mother, she's never satisfied. Why do we scream at each other, this is what it sounds like, when doves cry."
-- Prince


148. "A love built from lies is as empty as the foundation it sits upon. But true love is full and whole."
-- Anonymous


149. "Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes? Can I just feel your heart beating beside me, every night? Can we just feel this way together til the end of all time? Can I just spend my life with you?"
-- Eric Benet


150. "Tryin' to get love, but give no love nigga? Stupid ass!"
-- Method Man


151. "There were times, I guess you knew, when I bit off more than I can chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up, and spit it out. I grew tall, and best of all...I did it my way."
-- Frank Sinatra


152. "Things can happen around you, and things can happen to you...but ultimately it's what happens INSIDE you that makes all the difference."
-- Unknown


153. "It came over me in a rush, and I feel sometimes that I love you so much, and I cry sometimes but I can't tell you why...why I feel what I feel inside."
-- Blackstreet


154. "50% I'm completely right about everything. The other 50% I'm just testing you to see if you'll catch on."
-- Bumper sticker


155. "When I was a young boy, I had visions of fame, they were wild and they were free, and they were blessed with my name. But then I grew older, and I saw what's to see, that the world is full of pain, and my dreams, they left me. But then I got stronger, and tired of the pain, and then I picked up the pieces and I regained my fame. And I fought hard y'all, to carve out my place, and right now it seems heavy, but it all seems in place."
-- BMU


156. "Your conscious is what hurts when everything else feels so good."
-- Email sig of a good friend


157. "La moralidad es como el arte; se marcan las lineas. (Translated: Morality, like art consists of drawing the line.)"
-- Picho


158. "Is it just that you're the finest little thing that I ever saw, or is my imagination running too far? Or is it that my eyes are telling me something that you'll never see? Something like me being with you, or you being with me."
-- D'Angelo


159. "Anything for a friend..."
-- JT


160. "To see the light of a candle, you must first take it to a dark place."
-- Ursula K Legun


161. "With all this trouble, hold on to innocence with which you were born. There's so much struggle, be strong, find the faith you need to carry on. It's a long night, you're not alone. Fall in the light, fall in the light."
-- Lori Carson and Graeme Revell


162. "So many people come walking by, looking so happy when all I do is cry. I just wanna be, with somebody too. What I'd give for a kiss, what am I gonna do? Why can't I fall in love? Why must it be so hard to find?"
-- Pump Up The Volume Soundtrack


163. "Excuse me while I kiss the sky"
-- Jimi Hendrix


164. "Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're an asshole."
-- Bumper Sticker


165. "We could never learn to be brave and patient if there was only joy in the world."
-- Hellen Keller


166. "You'll never get a grip unless you learn to let go."
-- Leona's


167. "It's nice to know that when you help someone up the hill, you get a little closer to the top yourself."
-- Unknown


168. "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is...infinite."
-- William Blake


169. "I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum!"
-- Roddy Piper "They Live"


170. "I don't want to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep cause I'd miss you babe, and I don't want to miss a thing."
-- Aerosmith


171. "When suicide becomes the answer, what the hell was the question?"
-- Unknown


172. "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all that heavenly glory."
-- Bruce Lee


173. "It's the simple stunts that I always get hurt the most on. The larger ones are more planned out, and I'm more ready for them. But the little ones I stumble on because I take them for granted."
-- Jackie Chan


174. "You cry, but understand, it hurts but you'll mend. And who's to say that it's over? I may not feel what you feel, but I'm glad to know the feeling is real. You might as well face the pain, let it come down let me call it rain. It's gonna rain, let it rain. Cause after awhile that sun gon' shine, everything's gon' be alright. And trouble don't last always, God gon' make everything okay, so let it rain, rain, let it rain."
-- Montrell Darrett


175. "Stay happy"
-- Elijah Wood


176. "When everything in your life seems absolutely perfect in every possible way...that's how you know that you're completely delusional."
-- Unknown


177. "That's what I love about comedy, because for the last hour all races, all faces, all sexes, all religions, all nationalities came here to this same packed room...and we all laughed together. That's what makes comedy beautiful."
-- Carlos Mencia


178. "Live your life as though someone were reading your diary."
-- Unknown


179. "Why do we hurt each other, why do we push love away? Let's not wait till the water runs dry. Let's not our whole lives pass us by. Let's not wait till the water runs dry. We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives. Don't do it baby."
-- Boyz II Men


