Ya Baby this is the one!

Gun Prohibition
Ra ta ta tat
When all hell breaks loose which one would you want?

Better than "nothing" which could happen!

"Prohibition...goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control the public by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. "A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

The following to two paragraphs are from the Make a choice web site!

In the United States, the gap between employees of Federal Government, who are expected to be armed, and the other citizens is growing. For instance, Food and Drug Administration employees are explicitly authorized and equipped to be armed as part of the jobs. Do you like being a peasant in the land where only the King's men are packing heat?

The periodic attempts to render Americans defenseless continue in the form of gun buy-ups conducted in the minority and poor neighborhoods. Not only do the residents have to depend on a patently inadequate police protection but they are also coaxed into giving up their means of effective self-defense. For some reason, we do not see Hollywood celebrities rushing to give up their guns in exchange for a fast food certificate or a pair of sneakers.

I can't believe that anyone could think that taking away my right to own any type of firearm is going to stop the killing. The very people who make and pass such laws are really going to be shocked when all hell breaks loose! (Let's not fool ourselves war has and for a long time to come, will be part of evolution.) I firmly believe another war between the states is in our future, but that's another story for another day! Gun Prohibition is what Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants are looking forward to, in fact I believe that they help fund the people trying to pass such laws.

Have we all become Government Slaves?

Impossible you say!!!

Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants would love for the government to disarm the general public. That way, all they (Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants) have to worry about is government and we all know how prepared they are.

That's enough you say!!!

You would think so, I believe that Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants are already some members of  government. One thing most people don't realize is where the, ARMED TO THE TEETH Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants are and will be hiding when all hell breaks loose!

Where do you think?

Right in the middle of the general public that so thoughtfully disarmed itself. Wow just think some "trustworthy" government members won't know who's who and the Terrorists, Outlaws and Militants will have the advantage! If  you think for one moment the government won't fire first and ask questions later, you haven't been paying attention to past world conflicts.

If things keep going the way they are, small guns only or maybe none at all, THEN WHAT? Here are a couple of GUN ALTERNATIVES!

"Under Republicans, Man exploits Man. Under Democrats, it's just the opposite."
~Earl Gray~

  More on Gun Prohibition!

NRA Firearms Fact card

Militia Q+A

Freedom's Last Stand

Sundown at Coffin Rock

Arms and Freedom

Political Opportunists


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