East, West Differences

Foyer: The foyer in WDW and DL is not alike at all. IN WDW the foyer is WAY darker and more eerie. It also has the Master Gracey changing portrait. The DL foyer is more lit up, and is styled more to the mansion. It has drapes on the windows, candles on the wall, and no portraits whatsoever.

Stretching Room:
The SR's in both mansions are pretty much the same except for two things:
1.Wallpaper. In WDW, the wallpaper is blue, but to guests it appears yellow because of the lighting. In DL, the wallpaper is red,yellow,beiger, blue, green, aqua, and brown, and has more stripes.
2.DL's SR stretches MUST faster than WDW's. Almost too fast.

Area After Stretch Room:
This is the part that separated WDW HM, from DL HM. IN DL, after exiting the stretch room, guests are led down a long hallway. On the left side of the hallway are windows, where outside the window lightening is flashing. On the right side of the hallway are 5 pictures. When the lightening flashes, the pictures change into more sinister people. At the end of this hallway are 2 marble busts that follow you. After guests exit this hallway, they board their doombuggies, and are headed right for the Corridor of Doors.
However, in WDW after the stretching room is completed guests enter a large room (load area) and board their doombuggies right away. WDW does not have the hallway like DL does. BUT, the ride at WDW is longer, because instead of going right to the corridor of doors, guests in WDW get more: a haunted staircase with a candle up top, a sinister eleven portrait gallery, a library with 8 busts, and a music room, complete with haunted piano. After guests see these, THEN they travel to the Corridor of Doors.

In DL, the haunted suit of armor has a shield and twitches more violently, moving his shield up and down, and moving his hand. In WDW, the suit of armor is taller, doesn't have a shield like DL does, and only his hand moves.

Corridor of Doors:
In DL, they have portraits of ghosts lining the walls, but in WDW, they have no portraits, and WDW also has a door with two skeletal hands emerging from the door.

The only difference here is Madame Leota. In DL, her hair is darker and more neat, plus her table floats. In WDW, here hair is white and very messy. Her table does not move here.

Everything is pretty much the same except for a few minor details:
The DL organist used to have a top hat, but he doesn't wear it now.
In DL the attic is a little smaller, there is a haunted piano in a corner of the room that plays a "wedding march" song, and the shadow of the ghost is seen too. Plus, Dl's bride is much smaller and a little more mysterious, and the pop-up ghosts in DL do not shriek. They say, "I DO."
In WDW, the attic is a lot darker and bigger, instead of the haunted piano, there is a just shrieks and screams. The bride in WDW is much bigger, and has a green face. She also glows more.

The graveyard is very, very similar in both mansions. Except for the flying ghosts, in Dl they are more straight and don't go all over the place like WDW's do.

In DL, guests are proceeded through the hitchhiking ghosts, and get unload form their doombuggies right after the mirrors. They then see Little Leota on their way out, in which they move up an escalator.
In WDW, it is the same except they are still in their doombuggies when they pass under Little Leota, WDW guests don't have to move up the escalator. Instead they exit through the crypt hallway.

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