180. "Consciousness, that annoying time between naps."
-- Daniel


181. "All things are possible"
-- The Bible


182. "Where the hell is my father, shit it hurts sometimes. There's a hole in me, and it rocks my mind. The truth is he left, without a care. And that was more than I could bare. When you need my help, I never tell you no. When I need your love, you got somewhere to go. I'm getting sick of this shit! But I'm not gonna quit! I've come too far, gotta keep my pockets thick. I GET MAD AS HELL!!! But that's okay. Kick off these shoes, cause I'm here to stay. Gotta let ya know I got no time to play, so feel me and all y'all hear me say, we're building up, can't tear it down. Because we're built on solid, rock and ground. Keep my head up high, looking towards the sky. Nothing in my views! Hey! I can fly! It's the only pain, I can't take no more! If you feel me, raise your head and show it! This is what I feel!"
-- R. Kelly


183. "Things are much harder here than they are in the afterworld. In this life, you're on your own."
-- Prince


184. "Do or do not do. There is no 'try'."
-- Master Yoda


185. "I am the voice inside your head. I am the lover in your bed, I am the sex that you provide, I am the hate you try to hide. I speak religion's message clear. I am denial, guilt and fear. I am the prayers of the naive. I am the lie that you believe. I take you where you want to go. I give you all you need to know. I drag you down, I use you up. Mr. Self Destruct."
-- Nine Inch Nails


186. "Love is a word that explains how I feel for you. And when you're in my arms all my dreams come true. And when you're not around, you can't hardly see, these tears I'm crying now are for you to be with me. If life is so short why won't you let me love you before we run out of time? If love is so strong, why won't you take the chance before our time has gone. If life is so short, if life is so short."
-- The Moffats


187. "The pain you cause is the pain you bare."
-- Unknown


188. "Pain can be ignored, you just disconnect it."
-- Reese "The Terminator"


189. "Do as thou wilst with harm to none."
-- Wiccan proverb


190. "If people don't like you when you're being yourself...FUCK EM!!! Fuck em up against the wall, with handcuffs on, and crazy glue on their lips!"
-- Bernie Mac


191. "Whenever I'm down and feelin' alone. Whenever my sunshine, turns to rain. Whenever my wants and dreams, are headed in the wrong direction, she's always there. Telling me how much she cares. She's always in my hair."
-- D'Angelo


192. "2, 4, 6, 8, I guess that I appreciate the niggas who struggle and work hard as the superstars, ordinary people with families and have kids should be put on a pedestal not average."
-- Ahmad


193. "Did God create man, or did man need to create God? The answer is both, because how mortals look at God is all."
-- Ras Kass


194. "So keep the faith, Go on, don't let nobody take you down brother. Just know that you're good to go, and keep your feet flat on the ground. So keep the faith, because it's just a matter of time, before your confidence will win out, but til that day, you know you got to keep the faith."
-- Michael Jackson


195. "I make it a point to never run, unless I'm being chased."
-- Elijah Wood


196. "If at first you don't succeed, cheat and go home with the gold."
-- Bumper sticker


197. "Any ideal, taken to the level of a fanatic, will eventually corrupt the cause. No matter how good the intention."
-- Unknown


198. "If you're really feeling down, just look at a time in your life when you thought it couldn't get any worse, and then remember how you got through it."
-- Jaxsper Finn


199. "I just wanna be loved, is that so wrong?"
-- Harvey Firestein


200. "A true friend stabs you in the front."
-- Can't Hardly Wait


201. "Love is like a roller coaster. There's always a long line, but in the end it's worth the wait."
-- Lindsay


202. "There are many languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all."
-- Unknown


203. "For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has not. To say the words he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels."
-- Frank Sinatra


204. "True love is not something that happens everyday. Follow your heart, it knows the right answer."
-- J. Rainsville


205. "Kissing is like drinking saltwater. You drink, and yet your thirst increases."
-- Emily S.


206. "Love will find a way, while everything else finds an excuse."
-- Anonymous


207. "Reason and love are sworn enemies."
-- Corneille


208. "If you have to keep telling me kid, then it ain't real! You're only doing it to convince one of us this thing will last. Just shut up and enjoy the vibes for a change!"
-- 'Tough Lucky'


209. "When a man loves a woman, deep down in his soul, she can bring him such misery."
-- Percy Sledge


210. "Some people say it as easily as anything I've ever heard. But someday I hope that they will learn that love is more than just a word."
-- Javan


211. "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes lovers to be silly."
-- Unknown


212. "Some things catch your eye. Other things capture your heart...persue those."
-- Anonymous


213. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
-- Mother Theresa


214. "The only way to know how you feel is to forget how you're feeling and just go for it!"
-- Dee


215. "Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
-- Oscar Wilde


216. "In a sense, we're all on the Titanic. We're all going to die someday. The movie is about living and loving as much as you can in the short amount of time that we have left."
-- James Cameron


217. "We can spend our whole lives waiting for some justice to be done...unless we make our own."
-- Unknown


218. "I guess we all go a little mad sometimes."
-- Norman Bates "Psycho"


219. "There is no teacher that can teach us anything new...he can just help us remember the things we already knew."
-- Enigma


220. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
-- Unkonown


221. "Saying I love you is a lot harder to do when you really mean it."
-- Randy "New Kid In School"


222. "Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence."
-- Albert Einstein


223. "Love is like energy. It can't be created or destroyed, it just changes shape."
-- Ariel "New Kid In School"


224. "24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day. Coincidence? I think not!"
-- bumper sticker


225. "I'm just on loan to you, it's my identity. I'd love to love you, if you give it back to me. Don't criticize me cause I know it's overdue. I've learned my lessons well by following your moves."
-- DJ Rap


226. "Into each life some rain must fall, too much is falling in mine. Into each heart, some tears must fall. Someday the sun will shine. Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts, but when I think of you, another shower starts. Into each life a little rain must fall, too much is falling in mine."
-- Song Lyrics


227. "Never spend major time with minor people."
-- Religious proverb


228. "To know the Bible is good. To know the Author is better."
-- Christian proverb


229. "When I was little, my idea of fun was anything that avoided a spanking. Now that I'm older, my idea of fun is anything that REQUIRES a spanking!"
-- Comicality


230. "You don't know what you've got til' it's gone."
-- Joni Mitchell


231. "I know too well, know these lines, I've seen them smothered in sleek ridicule. A seedy smile, they think they've scored, but I know morning comes, and babes alone again. Too alone again. So what can I do with cheap honesty? You're giving me more than I can see. But I'm too cool to say, that I want it all my way. Get blasted by his sincerity."
-- Skunk Anansie


232. "Being the one is like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it. You feel it through and through."
-- The Oracle in "The Matrix"


233. "Quit bitchin' about how don't nobody really love you, spread your runner lovin' and it'll bounce right back to you."
-- Macy Gray


234. "Sunny days, everybody loves them, but can you stand the rain? Storms will come, this we know for sure, but can you stand the rain?"
-- New Edition


235. "I remember when I was trying to be somebody, but I just didn't know nobody. But now, I said now, now that God has blessed me, it seems that everything's going a bit different now. Folks ain't it funny how things can change sometimes? Seems like even the statue of Liberty wants to bump and grind!"
-- R. Kelly


236. Fear ceases the obstacle, but faith seizes the opportunity."
-- unknown


237. "Don't go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
-- Leona's


238. "Here's my heart, it's been wounded, it's been broken, but I'll give it all to you if you will love me. Love me. Here's my life, you can have it, if you want it. I will give it all to you if you will love me. Cause love is everything I need."
-- Out of Eden


239. "Lately I don't want to see the morning sun. Lately I, I'm not much good to anyone. Lately I don't laugh the way I used to do. Lately I've been crying. Lately I've been missing you. Lately I don't want to hear my favorite song. Lately I, I'm finding it hard to carry on. Lately everything I see is painted blue Baby I've been dying. Baby I've been missing you. Lately I don't know why I ever let you go. But I want you back. I need you back. Without you it's all wrong. Baby make it right. Bring your love back to my life. Cause nothing's been the same since you've been gone. Lately I don't feel like talking to my friends. Lately I, I feel this pain will never end. I don't want to go to places we went to. I don't feel like smiling. Baby I'm just missing you."
-- Faith Evans


240. "I must have rehearsed my lines, a thousand times, until I had them memorized. But when I get up the nerve to say the words, they never seem to come out right. Oh if only you knew, how much I do love you."
-- Patti Labelle


241. "Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship, and find out you still care for the person."
-- Ja'Nea Bookman


242. "You know it's love when you can't fall asleep because your reality is better than your dreams."
-- Meggie


243. "Thanks for the time that you've given me, the memories are all in my mind. And now that we've come to the end of our rainbow, there's something that I must say out loud. You're once, twice, three times a lady...and I love you."
-- The Commodores


244. "Love is like a flame, beautiful if controlled, dangerous if not."
-- anonymous


245. "The love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away."
-- Lou I.


246. "Choose your friends wisely, your enemies choose you."
-- Confucious


247. "Whenever blue teardrops are falling, and my emotional stability is leaving me, there is something I can do. I'll just get on the telephone and call you up baby. And honey I know you'll be there to heal me, the love you give to me will free me. And if you don't know what you're dealing, oh I can tell you that it's sexual healing."
-- Marvin Gaye


248. "Love is a knife, it can stab the heart, or it can carve wonderful images into the soul th@t will Last forDver.&quLt;
-- S &aLp; S 49. &quLt;A manwho weaPs two f@ces, evDntuallyforgetswhich Lne is rDal.&quoT;
- PrimaL Fear

250. "As I walk thHs land Lf brokeL dreams I have visions of many things. But haPpiness is just an illusIon filled with Sadness and conFusion. What becomes of the brokenhearted who had love that's now departed? I klow I've got to find some kind of peace of mind, help me please. The roots of love grow all around, but for me they come a tumbling down. Everyday heartaches get a little stronger, I can't stand this pain much longer. I walk in shadow searching for light, cold and alone, no comfort in sight. Hoping and praying for someone who cares, always moving and going nowhere."
-- Jimmy Ruffin


251. "I remember when you filled my heart with joy. Was I blind to the truth? Just there to fill the space. Cause now you have no interest in anything I have to say. And I have allowed you to make me feel dumb. What kind of fool am I that you so easily cast me aside. You made a fool of me....tell me why."
-- Meshell Ndegeocello


252. "I know I may have made mistakes before, but now I know what those mistakes were for. Throughout my travels girl I realized, 'what you see, what you get' don't always coincide. A bird in the hand beats two in the bush, but just one look was all it took. Could it be that we're the only ones thinking of harmony, ecstasy, there's something about this love."
-- Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston


253. "When you were lonely, I was your friend. And when you were hurting I was right there for you. I gave you my all, whenever there was something wrong, is it that you just like to have them do you wrong? Can't you see you're always lonely? Could it be I'm what you wanted? One love, one heart. Is it possible that you don't know it? Blinded by the light above us? Come on, let it go. I just had to let you know, just how I feel. Baby remember me those times. When you were feeling low, you needed a friend to turn to, baby remember me those times."
-- Silk


254. "My heart's on fire, burning with a flame that will never die. There's a voice inside, saying "don't be afraid, don't compromise." You take my breath away, you're everything I desire. I just can't stay away. I used to say never, but I'll never say never again. Every night and day, now I realize what can't be denied. I never thought I'd fall, but I fell anyway. I never thought I'd fall, but I fell anyway."
-- Brian McKnight


255. "Where there is love, there is life."
-- Ghandi


256. "We may not always know the moment that love begins, but we always know when it ends."
-- LA Story


257. "Friends are like parachutes, if they're not there for you the first time you need them, chances are you won't be needing them again."
-- Dilbert


258. "The mind becomes clouded with problems you never knew you had when the heart is broken. Ignore them, for they only exist in your mind."
-- anonymous


259. "Just a kiss, just a smile, hold my hand baby, just once in a while...that's all I need, that's all I need, and I'll be satisfied. Think of me when you're away, call me baby, just once a day...that's all I need, that's all I need, and I'll be satisfied."
-- Jackie Wilson


260. "Who is to blame for this mudslide of maggots sucking our blood? Who is to blame for the souls of our brothers and sisters of all races dying, the blame lies with us. We are the children and the parents of an unfinished revolution."
-- The Last Poets


261. "One who tries to grab for too much at once, may end up losing all he has."
-- Leona's


262. "Out of all these powers I possess, I'm scared you're the key to my happiness. Cause I can't get next to you babe."
-- The Temptations


263. "Nothing comes from dreaming heads but dreams. Sittin' idle in our boat, while everyone else is down the stream. Nothing comes from talking heads but sound. We can do what we want to, but the world still goes around and round."
-- Tevin Campbell


264. "You were so hard to find. The beautiful ones, they hurt you every time. Paint a perfect picture, bring to life a vision in one's mind. The beautiful ones always smash the picture, always every time."
-- Prince


265. "just give me another chance for our romance, come on and tell me that one day you'll return, cause everyday that you've been gone away, you know my heart does nothing but burn....crying. Lonely teardrops, my pillow never dries up, lonely teardrops, come home, come home...just say you will, say you will."
-- Jackie Wilson.


266. "Girl you just don't know how much I try, to let you know how I feel inside. Can I hold you? Can I touch you? Can I love you? Girl you just don't know how you make me feel."
-- Soul For Real


267. "The people you help will love you for it. The people you hurt wHll hateyou forit. Butthose who you leave hanging in the midDle, notknowingwhetherto love or hate you...are the ghosts that will constantly haunt your mind."
-- J. Refaller


268. "Hip hop is universal now, it's so commercial now that it's like a bunch of circus clowns all up in the circuit now. But they say the 'white' kids like, so I guess that I can buy it. But as soon as *I* get on the mic it's like the night gets silent. Either that or booed, that's why I KEEP an attitude and go to sleep with it and wake up with it EVERY afternoon. I'm SICK of being judged!"
-- Eminem


269. "One monkey don't stop no show."
-- The Honey Cone


270. "I may be soft in your palm but I'll soon grow hungry for a fight, and I will not let you win. My pretty mouth will frame the phrases that will disprove your faith in man. So if you catch me trying to find my way into your heart from under your skin, fast as you can, baby scratch me out, free yourself, fast as you can."
-- Fiona Apple


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